List of cities in Chile

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The list of cities in Chile provides an overview of the development of the population of the larger cities of the South American state of Chile . A list of cities in north-south direction is also given. A table of the largest municipalities by population and an alphabetical overview of all 346 municipalities in the country can be found under List of municipalities in Chile .

Agglomerations by population

By far the largest agglomeration in Chile is Santiago with a population of 6.2 million. This means that around 40 percent of the country's population is concentrated in the capital region. The largest agglomerations in Chile are (2017 census):

rank Agglomeration Residents
1. Santiago de Chile 6.160.040
2. Valparaíso 901.468
3. Concepción 722.929
4th La Serena 401.938
5. Antofagasta 352,638
6th Rancagua 290,864
7th Temuco 278,513
8th. Talca / Maule 249,744
9. Arica 204.078
10. Chillan 196.056

Urban settlements by population

According to the definition of the Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE), a place with a population of 5,000 or more is statistically a city or an urban settlement. According to this, there were 239 cities in Chile at the 2002 census .

The following table lists the urban settlements with more than 40,000 inhabitants, and the results of censuses (VZ) of 21 April 1982 22 April 1992 24 April 2002 and 21 April 2017. Listed is the region to who owns the city. The population figures refer to the respective urban settlement - the geographical urban area - not to the city or municipality in the political sense. The municipality of Santiago has only 200,000 inhabitants, the urban settlement area ( área urbana ) 5.2 million.

(VZ = census)

rank Surname VZ 1982 VZ 1992 VZ 2002 VZ 2017 region
1. Santiago de Chile 3,650,541 4,295,593 4,656,690 5,220,161 Metropolitana
2. Puente Alto 110,099 254.127 492,603 568.094 Metropolitana
3. Antofagasta 183,333 225,316 285.255 354.104 Antofagasta
4th Viña del Mar 265,355 285.454 286.931 334.248 Valparaíso
5. Valparaíso 265,355 274.228 263,499 295.918 Valparaíso
6th San Bernardo 117.132 179,398 237,708 291,610 Metropolitana
7th Temuco 157.297 185.936 232,528 263.165 Araucanía
8th. Rancagua 139,781 179,638 206.971 234.183 Bernardo O'Higgins
9. Talca 128,445 159,711 201,797 220.357 Mouth
10. Concepción 266,953 206,839 212.003 219.057 Bío-Bío
11. Coquimbo 86,000 110,879 148.434 214,550 Coquimbo
12. Arica 139.017 161,333 185.268 204.078 Arica y Parinacota
13. La Serena 83.009 109.293 147.815 200,640 Coquimbo
14th Iquique 110.175 145.139 164.396 189,065 Tarapacá
15th Puerto Montt 84.195 110.139 153.118 171,136 Los Lagos
16. Chillan 118.213 145.759 146.701 164,574 Bío-Bío ( Ñuble )
17th Calama 99,000 106,970 126,135 158,487 Antofagasta
18th Valdivia 99,704 112.712 140,559 154.716 Los Lagos
19th Los Angeles 70,539 94.716 123,445 151.087 Bío-Bío
20th Copiapó 68,953 98,188 125,983 150,962 Atacama
21st Talcahuano ... ... 163.036 150,320 Bío-Bío
22nd Quilpué 84,136 102.233 126,893 149,596 Valparaíso
23. Osorno 95.215 114.239 132.245 147,826 Los Lagos
24. Curicó 60,496 77,733 119,585 132,569 Mouth
25th San Pedro de la Paz ... 67,817 80.159 131,684 Bío-Bío
26th Punta Arenas 97.137 109.110 116.005 125,932 Magellanes
27. Villa Alemana 55,766 70,663 94,802 125,327 Valparaíso
28. Colina 15,484 33,459 58,769 118.018 Metropolitana
29 Coronel 65,957 79,677 91,469 113.074 Bío-Bío
30th Alto Hospicio ... 5,520 50,190 105,884 Tarapacá
31. Hualpén ... ... 85,928 90,985 Bío-Bío
32. Oval 42,895 53,515 73,790 87,539 Coquimbo
33. San Antonio 61,486 74,742 83,435 86,569 Valparaíso
34. Chiguayante ... 56,371 81,238 85,863 Bío-Bío
35. Melipilla 33,654 45,722 53,522 84,724 Metropolitana
36. Peñaflor 36,551 46,711 63.209 83.064 Metropolitana
37. Buín 18,040 52,792 53.506 82,911 Metropolitana
38. Quillota 44,824 53,765 62,231 78,331 Valparaíso
39. Linares 46.364 59,658 65,133 77,672 Mouth
40. San Felipe 31,656 44,327 53,017 69,617 Valparaíso
41. Los Andes 34,613 44.107 55.127 61,017 Valparaíso
42. San Fernando 32,386 42,684 49,519 58,598 Bernardo O'Higgins
43. Talagante 24,851 37.198 49,957 56,990 Metropolitana
44. Padre Hurtado ... 25,783 34,257 55,728 Metropolitana
45. Machalí ... 17,144 23,920 51.504 Bernardo O'Higgins
46. Coyhaique 29,128 36,376 44,850 49,968 Aisen
47. Tomé 34,124 37,394 45,958 49,540 Bío-Bío
48. Angol 31,005 39,151 48.996 48,911 Araucanía
49. La Calera 38,322 44,422 47,836 48,668 Valparaíso
50. Penco 30,972 39,562 45,361 46,900 Bío-Bío
51. Vallenar 38.279 42,725 43,750 46,019 Atacama
52. Lota 47,156 50.123 48,975 43,427 Bío-Bío
53. Alerce ... 1,752 3,024 42,267 Los Lagos
54. Padre Las Casas ... 24,651 33,697 42,136 Araucanía

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE)

Cities from north to south

Map of Chile

Due to the unusual geographic shape of Chile, it makes sense to list its cities in a north-south direction. Below is such a list, which also includes some smaller places:

XV. Region ( Región de Arica y Parinacota )

I. Region ( Región de Tarapacá )

II. Region ( Región de Antofagasta )

III. Region ( Región de Atacama )

IV. Region ( Región de Coquimbo )

V. Region ( Región de Valparaíso )

Capital Region (RM or Región Metropolitana )

VI. Region ( Región del Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins )

VII. Region ( Región del Maule )

XVI. Region ( Región de Ñuble )

VIII. Region ( Región del Bío-Bío )

IX. Region ( Región de la Araucanía )

XIV. Region ( Región de los Ríos )

X. Region ( Región de los Lagos )

XI. Region ( Región de Aisén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo )

XII. Region ( Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena )

See also

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