Day trip

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Day trips are in Travel Law Travel , whose duration, only one day is. The term was also used as a historical indication of distance .


Day trips can pursue two different travel purposes. On the one hand there are day trips with private motive , they include foreign organized or self-organized trips , butter rides , coffee tours , cycling , tours , sightseeing or hiking trips that last longer than one day. On the other hand, there are day trips with a business motive , which are referred to as day business trips ( business trips ). It therefore does not depend on the purpose of the trip, but solely on the duration of the trip.

Travel law

In the travel law of the EU member states, the legal term day trips is used when the travel time is less than 24 hours, does not include an overnight stay and the travel price per person is less than 500 euros. These day trips do not belong to the package tours ( § 651a Paragraph 5 BGB ), so that the consumer-friendly travel law does not apply to them. It should not be confused with the day trip , which is part of a package tour.


In the statistics, only those trips are counted as trips with a trip duration of more than five days. From a statistical point of view, the day trip is not a trip. Day trips are the most important market segment of the German tourism market . A federal-state study on day trips showed that the German population made a total of 2.947 billion day trips between May 2012 and April 2013 (of which 17.5% were day business trips; organized day trips). Organized day trips are therefore booked above average by older (over 60 years old) consumers from one-person households.

The day trip in history

The day trip is derived from the military day march . It also corresponded to the distance that a pack or draft animal with a wagon could cover in the course of a day on known but unpaved roads. A day trip (or day trip ) used to be the distance that someone could cover during the day on foot or by horse ( day ride ), it varied between 10 km and 40 km or between 50 and 60 km. Depending on the environment, there were more or less different information. According to biblical reports, 40 km is assumed for the ancient Near East . In Ex 3.18  EU it says: "And now we want to march three days into the desert and offer sacrifices to the LORD our God". The Jewish traveler Benjamin von Tudela also covered 40 km a day on his travels in the 12th century. In Arabic literature there is the indication of 6  Persian miles  (34.56 km). The Hellweg was divided into day trips of 15 to 30 km.

Even among the Jews , a common day trip is said to have been 12,000 paces or 22 Italian miles (33 km), a mean day trip 3,600 paces , the shortest on the Sabbath 2,000 paces. For the Chinese , the day trip was 30,000 paces long, while the Romans calculated it to be 20 Italian miles (29.6 km). They differentiated between the place of change of means of transport ( Latin mutatio ) and night quarters ( Latin mansio ), with the night quarters being a day's journey from each other (37 km), while the changing places were no more than 18 km apart.

In the Middle Ages , day trips of 30 to 40 km for pedestrians and 50 to 60 km for riders were expected. The messengers came to 100 km and more. It was often not allowed a farmyard to build at a distance of more than a day's journey from his Abbey. The rules of the order of the Cistercian monks stipulated that the farms of a monastery must be reached within a day's journey; The historian Martina Schattkowsky showed that most of the monastery courtyards of the Saxon Altzelle monastery were located within a 23 km radius of the abbey.

Emerged at the designated day goals already in the early fortifications , later fortresses and administrative centers . Often, after half a day's journey, partially paved storage areas were set up. Where land was colonized according to plan, the paths can still be traced today. So in the state of Brandenburg in many areas - if the locality allowed - there are cities on the streets at a distance of about 25 km - the result of the eastern colonization in the 12th and 13th centuries. As a result of the fortification of the target locations, the development of the areas in between was neglected: the clear structure of town and country emerged, as you can still find it today.

In California , from 1769 , the missionaries built their mission stations on El Camino Real a day's journey away by horse. The El Camino Real follows US Highway 101 in some sections . Founded in April 1860 rider relay of Pony Express bridged the total distance of 3,100 km through 16 to 36 km apart intermediate stations away ( English station ), there were nights in major towns ( english home station ). They carried the mail in a special saddlebag ( Spanish mochilla , "backpack").

If the term day trip is used today, it is dependent on the travel speed of the means of transport . The distances can vary between 10 and 10,000 km in air traffic.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Day trips by the Germans . Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, April 2014, p. 5
  2. ↑ Day trips of the Germans - basic study . German Economic Institute for Tourism e. V., April 2014, p. 23 ff.
  3. "Islamic Custom"
  4. Joachim Ernst von Beust: From the different meanings of the word post and post shelf . Volume 1. 1747, p. 461
  5. ^ Anne Kolb: Transport and message transfer in the Roman Empire . 2000, p. 231
  6. ^ Günther Binding , Susanne Linscheid-Burdich, Julia Wippermann: Planning and Building in the Early and High Middle Ages according to written sources up to 1250 . 2002, p. 533
  7. Martina Schattkowsky: Economic basics of monastery life in old cell. In: Altzelle, Cistercian abbey in Central Germany and house monastery of the Wettins . Leipzig 2002, p. 147