Scene of the crime: The hard-working Lieschen

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title The hard-working Lieschen
Country of production Germany
original language German
classification Episode 1128 ( List )
First broadcast April 13, 2020 on Das Erste
Director Christian Theede
script Hendrik Hölzemann
production Martin Hofmann
music Dominik Giesriegl
camera Simon Schmejkal
cut Martin Rahner

The industrious Lieschen is a television film from the crime series Tatort . The contribution produced by ProSaar Medienproduktion for Saarländischer Rundfunk is the 1128th Tatort episode and was broadcast on April 13, 2020 in the Das Erste program. The Saarbrücken investigator duo Schürk and Hölzer is investigating in its first case.


At a family celebration, a dispute breaks out in a family business, the Hofer textile factory , because the patriarch of the family, the aged Bernhard Hofer, prefers the younger grandson. Erik Hofer is now to follow him instead of his older brother Konrad. The newly appointed successor is soon found dead. So the investigators Schürk and Hölzer first look for the motive in this conflict before digging deep into the company's history and stumbling upon the trail of a former forced laborer : the then so-called “hard-working Lieschen”, now long widowed. Erik Hofer was not only an unfaithful husband, but he had also amassed gambling debts. The owner of the betting company is temporarily under suspicion. The soft-hearted Konrad, secretly living as a gay, had helped his brother out of the debt trap, but he beats him that night. But neither the brother nor the betting shop owner is ultimately the culprit. In fact, shortly after Konrad had run away, Erik kicked the dog of the passer-by Lida violently. Thereupon she grabs her stick and beats Erik, who falls unhappy and dies. The angry old woman gives the dead another 60 symbolic strokes of the stick. Therefore, the photo of the deceased brings the old Hofer back to their perpetration: It looks like revenge for the 60 beatings that were given to the brother of old Lida, also a slave laborer, and killed him in times of war. At the same time, the investigators were able to reconstruct this old case from the company's files. They arrest the "hardworking Lieschen" (Lida), who confesses.

The inspectors Adam Schürk and Leo Hölzer have known each other since childhood, when they met in a schoolyard brawl. In flashbacks, the viewer experiences moments of a difficult childhood Schürks: his father beat him, Hölzer became his savior by stabbing his father down.


The film was shot from March 13, 2019 to April 11, 2019 in Saarbrücken, Sulzbach, Mettlach, Püttlingen and Merzig. The premiere took place on January 24, 2020 at the Max Ophüls Preis film festival .

The title of the crime scene episode refers to the German retaliatory weapon V3 of the Second World War - the industrious Lieschen .



"The fact that the current 'crime scene' about violence and counter-violence is now just as relentlessly heading towards its topic, despite all the initial difficulties, is the best that could have happened to the Saar district after the Striesow follies of recent years."

“Das industrious Lieschen” by Christian Theede and Hendrik Hölzemann (book) is an ambitious crime thriller, which, however, groans a lot under the weight of its density of events. Occurs more often in debut episodes. The tear-off calendar knows: Every beginning is difficult. After that it gets easier sometimes. "

“Anyone who generally distrusts the fine people and at the same time always had reservations about a certain professional group (no, not gardeners), is like the two investigators on the right track. "If you find the dog, you will find the perpetrator", despite all the gentle misleading and complicating the criminalistic plot, that is beautiful, solid crime wisdom. "

Audience ratings

The first broadcast of Das diligent Lieschen on April 13, 2020 was seen by 10.44 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 27.5% for Das Erste .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Tatort: ​​The hard-working Lieschen at crew united
  2. ^ Tatort - The hardworking Lieschen. The current SR crime scene in a cinema preview. In: special programs. Film Festival Max Ophüls Preis , accessed on February 3, 2020 .
  3. ^ Christian Buß: New "crime scene" commissioners in Saarbrücken. Our fathers, the fascists. In: Culture. Der Spiegel, April 10, 2020, accessed on April 11, 2020 : "Rating: 8 out of 10 points"
  4. Neck and leg shot. Süddeutsche Zeitung, April 14, 2020, accessed on April 14, 2020 .
  5. ^ Judith von Sternburg: New crime scene from Saarbrücken: "The busy Lieschen" is over-motivated. Frankfurter Rundschau, April 14, 2020, accessed on April 14, 2020 .
  6. Sidney Schering: Prime Time check: Easter Monday, 13 April 2020. , April 14, 2020 accessed on 14 April 2020 .