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Coordinates: 36 ° 43 ′  S , 73 ° 7 ′  W
Map: Chile
Talcahuano on the map of Chile
Basic data
Country Chile
City foundation 1764
Residents 148,440  (2017)
City insignia
Escudo de Talcahuano.svg
Detailed data
height m
After the 2010 tsunami
Map of the area

Talcahuano [ talkaˈwano ] is a city in Chile . It has 148,440 inhabitants (2017 census) and is located in the Concepcións agglomeration in the Bío-Bío region . The port city has a military and industrial character.


In 1544, Captain Juan Bautista Pastene was the first European to reach the Talcahuano area. In 1601, Governor Alonso de Ribera decided to build a port on the Tumbes peninsula. The city was officially founded on November 5, 1764 by 'Antonio de Guill y Gonzaga'. During the Chilean independence, the Spanish troops holed up in Talcahuano in 1818. At El Cerro la “U” mountain, Bernardo O'Higgins declared Chile independent from Spain. In 1872 Talcahuano received a railway connection, which made the city one of the most important Chilean ports. In 1875 Talcahuano had 2,495 inhabitants.

On February 20, 1835 and May 22, 1960, Talcahuano was destroyed by large tsunamis . In the 1960 earthquake , 65 percent of the city was destroyed.

On March 15, 2004, Hualpén with 85,928 inhabitants (2002 census) was spun off from Talcahuano and declared an independent municipality. The city was particularly hard hit by the earthquake in February 2010 and the tsunami that followed. A mighty wave flooded the main square and left a large fishing boat on the streets. The port facilities were flooded, industrial plants and oil plants were flooded.


The Huáscar , an important warship and symbol of Chile's naval power, lies at the naval base . It was captured in the saltpeter war against Peru in 1879 .

The steam tug Ram Poderoso is a museum ship. Culinary specialties ( empanadas , seafood ) are available in the fishing village of Tumbes . The Talcahuanos fish market is also known.

In 1915, the crew of the small German cruiser SMS Dresden was interned on the four-kilometer-by-500-meter Isla Quiriquina, which can be reached by boat in 40 minutes, on the Juan Fernández Islands after the battle in the Cumberland Bay, eleven kilometers north of Talcahuano was captured. During the Chilean military dictatorship in 1973, the army used the island as a concentration and torture camp. Mass graves of concentration camp inmates on the island are suspected.

The Pedro del Río Zañartu Museum and Park in Hualpén , the ranch is a national Chilean monument.

Playa Rocoto is a popular camping and sea fishing area; Playa Ramuntcho is a long bathing beach.


Talcahuano is an important loading port for Chilean wheat. There is a petrochemical terminal and a fishing area in the port. A railway connection serves as an important supply route for Region IX ( Región de la Araucanía ). The port of Talcahuano as well as the neighboring ports of San Vicente and Lirquen were badly damaged by a tsunami in the earthquake on February 27, 2010.

The facilities at the Huachipato steelworks are an important pillar of the port.

Talcahuano is also an important naval base for the submarine fleet . The city has its own airport, Carriel Sur Airport nine kilometers east of the city.

ASMAR (Astilleros y Maestranzas de la Armada) is a shipyard of the Chilean Navy in Talcahuano .

Town twinning

See also

Web links

Commons : Talcahuano  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. earthquake.usgs.gov ( Memento of the original from August 6, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / earthquake.usgs.gov
  2. www.nytimes.com
  3. More than a hundred survivors buried under high-rise rubble. In: Spiegel Online. February 28, 2010, accessed December 7, 2014 .