Soy Vasilievna Ryleeva

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Soja Wassiljewna Rylejewa ( Russian Зоя Васильевна Рылеева ; * 1919 in Kiev ; † 2013 in Tel Aviv-Jaffa ) was a Ukrainian - Russian - Israeli sculptor .


Rylejewa came from the noble family Relejew and was a descendant of the Decembrist Kondrati Fyodorowitsch Rylejew . On her mother's side she was the great-granddaughter of the French Jew Baal, who was responsible for the start of the tram in Paris by Napoleon III. was ennobled . Ryleeva began studying at the Kiev Art Institute . During the German-Soviet War , she studied at the Moscow Art Institute, which was named after Vasily Ivanovich Surikov in 1948 . She graduated from the Moscow Academy of Painting and Sculpture in 1949 .

Fountain of Friendship of Peoples, Exhibition of Economic Achievements, Moscow
Fountain of the Stone Flower, Exhibition of National Economic Achievements, Moscow

1950–1954 Rylejewa worked as a sculptor for the exhibition of the economic achievements of the USSR in Moscow. There she furnished the Pavilion of Ukraine (today Pavilion of Agriculture ) and modeled sculptures for the Pavilion of Georgia . Together with the architect Konstantin Tichonowitsch Topuridze and the sculptor Prokopi Ivanovich Dobrynin she created the fountain of the stone flower . 1951–1954 Rylejewa was involved with Alexei Ilyich Teneta and Iossif Moissejewitsch Tschaikow in the construction of the fountain of friendship among peoples by creating the golden sheaf in the middle.

1965-1970 Rylejewa created three memorials for the women's pilot regiment of the pilot Marina Michailowna Raskowa in Kerch , Moscow and Poland . She created the Wandering Warrior in Pavlovsky Posad with the names of a thousand fallen on the stele .

1965–1970 Rylejewa modeled three sets of soldiers for the Progress factory , with whom several generations played. For the battle on the ice in 1968 first Russian and then German knights were created.

In 1974 Ryleeva emigrated to Israel . She lived in Bat Jam and carried out more than 40 personal exhibitions in Philadelphia , Amsterdam , Paris , Berlin , Moscow and Tel Aviv-Jaffa.

Rylejewa's works include many portraits , for example by Theodor Herzl , David Ben-Gurion , Golda Meir , Jitzchak Rabin , Ariel Sharon , Scholem Alejchem , Marc Chagall , Vladimir Nabokov , Chaim Nachman Bialik and Avraham Shlonsky .

Rylejewa was married to the architect Alexei Alexandrovich Tazi , with whom she had the daughter Ira and who died in 1967. Ira married the artist Jan Rauchwerger .

Ryleeva was buried in Tel Aviv-Jaffa.

Individual evidence

  1. Рылеева Зоя Васильевна (accessed June 22, 2018).
  2. Шели Шрайман. Крепкая порода (accessed June 21, 2018).
  3. a b c Зоя Васильевна Рылеева (accessed June 21, 2018).
  4. a b c Нефедов П. В .: Путеводитель по ВДНХ . Moscow 2014, ISBN 978-5-4330-0033-9 , pp. 88-162 .
  5. "Бильярд в Яффо" и "Козлиная песнь" (accessed on June 21, 2018).
  6. Владимир Островский: Еврейские потомки декабриста Рылеева (accessed June 21, 2018).