Ulrich Herrmann (pedagogue, 1939)

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Ulrich Herrmann (born November 7, 1939 in Velbert ) is a German educator, historian and emeritus professor of education . He lives and works in Tübingen .


Ulrich Herrmann passed his Abitur in 1959, followed by military service. Between 1960 and 1968 he studied German , history , pedagogy and philosophy at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and at the University of Cologne . In 1968 he received his doctorate from the University of Cologne on Wilhelm Dilthey's pedagogical theory .

In 1968/69 Herrmann worked as a consultant in the secretariat of the German National Academic Foundation . In 1969/70 he was the personal assistant to the rector of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen . From 1970 to 1975 he was assistant and academic advisor in the field of general pedagogy with Andreas Flitner at the pedagogical seminar of the University of Tübingen. In 1975 he completed his habilitation in education.


In 1976 Herrmann was appointed Professor of General and Historical Education at the University of Tübingen. In 1993 he was appointed to the University of Ulm as head of the educational seminar there. Herrmann has been teaching at the Universities of Bern and Zurich since 1990 . In 1991/92 he was a member of the founding senate and in 1993 honorary professor at the University of Potsdam . In 1975 Ulrich Herrmann became co-editor of the Pedagogical Journal . He is also a member of the editorial team of the magazine Teaching and Learning (Neckar Verlag Villingen). In 2004 he retired .


  • Wilhelm Dilthey's pedagogy. Göttingen 1971.
  • Historical educational research and social history of education. Weinheim 1991.
  • Enlightenment and education. Weinheim 1993.
  • How do teachers learn their profession? Weinheim / Basel 2002.
  • Making schools fit for the future. Bad Heilbrunn 2010.
  • From the Hitler Youth leader to the White Rose. Hans Scholl before the Stuttgart special court 1937/38. Weinheim / Basel 2012.

Editorial activity

Wilhelm Dilthey

  • Wilhelm Dilthey : Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. XV: Portraits and biographical sketches - source studies and literature reports on theology and philosophy in the 19th century. Goettingen 1970.
  • (with Hans-Hermann Groothoff ): Wilhelm Dilthey: Selected writings on pedagogy and their justification. Paderborn 1972.
  • Wilhelm Dilthey: Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. XVI: Articles and reviews from newspapers and magazines 1859–1874. Göttingen 1972.
  • Wilhelm Dilthey: Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. XVII: Literature reports and reviews from "Westermanns monthly books" 1867-1884. Goettingen 1974.

Wilhelm Flitner

  • Wilhelm Flitner : The educational movement. Articles - reports - reviews. (= Collected Writings, Vol. 4.) Paderborn 1987.
  • Wilhelm Flitner: Theoretical writings. Treatises on normative aspects and theoretical justifications of pedagogy. (= Collected Writings, Vol. 3.) Paderborn 1989.
  • (with Hans Scheuerl ): Wilhelm Flitner: High school and university. (= Collected Writings, Vol. 10). Paderborn 1997.
  • (with Andreas Flitner : Wilhelm Flitner: Goethe Studies - Humanism Studies. (= Collected Works, Vol. 8) Paderborn 2002.
  • Wilhelm Flitner: Gleanings. Biographical information - adult education and adult education center - pedagogical positions and impulses - appreciations - post-war period - philosophical reflections and cultural philosophy. (= Collected Writings, Vol. 12, in 2 volumes) Paderborn 2012.

Siegfried Bernfeld Siegfried Bernfeld : Complete works.

  • Vol. 1: Theory of Adolescence. Weinheim / Basel 1992.
  • Vol. 2: Youth movement and youth research. Writings 1909–1930. Weinheim / Basel 1994.
  • Vol. 11: Social Pedagogy, Writings 1921–1933. Weinheim / Basel 1996.

