Ulrich Scherping

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From left to right: Oberforstmeister Walter Frevert , Reichsjägermeister Hermann Göring and Oberstjägermeister Ulrich Scherping during the assessment of deer antlers ( drop sticks )

Ulrich Scherping (born July 12, 1889 in Krackow , Pomerania ; † November 15, 1958 in Bonn ) was a Prussian forester and the last German master hunter and SS leader , most recently with the rank of SS brigade leader .

Professional career

Already a high hunting functionary in the Weimar Republic , Scherping was appointed head of the Reichsjagdamt at the beginning of the Third Reich . As a later master hunter in the 1920s , he played a key role in drafting the Prussian hunting law introduced in 1934 , which served as a template for the Reich hunting law . The basics come from the Prussian Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests during the term of office of the Social Democrat and hunter Otto Braun as Minister (1918–1921). Further models were the reformed hunting laws of Poland and Romania and the British colonial hunting law, which is strongly oriented towards nature conservation .

From 1920 to 1926 he was editor of the hunting newspaper Der Heger and from 1927 to 1928 managing director of the German Hunting Chamber. The progressive German Hunting Chamber was a supraregional hunting association founded in 1920, which saw itself as an antithesis to the conservative General German Hunting Protection Association. The German Hunting Chamber and the General German Hunting Protection Association merged in 1928 and operated under the newly founded Reichsjagdbund. In 1928 he became managing director of the Reichsjagdbund and from 1931 to 1933 he was chairman of the Association of German Professional Hunters. In 1933 he became general secretary of the General German Hunting Protection Association (ADJV) and head of the Reichsjagdamt. The ADJV was founded in Dresden in 1875 as the first general German association of hunting associations and existed until 1934. Then it was brought into line with the Reich Association of German Hunters. The Reichsbund Deutsche Jägerschaft was the unified organization of the German hunters under the National Socialist regime from 1934 to 1945. It was founded on the basis of Section 56 of the Reich Hunting Act of July 3, 1934 as a public corporation and placed under the supervision of the Reichsjägermeister . The “German Hunters' Association”, which was brought into line in this way, was affiliated with the Institute for Hunting Studies and the German Research Institute for Handfeuerwaffen e. V. The Reichsbund had its own honorary jurisdiction (§ 57 RJagdges.). From 1953 to 1958 Scherping was managing director of the re-established German Hunting Protection Association (DJV) as the successor to the ADJV.

Political career

Ulrich Scherping joined the NSDAP ( membership number 2.628.412) and the SS (SS number 277.286) after the “ seizure of power ” . More recently he has been the basis of merit on November 9, 1936 immediately to oberführer on the staff of the realm leader SS appointed and on April 20, 1939 SS brigade leader promoted.


  • Waidwerk between the times. Paul Parey, Berlin / Hamburg 1950.
  • Crown of the hunt. 1958.
  • We were left with the hunt. 1958.


  • Bialowies again in German administration. In: Wild and Dog . 1941/42, No. 37/38, pp. 317-325.
  • Lump balis. In: The stalking. 1954, No. 20, pp. 621-623.
  • A unique collection of horns. In: Wild and Dog. Vol. 59, 1956/57, pp. 197-200.
  • Literature prize for hunting book. In: Wild and Dog. 60th year, 1957/58, p. 219.
  • Strong tobacco! In: Wild and Dog. 60th year, 1957/58, p. 269 f.
  • "And can it be autumn ...". In: Wild and Dog. 1957/58, No. 16, p. 416.
  • Duke Adolf Friedrich of Mecklenburg. In: Wild and Dog. Volume 61, 1958/59, p. 355.
  • In memoriam Ulrich Scherping. Verbatim reproduction of the recorded speech by Oberstjägermeister Ulrich Scherping at the Association Day of the Hunting Dog Association on March 17, 1957. In: Wild und Hund. 61. Jg., 1958/59, pp. 370-372.


  • Andreas Gautschi : The Reichsjägermeister. Facts and legends about Hermann Göring. With a foreword by Antal Festetics, Director of the Institute for Wildlife Biology and Hunting at the University of Göttingen. Nimrod-Verlag, Hanstedt 2000, 3rd, revised and supplemented edition.
  • Andreas Gautschi: Walter Frevert . A Weidmann's change and ways. Nimrod-Verlag, Hanstedt 2004.
  • W. von Hasseln: Ulrich Scherping in memory. In: Wild and Dog. 61. Jg., 1958/59, p. 688.
  • Rolf Hennig : A hunter who made history. For the 100th birthday of Ulrich Scherping. In: Wild and Dog. 8/1989, pp. 38-41.
  • Fritz Nüßlein : 30 years of German hunting history. On the death of Ulrich Scherping on November 15, 1958. In: Wild und Hund. 61. Jg., 1958/59, pp. 565-567.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.deutsches-jagd-lexikon.de/index.php?title=Deutsche_Jagdkammer accessed April 21, 2016
  2. http://www.deutsches-jagd-lexikon.de/index.php?title=Reichsjagdbund accessed April 21, 2016
  3. http://www.deutsches-jagd-lexikon.de/index.php?title=Vereins_Deutscher_Berufsj%C3%A4ger accessed April 21, 2016
  4. http://www.deutsches-jagd-lexikon.de/index.php?title=Reichsbund_Deutsche_J%C3%A4gerschaft accessed April 21, 2016
  5. ^ Reichsjagdgesetz 1934 § 56:
    1. The holders of the annual hunting license are united in the Reichsbund "Deutsche Jägerschaft".
    2. The German Hunters' Association is a corporation under public law that is subject to the supervision of the Reichsjägermeister. It has the task of educating its members to become hunters suitable for hunting and to ensure that the species of wild animals taken over from their fathers are preserved undiminished for future generations.
    3. The Reichsjägermeister issues the statutes of the German Hunters' Association .
    4. In addition to the German hunters, associations with the same or similar objectives are not permitted.
  6. http://www.deutsches-jagd-lexikon.de/index.php?title=Institut_f%C3%BCr_Jagdkunde accessed April 21, 2016
  7. http://www.deutsches-jagd-lexikon.de/index.php?title=Deutsche_Versuchsanstalt_f%C3%BCr_Handfeuerwaffen accessed April 21, 2016
  8. Thomas Klingebiel: Curt Mast - An entrepreneur in politics , Wallstein, Göttingen 2017, ISBN 978-3-8353-3056-6