Morning world

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Morgenwelt one is New Wave - science fiction -novel by British author John Brunner . Along with his novels Schafe Look Up (The Sheep Look Up, 1972) and Schockwellenreiter (The Shockwave Rider, 1975), he is one of the author's most important works. It was published in 1968 and takes place around 2010. The English title "Stand on Zanzibar" refers to the fact that at this time the world population would be crowded together across the entire island of Zanzibar , which would amount to around 10.5 billion people.

Overview and style

John Brunner projected social and ecological realities of his time, not always correctly, into a future that can actually be described as our present day. However, in other novels as well, the author is characterized by a differentiated sociological perspective that goes far beyond the standard of a conventional SF author, so that the misjudgment of some future developments ultimately only insignificantly affects the literary performance.

The first decade of the 21st century : The (in Brunner's time) capitalist states are practically run by global corporations. Adversaries and competitors for the last resources are the large communist states of the Soviet Union and China . The fictional fascist dictatorship Jatakang depicts the states of Japan, Taiwan and (South) Korea, which have been emerging since 1968. The poorer states of Africa are joining together to form large blocs in order to avoid the threat of annexation . The population pressure has become unbearable. With drastic birth restrictions and the rigorous eradication of all hereditary diseases , it is hoped to master the overpopulation. The bleak life can only be endured by drugs of all kinds, all of which are legal and desirable because they keep the citizens calm. The complete sexual permissiveness, which is also tolerated, does not even stop at incest . Gunmen and violent rioting are the order of the day.

In a firework of various pieces of information (for example: " IS HEREBY REGULATING: The presence of the genes listed in Appendix B is ipso facto the reason to sterilize every male child when they reach puberty ... "), the reader must first look at this description of the condition work out. From the hodgepodge of advertisements, television slogans, socially critical comments, official announcements, short episodes with different people, the main protagonists emerge:

main characters

  • Norman Niblock House, an arrogant-looking African American who is from the slums to the upper management -Etage the World Group's managed GT (General Technics). He basically despises the whites, and his greatest pleasure is showing off his workmates.
  • Donald Hogan. After completing his studies, he was employed by the state as a synthesizer. His job is to read everything possible and to create creative connections from it. He tries to go through life inconspicuously. Since rents are unaffordable in metropolitan areas, he is subtenant in the Norman House apartment. Both value distance and only share their changing brides.
  • Chad C. Mulligan, a world-famous, previously believed dead sociologist and vulgar critic of society. He had just drunk into a bum life out of frustration.
  • Elihu Masters, American ambassador , also African American. Instead of accepting an attractive post, he preferred to stay in a godforsaken, utterly impoverished African country on the west coast called Beninia.
  • The country of Beninia, which, although small, weak, bitterly poor and completely insignificant, has so far inexplicably managed to survive in the pincers of large African confederations and other desires. Its inhabitants are considered to be absolutely peace-loving. They are said to be powerful wizards and steal the heart of attackers. Therefore, they are taboo especially with the African neighbors .


The ever popular Obomi, President of Beninia, who skilfully navigates between the different fronts, sees his end approaching. He is looking for a solution so that Beninia can continue to survive. His close friend is Ambassador Elihu, who is already "addicted to Beninia". After careful and wise consideration, he turns to the GT Group. He quickly recognizes Norman House's abilities and emotional power behind the arrogant facade. Together they both manage to convince GT (in the form of the very old owner, Grandma GT, who mainly consists of spare parts ) of a tempting plan: Beninia becomes the logistical center for the extraction of ores on the seabed, which has been compared to so far other sources was unprofitable , but could become worthwhile in the future due to the impending scarcity of raw materials , so that GT then has a decisive competitive advantage with the complete production structure. The rotten port of Beninia is being expanded, the ore is pumped from the seabed directly to this port with large pipes, where it is further processed and shipped. Since a large number of qualified specialists are required for this project, the state is funded by educational institutes , health care, etc. at the expense of GT Infrastructure . This group also offers protection from foreign aggressors .

The four protagonists finally meet at one of New York's decadent parties. Chad Mulligan has decided to participate in social life again. Since he is fascinated by the sociological phenomenon Beninia, he can be persuaded to come along. Donald Hogan, on the other hand, is torn from his tranquil life. In Jatakang, an internationally renowned Jatakang scientist has succeeded in retrospectively repairing genetically damaged embryos . Hogan is charged with investigating this rumor as an undercover agent . To this end, he is brainwashed into a killer machine . While trying to kidnap the scientist, he accidentally kills him. This breaks him and has to be treated therapeutically in a sanatorium.

Meanwhile, the Beninia project is thriving, despite the permanent shortage of funds. Norman and Chad have also become addicted to Beninia. Chad's research team finally found out that a tribe of Beninians, the Schinka, had a dominant mutation : They release an anti- aggression " sedative fragrance ". Through contact and, above all, mixing with invaders (such as slave traders ), they were unable to act. One plans to be able to transmit this gene to other people. Donald Hogan's wish to visit his friends in Beninia is granted. But the attempt fails. Ultimately, he no longer seems to be able to lead a normal life.



  • John Brunner: "Stand on Zanzibar", Doubleday 1968 (first edition)
  • John Brunner: "Stand on Zanzibar", Gollancz 1999 (new edition) - ISBN 1-85798-836-1
  • John Brunner: "Morgenwelt", Heyne 1980 (German first edition) - ISBN 3-453-30653-8
  • John Brunner: "Morgenwelt", Heyne 2000 (new edition) - ISBN 3-453-16182-3

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