Ugo Procacci

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Ugo Procacci (born March 31, 1905 in Florence ; † February 19, 1991 ibid) was an Italian art historian , restorer and university professor .


Procacci received his PhD in art history in 1927 with a thesis on Spinello Aretino . He then began his studies in history with the historian Gaetano Salvemini . In 1929 he was a founding member of the anti-fascist circle of Fratelli Roselli , the forerunner of the Giustizia e Libertá organization . In 1932 he helped found the Gabinetto di restauro dei dipinti in Florence , which involved restoration activities with research into the artistic heritage of TuscanyAssociation. The Gabinetto was merged in 1975 by the newly created Italian Ministero per i Beni Culturali , the Ministry of Culture and Monuments, with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure organization created by the Medici .

In 1958, Procacci was appointed chief official responsible for the works of art in the provinces of Florence, Arezzo and Pistoia . After the flood catastrophe in Florence in 1966 , the rescue work could be tackled and completed quickly thanks to his charisma and willpower as well as his organizational talent. After his retirement in 1972, he began at the Art History Institute of the University of Florence with lectures on techniques in art, the history of restoration and the use of historical sources for the history of art. He was a member of the Accademia Etrusca .


  • La Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze . La libreria dello Stato, Rome 1951.
  • Il Vasari e la conservazione della capella Brancacci al Carmine e della Trinità in Santa Maria Novella , 1956.
  • La storia di Firenze , 3 volumes, Sansoni editori, Florence 1956 and 1957.
    • Volume 1: Le origini 1956.
    • Volume 2: first part: Lotte sveve 1956.
    • Volume 2: second part: L'egemonia guelfa e la vittoria del popolo , 1957.
  • Sinopie ed affreschi . Cassa di Risparmio, Firenze 1960.
  • La tecnica degli antichi affrechi e il loro distaccio e restauro . Comitato della II. Mostra die affreschi staccati, Florence 1958.
  • Masaccio . La Capella Brancacci . SADEA editore / Sansoni editori, Florence 1965.
  • La casa Buonarroti in Firenze . Electa, Milan 1967.
  • Beato Angelico al Museo di San Marco a Firenze . Silvana editoriale d'arte, Milan 1972.
  • Come nasce un affresco . Bonechi, Florence 1975.
published posthumously
  • Studi sul catasto fiorentino . Olschki, Florence 1996.


  • M. Ciatti / C. Frosinini: Ugo Procacci a cento anni dalla nascita (1905-2005) , Atti della giornata di studio (Firenze, March 31, 2005). Edifir, Florence 2006