The Man in the High Castle (TV series) / Season 2

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Season 2 of The Man in the High Castle
Episodes 10
Country of production United States
Initial release Dec 16, 2016 on Amazon Video

First publication in German
Jan 13, 2017 on Amazon Video
◀   Season 1 Season 3   ▶
Episode list

The second season of the US television series The Man in the High Castle consists of ten episodes and has so far only been released via video-on-demand . Amazon Video made the original version available for download on December 16, 2016, and the German-language dubbed version on January 13, 2017.


Juliana is pursued by the Resistance after helping Joe Blake escape. She seeks asylum in the Nazi Reich and is taken into care by Obergruppenführer Smith and his wife Helen. After the death of Adolf Hitler, Reich Minister Martin Heusmann becomes the new Reich Chancellor. Unrest flared up everywhere in the Nazi Empire and in the Pacific states. This culminates in a bomb attack on the headquarters of the Kempeitai, carried out by Juliana's friend Frank. Meanwhile, Heusmann assumes that the Japanese do not have nuclear weapons and is preparing a nuclear first strike. Trade Minister Tagomi finds himself in an alternate world where the Allies won World War II. He is returning to his original world and has a film with him that shows a nuclear weapon test on Bikini Atoll. The film reaches Obergruppenführer Smith via Chief Inspector Kido. With the knowledge that Heusmann was part of the conspirators against Hitler and the film as proof that the Japanese also have nuclear weapons, Smith can avert World War III. Juliana, who had fallen out of favor with Smith, manages to escape the murder attempts of the resistance and meets the man again in the High Castle.


