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Río Tajuña
Río Tajuña near El Sotillo

Río Tajuña near El Sotillo

location Guadalajara and Madrid provinces , Spain
River system Tagus
Drain over Jarama  → Tajo  → Atlantic
source Iberian Mountains
41 ° 1 ′ 33 ″  N , 2 ° 10 ′ 7 ″  W
Source height 1244  msnm
muzzle Jarama coordinates: 40 ° 7 ′ 42 "  N , 3 ° 34 ′ 57"  W 40 ° 7 ′ 42 "  N , 3 ° 34 ′ 57"  W.
Mouth height 498  msnm
Height difference 746 m
Bottom slope 2.9 ‰
length 254 km
Catchment area 2608 km²
Drain MQ
1.87 m³ / s
Left tributaries Río Ungría
Reservoirs flowed through Embalse de La Tajera
Communities Anguita , Ambite
Reservoir La Tajera

The Río Tajuña ( Latin Tagonius ) is a 254 km long left tributary of the Río Jarama in the central Spanish provinces of Guadalajara and Madrid in New Castile .


The source of the Río Tajuña is located on the southwestern side of the Iberian Mountains near the village of Clares in the municipality of Maranchón . His path leads first to the west through the La Tajera reservoir and then from the village of Anguita to predominantly southwest and southern flow directions. The Río Tajuña finally flows into the Río Jarama southwest of the town of Titulcia .


After the snow melts and after heavy rainfall, the Río Tajuña takes in a large number of more or less small streams and tributaries in its upper reaches; however, most of them run out of water in summer and autumn. The only permanent water-bearing tributary is the Río Ungría , which flows into the Río Tajuña at Armuña de Tajuña .


The Río Tajuña is of great importance for the irrigation of the arable land on its banks. This also explains the very low flow rate at its confluence with the Río Jarama.

Places on the river

Guadalajara Province
Autonomous Region of Madrid


In the valley of the Río Tajuña settled in the 3rd century BC. BC and probably earlier Celtiberian groups; later the Roman road from Mérida ( Emerita Augusta ) to Tarragona ( Tarraco ) led along the river bank.


The most scenic areas are on the upper reaches of the Río Tajuña; There are also fishing opportunities there. Culturally significant sights along the river are rare; the most interesting places are Luzón , Anguita and Carabaña .

Web links

Commons : Tajuña River  - collection of images, videos and audio files