Ute knee

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Ute Knie (born February 1, 1950 in Schlierbach (Brachttal) ) is a feminist Protestant theologian and educator who made a significant contribution to the women's movement in the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau and to equality between men and women.

Live and act


From 1968 on, Ute Knie studied in Frankfurt am Main , Berlin and Marburg . In 1973 she passed her academic degree Magistra Artium in Historical Theology and Education at the Free University of Berlin . The first exam followed in 1976 and the second theological exam in 1978 .

Work and commitment

From 1980 to 1990 she was pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Zacchaeus Congregation in Frankfurt am Main (today Paul Gerhardt Congregation ). She belonged to the church political group Women-Peace , was committed to disarmament, against racism and apartheid and was involved in the wave of protests at the Women's Workplace . From 1990 to 2001 Ute Knie worked as a lecturer for theological training and deputy director in the Burckhardthaus in Gelnhausen , the then central training institute of the Evangelical Church in Germany for youth, cultural and social work. There she led bibliodrama training courses and international bibliodrama congresses, theological training courses and the feminist liturgy department. In cooperation with the EKD Women's Study and Education Center in Gelnhausen, she and Dr. Herta Leistner and Dr. Gisela Matthiae long-term advanced training in feminist liturgy and feminist theology. The First German Women's Synod was held in Gelnhausen in cooperation with this women's study and education center. She then headed the newly founded Education Center of the Evangelical Church of Hesse and Nassau in Darmstadt with the areas of day-care centers , youth work and adult education . In 2003 Ute Knie organized the educational congress Religious Education - Live Recognition and organized educational talks in Darmstadt. In 2006, Knie became director of the Evangelical City Academy in Frankfurt am Main. She coined the brand name Römer 9 and thus made a central point of Protestantism in the center of Frankfurt visible.

In doing so, she promoted the cooperation between the Evangelical City Academy and the Evangelical Academy Arnoldshain to form the Evangelical Academy Frankfurt and their merger, which took place in 2012. She worked as the assistant director until she was retired before the new academy moved . She wanted to use the conversion phase to say goodbye, said Ute Knie. Ute Knie has been involved in working with refugees since 2013. She supports the Berami association in Frankfurt am Main on a voluntary basis , initially with projects on the right to stay for refugees. Ute Knie has been a member of the board of trustees of the online magazine Faust Kultur since 2015 .

Commitment to feminist theology

From 1976 to 1990 Ute Knie was involved in the training of female pastors . She is also the initiator of the first Feminist Theology workshops in the EKHN. In 1984 she published a reader on Feminist Theology in Adult Education . In 1985 she coordinated with Andrea Braunberger-Myers and Dr. Irene Dannemann the Network Women in Church . Initiative groups and committed women found a place for regular exchange.

In 1987 she published together with Dr. Hanne Köhler and Dr. Hildburg Wegener, among other things, the publication “ Just language in church services and church” with Bible texts for the Frankfurt Kirchentag in women-friendly language. In this publication, guidelines on inclusive language , various forms of addressing God, prayers and the Bible texts were published in language appropriate for women. Among other things, patriarchal Bible translations were changed in which only masculine terms such as Lord or Father are used for God . This resulted in the Bible in Righteous Language project .

In 1989 Ute Knie published the text The Influence of Women Pastors on the Understanding of Parish Office - Have Women Changed the Church in the book Aufbruch der Frauen ? . In it, she complains about remarks that discriminate against women in the municipalities as well as questions in job interviews that are inadmissible under labor law. It also calls for the abandonment of patriarchal power structures in the church.

Foundation of the EKHN women's movement online

In order to increase the share of articles on women's history , Ute Knie founded the women's history on the Internet project together with Helga Engler-Heidle in 2016 . The first women in the pastoral office and in leadership positions in the Evangelical Church are reported. In addition, the intersectional women's history becomes clear through different religious and cultural contexts in order to begin to document the second women's movement in the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau . For Ute Knie, one reason for this was the introduction of Pastor Sabine Müller-Langsdorf. Ute Knie and the women's peace initiative group fought for the establishment of this peace parish in the EKHN. However, nothing was documented about this significant event for the EKHN.


The church president of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau , Volker Jung , described Ute Knie as a creative theologian, collegial pastor and competent manager who exuded great human warmth. Above all, she campaigned for the interests of women in the church and feminist theology. The former chairman of the board of the Evangelical Regional Association in Frankfurt, Esther Gebhardt, especially praised Knie's work for the Evangelical Academy in Frankfurt. She recognized the opportunities that the merger between Römer 9 and the Evangelical Academy in Arnoldshain had offered and worked hard on the concept of the new facility. It gave the new Evangelical Academy in Frankfurt a face.

Helga Engler-Heidle and Ute Knie were jointly awarded the Leonore Siegele Wenschkewitz Prize in 2019 for the church project women's movement in the EKHN online .


  • Ute Knie, Herta Leistner (ed.): "Let hear your voice". Workshop book Feminist Liturgy . Gütersloh 1999, ISBN 3-579-03097-3 .
  • Ute Knie: Ecofeminist creation liturgy , in: Herta Leistner (Ed.): “Let feel your strength” Feminist liturgy, basics - arguments - suggestions . Gütersloh 1997, pp. 164-170, ISBN 3-579-00544-8 .
  • Ute Knie, Heidi Rosenstock , Eva Renate Schmidt : Hear the women. Genesis 1: 1-2,4a. