Theodor Kotzebue-Pilar from Pilchau

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Coat of arms of the noble family Pilar von Pilchau

Theodor Graf Kotzebue-Pilar von Pilchau ( Russian : Федор Карлович Коцебу Пиллар фон Пильхау, * July 5, 1848 , † August 7, 1911 in Meks ) was a lieutenant general in the Imperial Russian Army . He came from the German-Baltic noble family Pilar von Pilchau . Since January 12, 1878 he was named Count Kotzebue-Pilar von Kotzebue.


In 1866 he began his military service in the Imperial Russian Army . In 1872 he was in the 7th Hussars - regiment to Lieutenant promoted. He passed his baptism of fire between 1877 and 1887 in the Russo-Turkish War . In 1878 he was promoted to staff assistant master. His next promotions were in 1888 to colonel and in 1898 to major general . In 1905 he was mayor in Rostov-on-Don and finally he was in the same year Lieutenant General appointed. After that he took over some missions in the Caucasus and in 1910 he took over as commander of the Warsaw military district . After leaving, he retired in Meks ( Estonia ).

Origin and family

His father was the Russian Lieutenant General Karl Magnus Pilar von Pilchau (1791–1861), who was married to the Russian Katharina Nikolajewna Princess Kutusow (1811–1872). His uncle was the Russian Lieutenant General Gustav Friedrich Pilar von Pilchau (1798–1862). Theodor married Alexandra Mathilde von Kotzebue (1849-1884), who served as a lady- in- waiting at the Russian court . She was the daughter of the Governor General of Poland, Count Paul Demetrius von Kotzebue (1801-1884). Since Count Kotzebue died in 1884 without male descendants, the title of nobility and the coat of arms went to his daughter Alexandra Mathilde. On January 12, 1878, Tsar Alexander II gave them the right to use the name Count Kotzebue-Pilar von Pilchau with the utmost approval . The following descendants arose from the marriage with Alexandra Mathilde:

  • Dimitri Graf Kotzebue-Pilar von Pilchau (* 1872), married to Jenny Erichson-Sommerfeld,
  • Katharina Kotzebue-Pilar von Pilchau (* 1873 in Odessa ; † 1956 in Edmonton , Canada ), married to Harald Nicolai von Hoyningen-Huene (1868–1937)
  • Maria Kotzebue-Pilar von Pilchau (* 1882)
  • Alexandra Kotztbue-Pilar von Pilchau (* 1877 in Warsaw , † 1952 in Hamburg ), married to Hermann August von Harpe (1874–1944)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Otto Magnus von Stackelberg , Genealogical Handbook of the Estonian Knighthood , Volume 3, Görlitz, 1930, p. 148 Weblink
  2. Count Dmitri Kotzebue of Kotzebue-von-Pilar-and-von-Pilchau. Entry on KingsnKastles, the Aristocrat's Genealogy, Weblink