The Order - Comradeship of Terror

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German title The Order - Comradeship of Terror
Original title Brotherhood of Murder
Country of production USA , Canada
original language English
Publishing year 1999
length 88 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Martin Bell
script Robert J. Avrech
production Nelson I. Korchak
music Laura Karpman
camera James R. Bagdonas
cut Nancy Baker

The Order is an American television film directed by Martin Bell in 1999 . It is based on the true story of the far-right terrorist group The Order .


This drama is based on the true story of Thomas Martinez, a poor and uneducated Army veteran who lived in Philadelphia in 1983. He is unable to find a job. His wife is expecting their first child and he is suffering from inadequate care for his family.

When he meets Bob Mathews , the leader of a white racist group, he feels understood and joins his group "The Order". Thomas takes the " oath of loyalty and protection of the family". Bob initiates him into the order and Thomas soon rises to a higher position. The group represents a worldview that is racist, anti-Semitic and fundamentally Christian . When he talks to his father-in-law about his new "political views", it comes to a head. Martinez's father-in-law fought alongside blacks during World War II and is repulsed by Martinez's racist and anti-Semitic hate speech. He throws him out of his house.

Thomas is financially supported by the group. Although he has a guilty conscience because he does not know where the money is coming from, on the other hand it helps his family enormously. In fact, the funds come from armed robbery. The group tries to influence Martinez's private life. For example, Thomas' wife occasionally watches black comedians like Richard Pryor on television.

Thomas discovers that the group not only vibrates racist speeches, but also gets violent. She murders the unpopular Jewish radio host Alan Berg . Thomas is shocked by the murder and learns from Mathews that one of the comrades was executed as a traitor by the group for allegedly collaborating with the FBI. Thomas is finally arrested by the FBI and threatened with a 15-year prison sentence. After already having doubts about the correctness of the group's actions, Thomas decides to work as an informant for the FBI against the group, risking his life. He reveals a conspiratorial meeting of the group, but Mathews is free to shoot the way, and after Whidbey Iceland in Washington State escape, where he owns a house. The FBI surrounds the house and Mathews begins drafting a manifesto. His friends surrender, but Mathews tells them he prefers to be martyred. After a fierce exchange of fire between Mathews and the FBI, a fire breaks out in the house and Mathews is burned to death.

In the credits it is mentioned that Mathew's young friend gave birth to his child, the looted millions were used to build up other right-wing extremist groups and Martinez started a fresh start under a new identity after right-wing extremists put a bounty on him.


The film has a true background: the Jewish radio host Alan Berg was murdered in Denver in 1984 by the white supremacy group The Order . Berg described them as anti-white and hated him because he was Jewish. He was number 2 on her death list.


The 1991 documentary Blood in the face gives an insight into the world of thought of the right-wing American scene. This film was shot after the assassination attempt on Berg.

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for The Order - Comradeship of Terror . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , August 2007 (PDF; test number: 98 924-a DVD).

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