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German title Original title Director script
11 1 In the lion's den The Tiger's Cave Daniel Percival Frank Spotnitz
Joe is exposed as a Nazi on the ship that is supposed to take him to Mexico. He negotiates with the crew to save himself and the film. He can offer the team a large sum of money through Obergruppenführer Smith. The Nazis kill the crew with a bomb, Joe brings the film to Smith. Juliana comes into conflict with the resistance because she helped Joe escape. Since she is the only one who has seen the last film, Lemuel, Karen and the leader of the resistance cell, Gary Connell, kidnap her to Hawthorne Abendsen, the "Man in the High Castle". There she has to tell him in detail about the content of the film. Abendsen has a library with numerous films, he confronts her with the image of a man Juliana thinks she knows, but she cannot remember his name. On the way back, the resistance fighters get into a firefight at a Japanese checkpoint. Gary Connell kills two Japanese soldiers, Karen dies. Juliana manages to escape. Frank confronts Juliana's stepfather, Arnold, with the charge of spying on the family. Due to the betrayal of Colonel Wegener, the Japanese are now in possession of the blueprints for an atomic bomb called the "Heisenberg Apparatus".
12 2 On the run The Road Less Traveled Colin Bucksey Rob Williams
Frank tries to get through Childan to his client Kasoura, because he believes that he can help him as a lawyer in the defense of his imprisoned friend Ed. Frank admits to Kasoura that he bought a counterfeit antique from Childan. Kasoura is associated with the yakuza, to which Frank and Childan are then brought. There the two negotiate a deal in which they want to replace the damage caused by selling more counterfeits. In return, the yakuza blackmailed Ed to get her released. Chief Inspector Kido presents to the public in Ed's place the killed resister Karen as the assassin on the Crown Prince. Obergruppenführer Smith orders Joe Blake to Berlin, where he is supposed to meet his father, Reich Minister Martin Heusmann. Juliana is targeted by the Kempeitai because they blame her for involvement in the shooting between the resistance and the Japanese army. She finds out that the mysterious man's name is George Dixon and that he is supposed to live in New York. She fled to the German embassy in San Francisco and asked for asylum in the Nazi Reich.
13 3 Welcome to the realm Travelers Daniel Sackheim Erik Oleson
Juliana receives asylum in the Nazi Reich on personal orders from Obergruppenführer Smith and moves into an apartment in a dormitory for single women. Smith hides Juliana's arrival from Joe, leaving him to believe that she is dead. His personal situation comes to a head after Dr. Adler gives him an ultimatum: Either Smith kills his terminally ill son Thomas with a lethal injection or Dr. Adler reports the disease to the authorities. This would mean the certain death of Thomas and the consequences for Smith’s career were unforeseeable. After a fishing trip with Thomas, Smith meets with Dr. Adler and kills him with the lethal injection intended for Thomas. Frank involuntarily joins the resistance movement in the Pacific states when he kills a Japanese soldier during a liberation operation. In the process, he met the Japanese resistance fighter Sarah. Joe arrives in Berlin, where he meets his father. He is disliked and accuses him of abandoning him and his mother after giving birth. At a reception, Joe meets the attractive Nicole Becker.
14th 4th The aerial bomb Escalation David Petrarch Wesley Strick
Juliana is a guest at the Smith family home. Helen Smith takes care of her and together with Thomas Smith Juliana is studying for the naturalization test. She finds out George Dixon's address and leaves him a message. In the Pacific, Frank watches the Kempeitai execute several civilians in retaliation for the shooting at the checkpoint. Full of anger, he neglects the deal with the yakuza and finally joins the resistance movement. Ed is disappointed in him, but lets himself be persuaded to steal explosives from the Japanese together with Frank for the resistance. The action succeeds and Frank starts an affair with Sarah. Juliana is recognized and pursued by the New York Resistance, but manages to escape and she is contacted by George Dixon. Obergruppenführer Smith confesses to his wife Helen that Dr. Adler and the reason for it. Trade Minister Tagomi moves to an alternate world in which the Allies won the Second World War, and meets his wife and son there.
15th 5 Reluctant spy Duck and Cover John Fawcett Erik Oleson , Rick Cleveland
Juliana meets with George Dixon. He explains to her that he is the father of her half-sister Trudy, at the same time he belongs to the resistance in the Nazi Reich. He promises Juliana to protect her from the revenge of the resistance movement and in return demands that she gain access to the highest Nazi circles through the Smith family and thus provide the resistance with information. In Berlin, Joe learns from his father that he was born in a Lebensborn home, that his mother fled with him to America shortly after his birth and has since cut off all contact with his father. Joe decides to stay with his father in Berlin for a while. In San Francisco, Ed confesses to his friend Frank that the Kempeitai hired him as an informant when he was fired. However, he was only supposed to spy on the activities of the yakuza, not those of the resistance. Meanwhile, Abendsen burns down his hiding place and, with the help of Lemuel, flees to an unknown location. In the alternative world, Trade Minister Tagomi learns that Juliana is married to his son there and that they have a child together.
16 6th Kintsugi Kintsugi Paul Holahan Francesca Gardiner
Juliana gains access to a group of wives of high-ranking Nazi officials around Helen Smith and befriends Lucy, the wife of the information minister. Chief Inspector Kido learns that the Yakuza is also looking for the films, has been to Abendsen's former hiding place before him and is spying for the Nazis. Obergruppenführer Smith arranged for his son to take part in a Hitler Youth expedition to South America . On the way there, Smith tries to hide him so that he can escape the Nazis' euthanasia program and live in exile. Joe learns from Nicole that she is also a Lebensborn child. Together they attend a party hosted by Lebensborn children, Joe makes his first experiences with LSD and spends the night with Nicole. In the alternative world, Tagomi and his family there get closer again. He repairs a broken teacup of his grandchild using the traditional kintsugi method.
17th 7th The assassination Land O 'Smiles Karyn Kusama Rob Williams
Ed and Childan manage to sell a counterfeit antique to a wealthy Japanese. They go to the yakuza to pay the first installment of their debts. When Chief Inspector Kido also announces himself, the two are locked in a chamber. Kido and his assistant kill the chief of the Yakuza as a traitor, but let Ed and Childan go. Frank and Sarah are said to have used the explosives to attempt an assassination attempt on a warehouse because the resistance believes it is a headquarters of the Japanese army. When Frank notices that the Japanese are building an atomic bomb there, the attack is not carried out. At the funeral of Dr. Adler expresses doubts about the natural death of her husband to his widow and demands an autopsy. Obergruppenführer Smith can only prevent this through an arbitrarily ordered cremation of the dead. Juliana realizes by chance how ill Thomas is and promises Helen that she will keep the secret to herself. Smith receives news that Hitler is dying after a collapse.
18th 8th Fathers and sons Loose lips Alex Zakrzewski Rick Cleveland
After the death of Adolf Hitler, Smith loses all restraint towards Juliana and forces her to tell her about the contents of the last film. Juliana learns of Hitler's death from Lucy and that the Nazis are holding back this information. After reporting this to George Dixon, the resistance forces her to participate in the kidnapping of Lucy's husband. They use blackmail to force him to spread the news of Hitler's death on television. This led to unrest both in the Pacific states and in the Nazi empire. Reichsminister Heusmann succeeds Adolf Hitler as Chancellor and his son Joe decides to support him. Frank learns that Juliana has not let him down, but decides to stick to the attack plans with the resistance. Obergruppenführer Smith interrogates the imprisoned Heydrich one last time and learns of a conspiracy of high-ranking Nazis whose head is Heusmann. The aim of the conspiracy is the destruction of the Japanese Empire by a nuclear first strike. Heusmann believes the Japanese do not have nuclear weapons.
19th 9 declaration of war Detonation Chris Long Wesley Strick
In the alternate world, Tagomi sees a film showing a nuclear weapon test on Bikini Atoll . He decides to return to his other world with the film in order to prevent the impending nuclear war between the Japanese and the Germans. Thomas visits Juliana in her apartment to tell her about the research on his incurable illness. Neither of them know that the conversation is being filmed by both the Nazis and the resistance. Meanwhile, Heusmann accused the Japanese of poisoning Adolf Hitler in a televised address and prepared the first nuclear strike with his staff. In San Francisco, Ed and Childan break their deal with the yakuza after their boss dies. Frank warns them and the two prepare to flee San Francisco. The resistance carries out a car bomb attack on the Kempeitai headquarters by Frank and Sarah. Both are apparently killed in the attack. Shortly before the attack, Minister of Commerce Tagomi arrives at the scene to show the film to the Japanese General Staff. He remains unharmed, and Chief Inspector Kido survived the attack.
20th 10 Primary goals fallout Daniel Percival Erik Oleson
After the bombing, Chief Inspector Kido is the highest ranking officer in the Pacific States. He travels to New York to convince Obergruppenführer Smith with the help of the film that the Japanese also have nuclear weapons. Juliana falls victim to an attack by the resistance, kills the attacker and is able to escape. There is a confrontation with Dixon, who threatens to make Thomas' illness public by starting the conversation with her. After Dixon refuses to give the recording to Juliana, she kills Dixon. Meanwhile, the Nazis under Heusmann are preparing the nuclear strike. Heusmann wants to announce the war in a speech in the Great Hall . Obergruppenführer Smith arrives in Berlin with Tagomi's film and the file with Heydrich's confession. He confronts the General Staff with the film, but Heusmann sticks to the war plans despite Joe's intervention. After Heinrich Himmler learns of the Heusmann conspiracy, he and Joe arrested immediately. During a speech in the Great Hall, Himmler praised Obergruppenführer Smith. His son Thomas is so impressed by his father's achievements that he voluntarily joins the Nazis' euthanasia program. In the meantime, Juliana reaches the neutral zone, where she meets Hawthorne Abendsen and her sister Trudy, who was believed to be dead.




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