New beginning of a work edition by Siegfried Bernfeld in Psychosozial-Verlag Gießen:

  • Vol. 1: Theory of Adolescence. (Reprint from 1992) Giessen 2010.
  • Vol. 2: Youth Movement - Youth Research. (Reprint from 1994) Giessen 2011.
  • Vol. 3: Zionism and youth culture. Ed. Together with Werner Fölling and Maria Fölling-Albers. Giessen 2011.
  • Vol. 4: Social pedagogy. Edited by Daniel Barth and Ulrich Herrmann. Giessen 2012
  • Vol. 5: Theory and Practice of Education / Pedagogy and Psychoanalysis. Edited together with Wilfried Datler and Rolf Göppel. Giessen 2013.
  • Vol. 6: On the poetic work of young people. Giessen 2014.
  • Vol. 7: Drive and tradition in adolescence. Giessen 2014.
  • Vol. 8: Socialist pedagogy and school criticism. Giessen 2016.
  • Vol. 9: Psychology of the Infant and Early Childhood. Edited by Wilfried Datler, Rolf Göppel and Ulrich Herrmann. Giessen 2017.
  • Vol. 12: Studies on the life and work of Sigmund Freud. Edited by Christfried Tögel with co-workers. v. Ulrich Herrmann. Giessen 2018.

Others (selection)

  • (with Hans-Hermann Groothoff): August Hermann Niemeyer : Principles of education and instruction. Unchanged reprint of the 1st edition Halle 1796. Paderborn 1971.
  • Hans-H. Gerth: Bourgeois Intelligence around 1800. On the sociology of German early liberalism. (Dissertation Frankfurt / M. 1935.) Göttingen 1976.
  • Ernst Christian Trapp : An attempt at pedagogy. Unchanged reprint of the 1st edition Berlin 1780. Paderborn 1977.
  • (with Hans Erich Bödeker ): Enlightenment as politicization - politicization of the Enlightenment. (= Studies on the 18th Century, Vol. 8.) Hamburg 1987.
  • "New education" - "New people". Approaches to educational reform in Germany between the German Empire and dictatorship. Weinheim / Basel 1987.
  • (with Hans Erich Bödeker ): About the process of the Enlightenment in Germany in the 18th century. People, institutions and media. (= Publications of the Max Planck Institute for History, Vol. 85) Göttingen 1987.
  • Ellen Key: The Century of the Child (1902). Weinheim / Basel 1992.
  • Reinhard Buchwald : History experienced. Memoirs of 1884–1930. (= Studies and Documentation on German Educational History, Vol. 44) Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 1992.
  • Protesting youth. Youth Opposition and Political Protest in Post-War German History. (= Materials for historical youth research. Ed. By Ulrich Herrmann) Weinheim / Munich 2002.
  • Natural Sciences - High School - University. (= Speeches and essays of the University of Ulm, no.10) Ulm 2002.
  • (together with Heinrich Eppe) Socialist youth in the 20th century. Studies on the development and political practice of the youth workers' movement in Germany. Weinheim / Munich 2008.
  • Neurodidactics. Basics and suggestions for brain-friendly teaching and learning. Weinheim / Basel 2006, 2nd edition 2009.
  • "The new time moves with us". The wandering bird in the German youth movement. Weinheim / Munich 2006.
  • Gustav Wyneken: Free school community Wickersdorf. Small fonts. Jena 2006.
  • Make a difference in education. Impulses for educational policy and school development. Festival ceremony for Peter E. Kalb on his 65th birthday. Weinheim / Basel 2007.
  • Paul Geheeb: The Odenwald School 1909–1934. Texts by Paul Geheeb, reports from staff and students. Jena 2010.
  • (together with Rolf-Dieter Müller) Young soldiers in World War II. War experiences as life experiences. Weinheim / Munich 2010.
  • (together with Meike Sophia Baader) 68 - Engaged youth and critical pedagogy. Impulses and consequences of a cultural upheaval in the history of the Federal Republic. Weinheim / Munich 2011.
  • (together with Steffen Schlüter) Reform pedagogy - a critical-constructive visualization. Bad Heilbrunn 2012.
  • Educational Relations. Basics - forms of practice - effects. Weinheim / Basel 2019.

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