Ursula Cantieni

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Ursula Cantieni (2009)

Ursula Cantieni (born December 5, 1947 in Zurich ) is a Swiss - German actress . She is best known for the portrayal of Johanna Faller in the television series The Fallers - The SWR Black Forest Series .


She first grew up in Graubünden and then went to school in Stuttgart , where she also passed the Abitur. After training as an actor and studying speech training at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart, she worked as an assistant director at the theater and had lectureships at universities. From 1974 to 1978 she held a professorship for speech training at the Folkwang School in Essen .

She has been active as an actress since 1978, until 1987 in permanent engagements at the Württembergische Landesbühne in Esslingen am Neckar and at the Stadttheater Konstanz , then until 1992 in guest engagements in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and France. His own theater and radio play productions as well as directorial work also followed during this time. From 1991 to 1994 she was in charge of speech training, moderation and work in front of the camera at Swiss Television (SF DRS).

During her regular theater engagements, she had already started working as an actress for television, and starred in television films and series for various broadcasters. She has also appeared on music shows, talk shows, cooking shows, and other television shows.

In 1994 she got the leading role of Johanna Faller in the new television series Die Fallers - Eine Schwarzwaldfamilie , which made her well-known in Baden-Württemberg and in other parts of Germany. Since 2003 she has also been a permanent member of the team of the advice show Tell the truth .

Her cookbook Ursula Cantienis Kochgeschichten was published in 2002 . She also sells various culinary specialties on her own website.

Ursula Cantieni now lives in Baden-Baden .

Movie and TV


In 2005 Ursula Cantieni was awarded the Baden-Württemberg Medal of Merit.


Web links

Commons : Ursula Cantieni  - Collection of Images