Strategic and Policy Forum

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The Strategic and Policy Forum was a group of advisors launched by US President Donald Trump . The objective was to show the government, from the perspective of business leaders, how jobs can be created and growth for the US economy improved.

The first joint meeting took place in February 2017. The members were respected managers, mostly CEOs (chairmen of the board of directors) of large companies.

After several resignations in connection with Trump's reaction to the violent riots in Charlottesville, Trump announced on August 16 that this advisory group and the similar American Manufacturing Council would be dissolved : “Instead of putting pressure on the businessmen in the Manufacturing Council and the Strategy & Policy Forum, quit me both I thank all of you!"

Members until August 16, 2017

Members who prematurely terminated their work in the Strategic and Policy Forum

On February 2, 2017, he announced his resignation from this position. Before that, there had been calls on the Internet to boycott the driving service because of its proximity to Trump.

The panel left Musk in response to Donald Trump's announcement that the United States would withdraw from the Paris Agreement .

In response to Donald Trump's comments on the far-right demonstrations in Charlottesville in August 2017 , several members left the panel:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Announcement of the establishment of the forum by the transition team on
  2. White House business panels collapse as CEOs flee Trump
  3. Because of Charlottesville statements, Trump is completely without a CEO
  4. Der Tagesspiegel: Trump names himself top climate protector
  5. Musk's Twitter statement cited in the Huffington Post