Theodor Crüger

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Theodor Crüger (born December 16, 1694 in Stettin , † June 1, 1751 in Chemnitz ) was a German Lutheran theologian and historian .


Crüger studied at the University of Jena and the University of Halle , where he came into contact with Christian Thomasius . In 1715 he encouraged him to write the text "Summary news from the Thomasian library of selected, mostly old books". On March 28, 1718, he moved to the University of Wittenberg , where he obtained the degree of master's degree on April 30 of the same year .

He was then accepted as an adjunct in the philosophical faculty, gave lectures and devoted himself to studying theology. After being accepted as a candidate for theology, which at the Wittenberg Academy corresponded to the Baccalaureus of theology, he accepted a position as rector in Luckau in 1721 .

When he had obtained his theology degree in Wittenberg on February 16, 1718 and was involved in a dispute with Johann Kaspar Haferung , he became the first preacher and school inspector in Kirchhain in 1727 . In 1732 he took over the superintendent in Colditz and in 1735 the same office in Chemnitz . Crüger received his doctorate in theology in Wittenberg in 1737 and made a name for himself with dogmatic and church-historical writings until the end of his life.

Crüger was married to a daughter of Valentin Ernst Löscher .

Works (selection)

  • Declaratio pro precibus Christi
  • Apparatus theologiae moralis Christi et renatorum. 1747
  • Origines Lusatiae complect. Historiam Geronis I. Lusatiae inferinoris Marchionis. 1721
  • Prodromus annalium Luccavensium. 1727
  • Summary news from the Thomas library in Halle ...
  • Schediasma histoicum, exhibens selectas observationes, quae faciunt ad illustrandam historiam censurae ecclesiasticae, ob origine ecclesiae usque ad nostra tempora, ordine chronologico in ecclesia praefertim pontificia expositae et aliquot dissertatiombus academics in Leucorea ventilatae. Witteberg 1719
  • Origines Lusatiae, compactens Histociam Geronis, primi Lusatiae inferioris Marchionis. Fasciculus I. Leipzig 1721
  • De martyris falsis, praesertim Atheis pseudomartyribus, contra Petrum Baylium. Wittenberg 1722
  • Commentatio historica de successione continua Pontificum Romanorum secundum vaticinia Malachiae, Archiepiscopi Armaghani, a dubiis Claudii Francisci Menetrierii, Carrierii, aliorumque, vindicata. Witteberg 1723
  • Prodromus annalium Luccaviensium. Lübben 1727
  • Commentario de veterum Christianorum disciplina arcani. Witteberg 1727
  • Diss. Inaug. per Licentia. (Praes, JC Haferungio) de supplicatione Christi pro semetipso, ex Ebr. V, 7. Wittenberg 1729
  • Introductio in Christologiam moralem et ius divinum naturae Christi humanae. Pars I, exhibens normam action um Christi moralium, seu vindicias gloriosae immunitatis Domini nostri Jesu Christi ab obligatione suimet ipsius legali, in honorem Servatoris dogmatice concinnara. Dresden 1732
  • Thoughts of the power of the divine word; a sermon. Lübben 1732
  • Commentntio succincta de vocatione militiae sacrae in bellis Domini temere nec quaerenda nec deneganda, ad Numer. IV, 3. VIII, 24. Chemnitz 1749
