Tamara Spitzing

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Tamara Spitzing (born September 2, 1957 in Hamburg ) is a German documentary filmmaker. Her work focuses on archeology, culture, ecology and history.

academic education

In Hamburg and Freiburg she studied prehistory and early history , Roman provincial archeology , classical archeology and ethnology . In 1983 she received her doctorate at the University of Freiburg with Hans Ulrich Nuber with a dissertation on the subject of The Roman Villa of Lauffen am Neckar (Heilbronn district) . After completing her studies, she worked at the Museum of Prehistory and Early History in Freiburg, where she directed museum educational projects and exhibitions and was responsible for public relations.

Activity in the media sector

Tamara Spitzing completed a radio internship at the Hessischer Rundfunk as well as a radio and television internship at the SWR in Baden-Baden. For sending research currently of Germany radio it provided regular science posts. In 1986 she moved to Baden-Baden and Freiburg to what was then Südwestfunk , where she created cultural features and reports and worked as a presenter.

In 1991, Tamara Spitzing became the Freiburg correspondent for the state show on the SWR television program; She is also the author of the programs Report Baden-Baden , W for Knowledge and Planet Knowledge .

Since 1995, more than fifty major documentaries have been made for Südwestrundfunk , ZDF and ARTE . The film The Secret of the Lion Man - Ice Age Art from the Swabian Alb was awarded the Methodology Prize at the International Archaeological Film Festival Cinarchea 2002 in Kiel; For Der Urmensch von Heidelberg , Spitzing received the European Prize at the 2011 Besançon International Film Festival.

Spitzing wrote articles on archaeological topics for the world , the history magazine Damals , the Badische Zeitung and the magazine Archeology in Germany . Her guiding principle is: "Getting to the bottom of things: telling stories and finding pictures that focus on people". She gives lectures at various conferences on the subject of "archeology and media". In 2012 her e-book Adventure Everyday was published by Edition Kindle.

Filmography (selection)

  • The minster on the microchip. SWR 1995
  • New scientific methods in archeology. SWR 1996
  • Hang gliders and witches dance - the candelabra. SWR 1997
  • Planetarium Stuttgart, window to space. SWR 1999
  • The Black Forest costume. SWR 1999
  • Blue - history of a color. SWR 2000
  • The archaeological open-air museum of Bad Buchau. SWR 2000
  • Magical Worlds - The Secret of the Lion Rock in Sri Lanka. ZDF 2001
  • The boldest tower in Christendom - The Freiburg Cathedral. SWR 2001
  • Living with the sun - the solar houses in Freiburg. SWR 2001
  • The Lion Man's Secret - Ice Age Art from the Swabian Alb. SWR 2001
  • Terra X: The Delphi Syndicate. ZDF and ARTE 2003
  • The bone detectives - skeletal researchers on the hunt for criminals. SWR 2003
  • The fight of the farmers for the Black Forest. SWR 2004
  • Landscape of fire and ice - The Hegau volcanoes. SWR 2004
  • People for animals - the history of animal welfare in Baden-Württemberg. SWR 2005
  • The very special juice - the story of donating blood. SWR 2006
  • Treasure hunt in Asia - the old gold country Srivijaya. SWR 2006
  • How the Nile came to the Neckar - For the state exhibition "Egyptian Mummies". SWR 2007
  • The emigrants - stories from old and new homeland. SWR 2007
  • Incense for the Pharaoh. ZDF Expedition ("Terra X" series) 2008
  • On the trail of the missing - the church tracing service. SWR 2009
  • Expedition Höllenloch - The journey to the origins of mankind. ARTE 2009
  • The village doctors - a country doctor's practice in the Black Forest. SWR 2009
  • Dark beauty of Eritrea. ARTE 2009
  • The prehistoric man of Heidelberg. SWR 2010
  • On the trail of crime - the experts from the Stuttgart State Office of Criminal Investigation. SWR 2010
  • The Neandertal Code - The Secret of the First German, ZDF (“History” series) and ARTE 2010
  • The pilot makers. SWR 2012

Publications (selection)

  • The villa rustica of Lauffen a. N. In: Stadt Lauffen am Neckar (Hrsg.): 750 years Stadt Lauffen aN Heimatbuch on the occasion of the city festival 1984. Stadt Lauffen, 1984, p. 62ff.
  • The Roman villa of Lauffen a. N. (District Heilbronn). Theiss, Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 3-8062-0730-5 , ( material booklets on prehistory and early history in Baden-Württemberg , issue 12) (= dissertation).
  • Indiana Jones Syndrome. History television between science and commerce. In: Hans-Joachim Gehrke , Miriam Sénécheau (ed.): History, archeology, public. For a new dialogue between science and the media. Viewpoints from research and practice. Bielefeld 2010. pp. 219-226.

Web links