Souad Mekhennet

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Souad Mekhennet at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2017

Souad Mekhennet (* 1978 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German journalist and non-fiction author. She was and is a journalist for The New York Times , the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the ZDF , previously also for the Frankfurter Rundschau and the Hessischer Rundfunk as well as the newspaper Die Woche . She has also worked for the ARD studio in Morocco and in Hamburg for the Hamburger Morgenpost , Stern and Die Zeit . She has been with The Washington Post for some time . After September 11, 2001, she reported on the conflicts in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.


Mekhennet is the daughter of Turkish - Moroccan parents and grew up as the third of four children in the Nordend district of Frankfurt . She spent three years of her childhood with her grandmother in Morocco.

She attended the Henri Nannen School for Journalism in Hamburg and studied political science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main .


Mekhennet was one of the two journalists who published the first article on the Khaled el-Masri case .

Together with Michael Moss , she was able to speak to leaders of al-Qaeda in the Maghreb about the motives of the jihadists .

She is a co-author of The Children of Jihad and Islam .

Together with Nicholas Kulish she researched the life of the concentration camp doctor Aribert Heim for years . The research revealed that the SS doctor Aribert Heim, who allegedly died in 1992, had fled to Cairo and lived there under a false name. Mekhennet smuggled Heim's briefcase out of Egypt at risk of death in order to use the documents it contained to prove that Heim lived in the Egyptian capital under the false name of Tarek Hussein Farid.


Souad Mekhennet, 2018 when receiving the Ludwig Börne Prize in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt

Book publications

Web links

Commons : Souad Mekhennet  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Souad Mekhennet: Only if you come alone. A reporter behind the fronts of jihad. CHBeck Verlag, Munich 2017, p. 365
  2. Do you just want something to do with jihadists? , Die Welt, December 29, 2014
  3. German's Claim of Kidnapping Brings Investigation of US Link , Don van Natta Jr. and Souad Mekhennet, NYT January 9, 2005, accessed February 10, 2011
  4. ^ Inside the Jihad: Coverage by Michael Moss and Souad Mekhennet , The New York Times, 2007–2008, accessed February 10, 2011
  5. Do you just want something to do with jihadists? , Die Welt, December 29, 2014
  6. ^ Ludwig Börne Foundation
  7. CHBeck author Souad Mekhennet receives the special award from the STERN editor-in-chief ,, published and accessed on April 11, 2018
  8. International Leadership Award: Simon Wiesenthal Center honors Souad Mekhennet . ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed November 19, 2019]).
  9. Michael Schwelien time 42/2006 [1]