Crime scene: the murder afterwards

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title The murder after that
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 84 minutes
classification Episode 170 ( List )
First broadcast June 23, 1985 on ARD
Director Ivan Schumacher
script Sylvia Hoffman
production Peter Schulze-Rohr
camera Real Estate Rentz
cut Gudrun Weber

The murder after that is the 170th episode of the Tatort television series . By the Südwestfunk result produced (SWF) was first on 23 June 1985 at the First Channel of ARD broadcast. For Chief Detective Hanne Wiegand ( Karin Anselm ) it is the fifth case. It is about the murder of a radio editor and a large number of suspects.


The successful radio presenter Ariane Plessing leaves the studio nervously shortly after midnight after her late-night talk show. In the corridor, she takes a key from a man and hugs him, the two seem familiar. The next morning, Jutta Reismüller, wife of the head of the broadcasting department, Dr. Reismüller, back from a trip. She is about to have fun in her apartment with her young lover Nick Stoltze when she finds her husband shot dead in the living room. Wiegand and her assistant Rolfs are called to the scene of the crime, Jutta Reismüller tells Wiegand that the murder weapon belongs to her, she has a gun license and the gun because of her antique shop. She spent the weekend with a friend in Munich. She also states that she and her husband have each lived their own life since her husband turned to the young presenter of his station Ariane Plessing three years ago, and she also reports on her relationship with Nick Stoltze. Wiegand and Rolfs learn from Reismüller's employees at the station that Dr. Reismüller was a high-ranking man in the station and accordingly also had envious people. Wiegand and Rolfs question Ariane Plessing, who has already found out about the death of her lover. At the time of the crime, she did not host her music show because Dr. Reismüller had withdrawn her moderation and transferred it to her younger colleague Kate Bollmann. Instead, she met her ex-husband Jörg at the time of the crime.

Wiegand asks Kate Bollmann, she doesn't seem surprised about Reismüller's murder, she was in love with him and he got the show to moderate. Wiegand and Rolfs interview Jutta Reismüller and Nick Stoltze again, Reismüller is not very happy about Wiegand's investigation, Kate Bollmann does not want to know. The officers look for Ariane Plessing at home, Wiegand asks her why she was at the broadcasting house, even though she no longer presented her music program. She admits that she was annoyed about her dismissal, but she has other programs. She has been divorced from her husband for three years, Reismüller was not the reason for the divorce. During the conversation her ex-husband Joerg joins them, he is an actor and was in his theater at the time of the crime when his wife called and he spontaneously met her. However, he says that Reismüller took his wife out of his life three years ago. Jutta Reismüller telephones an unknown person and tells him that it would be better if they didn't see each other for the time being. She later discovers that her husband's key is still in his coat pocket, and that her husband's murderer must have had another key because the door to the apartment was locked. Reismüller informs the police about their discovery. She suspects her lover Nick, but he assures that he came to the apartment after her and reminds her that, unlike him, she would have had an interest in his death, as the murdered man had invested money in her business.

The next day Stoltze testifies to Wiegand that not only he, but also Dr. Reismüller's various friends had had a key to the apartment, he would have got his key from Jutta. He also states that Jutta was in the apartment before him on the evening the dead man was discovered. In the meantime, Rolfs has found out that Stoltze's alibi has not been confirmed and that Jutta does not always obtain her antiques legally. Wiegand goes to Ariane and has the key of the apartment given to her, Ariane assures that she will not be in Dr. To have been Reismüller. An evaluation of the answering machine from Dr. Reismüller's friend Dr. Meanwhile, Wolfert reveals that Reismüller was murdered at least an hour later than previously suspected. Meanwhile, Stoltze informs Jutta that he will no longer help her with her illegal business in the future. He then visits Wiegand privately and assures her that he will find the killer. Shortly afterwards, Stoltze followed Ariane Plessing during the night, but she could shake him off. Meanwhile, her ex-husband Jörg also visits Wiegand privately before he can present his request, calls Ariane at Wiegand and tells her that she is being followed, Wiegand rushes to her. When Wiegand arrives, Stoltze has disappeared, Ariane tells her that Jörg cannot cope with the separation of the two and therefore has a motive to accuse her now. On the evening of the crime, she wanted to confront Reismüller about her dismissal, saying that she had not been able to contact her husband beforehand. When she arrived at Reismüller's, he was already dead, there was blood everywhere. Only then did she meet her husband, she told him about the discovery of the body, but he suspected her. Since there wasn't much blood at the scene, Wiegand realizes that Ariane is lying, she finally confesses that she shot Reismüller in an affect, he jokingly waved a gun and told her he could shoot her. When he then packed his bags and ignored her, she actually shot him in affect, then ran away and met her ex-husband.

Wiegand plays the tape from the answering machine to Ariane, which proves that she had not hit Reismüller with her shots, her ex-husband, who drove to her apartment to clean up the traces, must have killed Reismüller. Wiegand seeks Jörg Plessing in the theater and tells him that Ariane has confessed, but Jörg defends her and explains that he would do anything for her. When Wiegand asked him to reconstruct his visit to Reismüller's apartment, she confronted him with the fact that the uninjured Reismüller had surprised him and confronted him, Plessing then confessed to Reismüller's killing, but stated that he had acted in self-defense against the disgruntled landlord . After its premiere, he wanted to go to the police and exonerate Ariane from the murder charge, Wiegand arrests Jörg Plessing.

Audience and background

When it was first broadcast, this episode attracted 19.19 million viewers, which corresponded to a market share of 53%. The episode was filmed in Baden-Baden and Karlsruhe between May 8 and June 18, 1984.


The critics of the television magazine TV Spielfilm rate this crime scene positively and comment: “On the right wave: murderous hunt with brains”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Crime scene: The murder then dates to the 170th crime scene at
  2. ^ Tatort: The murder afterwards short review on, accessed on December 14, 2015.