Toys for the weaker

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Original title Toys for the weaker
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1987
length 17 minutes
Director Karlheinz mouth
script Andreas Voigt
Karlheinz Mund
production DEFA studio for documentaries
music Gerhard Schöne
camera Rainer M. Schulz
cut Angela Wendt

Toys for the Weaker is a documentary film made by DEFA Studio for Documentaries by Karlheinz Mund in 1987 .


Once a month the mentally handicapped youngsters in a sheltered workshop in Sonneberg go to the German Toy Museum in the same place and deliver their self-made toys for sale. 14 disabled people work in this workshop and the film people will accompany them for a while.

Helene Haeusler , a trained kindergarten teacher and former lecturer at the University of Applied Arts in Sonneberg, is 82 years old at the time of the recordings. Nine years ago she began to set up this workshop together with a former student. The working day is six hours for the employees and during this time releases them from their isolation. Here, under the guidance of Helene Haeusler, they manufacture the therapeutic toys she has developed, which are tailored to the individual abilities and skills of the disabled.

Helene Haeusler made toys decades ago, including the “Heinerle” doll made of fabric with soft filling material in 1927, which is still very popular with children today. The cameraman watches her at work and shows the many toys she has developed in her apartment. She conveys the harmonious, fulfilled charisma of her personality, her intelligent wit and charm. Also in the pictures with the children playing with their stuffed animals, the natural joy that breaks the boundaries of the often found distance between non-disabled and disabled becomes visible.

Production and publication

Toys for the weaker were shot by the KAG document under the working title Helene Haeusler on ORWO color.

The first demonstrable performance took place on January 8, 1987 in the series offers at the Babylon cinema in Berlin . The film was shown for the first time on July 24, 1988 in the second program of GDR television .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Berliner Zeitung of January 3, 1987, p. 12
  2. Neues Deutschland, July 23, 1988, p. 15