Unknown (2006)

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German title Unknown - Don't trust anyone, not even yourself
Original title Unknown
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2006
length 85 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Simón Brand
script Matthew Waynee
production Rick Lashbrook ,
Darby Parker ,
John S. Schwartz
music Angelo Milli
camera Steve Yedlin
cut Luis Carballar ,
Paul Trejo

Unknown (long title in German: Unknown - Don't trust anyone, not even yourself ) is an American film by the Colombian director Simón Brand from 2006 .


A man in a denim jacket (later identified as Mitch "Woz" Wozniak) wakes up in an abandoned factory building. He can't remember what happened and finds himself in a hall next to three apparently dead men: one tied to a chair, one lying face down on the floor, one shot and handcuffed from a railing. His spontaneous attempts to get outside fail, because he has to discover during an initial exploration that he is locked in an escape-proof manner. A telephone rings, and Wozniak, who suffers from amnesia, picks up and has a conversation, pretending to know the person he is speaking to.

Meanwhile, a woman puts a bag with the ransom money for her kidnapped husband in a locker. Despite police surveillance, the kidnappers with the money can disappear because the locker no longer has a floor and the money could be taken down a floor. The police are continuing their investigation and pursuit.

When Woz returns to his starting point in the factory, the three other men who are thought to be dead wake up, and a fifth man with a black shirt stumbles down the stairs. None of them can remember what happened and who they are, which arouses mutual suspicion, so that the person tied to the chair is not untied. They try to leave the building without success. B. by starting to saw through the bars of the window. The man who was previously lying on the ground, who has a broken nose, frees the man who was tied to the chair. In the toilet, the five discover a newspaper that reports on the kidnapping of two businessmen. Since they had previously found a murdered security guard in a locker who had worked in the same factory as the two abductees, according to the newspaper article, the group concludes that both of them are among them and that the other three are among the kidnappers.

The man, handcuffed to the railing, tells a touching story about a traumatic childhood experience that happened to him and Wozniak together; then he succumbs to his gunshot wound. In brief flashbacks, the men's memories slowly come back. There had been a scuffle in the warehouse in the course of which one man was handcuffed to a chair and another man had his nose broken after being hit in the face; In addition, a shot was released which was responsible for the injury to the person who was also chained to the railing before falling over it. A gas cylinder fell over, the substance from leaking out of the men. The previous assumption of the men that they were being held captive in the warehouse by a third party turned out to be wrong - they themselves had brought themselves into this situation.

From another phone call, they know that the other kidnappers will come to the warehouse with the money that evening and are preparing. When the gangsters appear, the prisoners defend themselves, and the man who was previously tied up is shot during the confrontation. The kidnappers prevail and Wozniak is told by the gang boss that he should shoot the two other men who turn out to be the kidnapped businessmen. However, other parts of his memory return to him, so that he knows again that he works as an undercover agent for the police.

He is supposed to murder the hostages outdoors in front of the factory, but only wants to pretend and flee with them, but the gangsters notice. In the following shooting, the kidnappers are killed by Woz and the businessman in the black shirt, the kidnapped man with the broken nose is shot.

After the arrival of the police and initial medical care, the surviving businessman reunites with his wife, who meanwhile exchanges looks with Woz. A flashback shows that he was involved in an affair with her . The kidnapping, ransom demand and subsequent murder of her husband were planned together. Wozniak decides to hand over the ransom to the police.

useful information

  • Director Simón Brand has a brief appearance ( cameo ) as an emergency doctor in the last minutes of the film .
  • Jeremy Sisto and James Caviezel are two former Jesus actors in the same film.
  • The film was shot in the US state of California . The recordings around the locked building were made e.g. B. in the ghost town of Eagle Mountain. The former iron mine is located in the middle of the Colorado desert . The historic Santa Fe station building in San Bernardino was chosen as the location for the money transfer .
  • The worldwide revenues amount to 3.3 million US dollars.


"Well-cast independent thriller with a lot of hardships, which reveals itself as a late product of the Tarantino School and does not deny its proximity to ' Reservoir Dogs '."

“Unknown is another film from the series of plot twist and surprise thrillers that have been popular for ten years. Everything is in question, in the end everything comes together. It is the flirtation with the hermeneutics that wants to generate interest again here, somewhere between Cube , Memento and Saw . And that even works very well. "

- The Manifesto - The film magazine

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for Unknown . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , January 2007 (PDF; test number: 108 773 DVD).
  2. Unknown - Don't trust anyone not even yourself Blu-ray. bluray-disc.de, 2018, accessed on December 18, 2018 .
  3. ↑ List of actors in the IMDb
  4. Filming locations in the IMDb
  5. Figure Santa Fe Station, San Bernardino
  6. ^ Box Office Mojo
  7. ^ Film Service. Retrieved June 8, 2015 .
  8. ^ Film review in the film magazine Das Manifest