Sven Hüber

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Sven Hüber (* 1964 in Görlitz ) is a former political officer of the border troops of the GDR and today chairman of the main staff council of the Federal Police .


From 1983 to 1987 Hüber studied social sciences at the officers' college "Rosa Luxemburg" of the border troops in Suhl. In his diploma thesis entitled The Federal Border Guard as an Instrument to Safeguard Imperial Power and Rule , he stated that the Federal Border Guard (now the Federal Police) had the task of eradicating socialism as part of the imperialist confrontation strategy pursued by the Federal Republic, which also included military means. After the end of the GDR, Hüber stated that he had produced the work “solely for the purpose of obtaining the diploma, without being convinced of the content of what he wrote there”.

Following his studies, from the end of August 1987 until the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, he served in the Grenzregiment 33 ( Berlin-Treptow ) first as a political officer and deputy company commander, and from autumn 1988 as a so-called youth instructor. His work included the political training and indoctrination of the border guards. Looking back, Hüber said in court that he had only done youth and leisure work for the FDJ . “Our Chancellor did that too.” For example, he organized summer parties , youth tourist trips, cultural events and solidarity campaigns, collected contributions and instructed FDJ secretaries.

After the German reunification , Hüber was able to seamlessly continue his career with the Federal Border Police , today's Federal Police . Hüber is the first police chief commissioner and as chairman of the main staff council (HPR) of the federal police at the Federal Ministry of the Interior . In his position he is rapporteur for the HPR for the promotion to the higher police force. So he decides who will rise to the highest ranks. Hüber is also deputy chairman of the police union - Federal Police District.

Appearances in the media and in public

Hüber became known to a wider public as a police unionist since 1999 through statements on various topics related to the Federal Police, both in the mass media (including Der Spiegel , Focus , Süddeutsche Zeitung , Die Welt , Berliner Morgenpost ) and through an article he wrote himself in the union's own Monthly newspaper German Police . Together with the then Federal Minister of the Interior Otto Schily , Hüber appeared before the journalists at the Federal Press Conference in July 2002 , and talks with high-ranking members of the Bundestag were also part of his field of activity as a high trade union representative.

In 2002, WDR school television produced a film about youth in the GDR with Sven Hüber as a contemporary witness , which the broadcaster recommended for schoolchildren "from the 8th school year". The film says: “Born in Görlitz in 1964, Sven Hüber belongs to the GDR generation for whom the wall and the divided Germany are a matter of course, almost a 'natural phenomenon'. [...] After school, Sven volunteers for the border troops and starts his career as an officer. A service that is only suitable for selected soldiers, because the border is the country's Achilles heel. "

In the Berlin Wall Museum "Haus am Checkpoint Charlie" , Hüber held 47 lectures on the GDR border regime around 2003 as an expert recognized by his former leadership role in the GDR border troops and reported his experiences to interested laypeople. He also gave a publicly announced lecture in 2003 at the Marienfelde emergency reception center in Berlin , which is dedicated to the German-German refugee movements.

In 2004, in a letter to the editor published in the Berliner Zeitung , Hüber protested - as a private person, without reference to his previous or current professional activity - against Hubertus Knabe's nomination as head of the Hohenschönhausen Memorial : He had come to terms with the comment that in 1945 there would be "no exemption, but only the beginning of a new dictatorship "given," disqualified "and" moved to the German national corner ".

Legal dispute about Hübers GDR past and personal rights

Between 2005 and 2007, Hüber became the focus of a political and social controversy due to a legal dispute he had brought about, which revolved around questions of both press freedom and the political and moral responsibility of former officials in the GDR.

In 2004, the author Roman Grafe mentioned in his book German Justice - Trials against GDR border guards and their commanders that Hüber served in 1989 as a political officer in the Berlin border regiment 33 (Treptow). On February 5, 1989, Chris Gueffroy , the last victim to be killed by the use of weapons on the inner-German border , was shot dead in Hübers section .

In his book, Grafe indirectly gives Hüber a moral complicity in the death of the GDR refugee. Hüber sued the Berlin Regional Court against the distribution of the book in its current version. Hüber rejected joint responsibility for Gueffroy's murder and, citing his personal rights , demanded the protection of his anonymity. According to Hüber, there is no public interest in naming his name.

The Berlin regional court followed Hübers' argument and, with a judgment of February 2, 2006, prohibited Siedler Verlag from further distribution of the publication. The Süddeutsche Zeitung was prohibited from reporting on the proceedings for the same reason . Hüber also had the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung prohibited from publicly identifying him as the plaintiff in the dispute. Hüber obtained similar declarations of cease and desist against the Berliner Zeitung , the Germany Archive and the Neue Zürcher Zeitung . Without mentioning the legal dispute over the book, Hüber had already tried to have his short biography, which was included in a list of speakers at the Wall Museum "Haus am Checkpoint Charlie" , removed from the Internet, in which he was a former deputy company commander and staff officer in Treptower Border Regiment 33 was expelled.

In December 2006 the International Society for Human Rights published an appeal for protest against the decisions of the Berlin Regional Court under the title “Censorship is taking place - attack on freedom of the press”, which was picked up by several media outlets. He was joined by the Robert Havemann Society as well as numerous well-known artists, publicists, lawyers, scientists, politicians, police officers and former GDR civil rights activists (including Ralph Giordano , Wolf Biermann , Wolfgang Thierse , Freya Klier , Walter Kempowski , Erich Loest , Heinrich Breloer ). In analogy to the previous injunctions, Hüber successfully enforced that the public appeal was withdrawn. At the same time, the district chairman of the police union for the federal police took him under protection on behalf of the GdP in view of the criticism of his actions, and praised his fellow board member Hüber to signatories of the appeal as a man who had "dealt very intensively with his past" .

The publishing house and Grafe as well as the Süddeutsche Zeitung appealed against the decisions of the regional court. On March 16 and 19, 2007, the Berlin Court of Appeal lifted both the ban on naming names in the book and the ban on identifying media coverage. In September 2007 the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) rejected a complaint from Hübers against the non-admission of the appeal. Hüber lodged a complaint against this decision , which was rejected in November 2007. According to Süddeutscher Zeitung , he was financially supported in the legal dispute by the police union (GdP), whose deputy district chairman was Hüber at the time.


  • Roman Grafe : German Justice . Trials against GDR border guards and their commanders. Siedler, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-88680-819-X .
  • Regina Mönch : German Justice. The political officer's second career. In: FAZ , December 5, 2006.
  • Joachim Güntner: Example of a turning point. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung , December 9, 2006.
  • Tilmann Lahme: Nameless shared responsibility. In: FAZ , January 5, 2007.
  • I can't eat as much as I want to throw up ... A book ban, a court date and a letter from the writer Ralph Giordano in full. In: Südthüringer Zeitung , March 8, 2007.
  • “There is no censorship.” Attack on freedom of the press. Call for protest against the first instance court decision, published by the ISHR in 2006 and later withdrawn in the course of the legal dispute
  • Joachim Güntner: History is still smoking, who can delete it? In: Stuttgarter Zeitung , December 12, 2006.
  • Ralf Husemann: "Civil courage and courage": The GDR past of a high-ranking federal police officer . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , May 18, 2009
  • Heribert Prantl : Against the censorship of historiography: Why one can report again from now on about a GDR officer who is now a senior federal police officer . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , April 18, 2007

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Benedict Mülder: No name, no face - why the GDR historiography must not be censored by the courts . Kontraste , ARD, March 8, 2007 (TV report), accessed April 2, 2012
  2. a b c d e f Berlin Court of Appeal: Judgment file number 9 U 88/06 grounds for judgment of March 16, 2007, accessed on April 2, 2012
  3. ^ A b Roman Grafe: A German Career and a Justice Nightmare . In: , October 24, 2007; Retrieved April 3, 2012
  4. Renate Oschlies: Ex-political officer does not want to be named. GDR border guards sued the author and publisher . In: Berliner Zeitung , December 9, 2005.
  5. ^ Horand Knaup, Andreas Wassermann, Jürgen Dahlkamp: Federal border police: Kriminelle Energie . In: Der Spiegel . No. 5 , 2000 ( online ).
  6. Britta Voigt: Slogan: Continue muddling. Due to a lack of personnel, the German eastern border can no longer be adequately secured . In: Focus from August 21, 2000
  7. Dominik Hutter: Securing buildings - but how? The Federal Border Police warns of the consequences of his shortage of personnel . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung of March 17, 2004
  8. Hans H. Nibbrig: Police force fight against sprayers . In: Die Welt , April 9, 2005
  9. Hans H. Nibbrig: Police and BGS force the fight against sprayers. In: Berliner Morgenpost , April 9, 2005.
  10. Sven Hüber: Federal Border Police: Only the shoulder pieces remained as they were . (PDF) In: Ten Years Later , special supplement to the magazine German Police from November 1999, pp. 14–15, accessed on May 4, 2012
  11. Alessandro Nasini: Youth in the GDR . WDR school television, November 27, 2002
  12. Sven Hüber: Unbearable statement by Mr. Hubertus Knabe . In: Berliner Zeitung , May 10, 2004, letter to the editor.
  13. Joseph Budek: The former political officer of the Berlin border troops (East Germany) Sven Hüber ( Memento of 7 June 2010 at the Internet Archive ) undated, accessed 2 April 2012
  14. Matthias Schlegel: Ban prohibit. Appeal from celebrities: Judgment on book about GDR border regime may not become legally binding ( memento of October 22, 2007 in the Internet Archive ), in: Der Tagesspiegel , December 3, 2006
  15. Hans Michael Kloth: Press law: Celebrities must be silent . Spiegel Online , December 11, 2006, accessed April 2, 2012
  16. Manfred Wilke: The Grafe process: Moral complicity may (again) be named . (PDF) July 2007, accessed April 3, 2012
  17. Berlin Court of Appeal: Judgment file number 10 U 49/06 grounds for judgment of March 19, 2007, accessed on April 2, 2012
  18. Supreme Court: Naming a former officer of the East German border troops allowed (PM 16/2007) . Senate Department for Justice, Berlin, press release of March 19, 2007, accessed on April 3, 2012
  19. Renate Oschlies: Political officer of the GDR may be exposed . In: Berliner Zeitung , March 20, 2007
  20. ^ Federal Court of Justice: Order of November 6, 2007, VI ZR 118/07. In: , accessed on April 2, 2012
  21. Former political officer is subject to the BGH . In: , October 24, 2007 ( reprinted one day later in the Süddeutsche Zeitung )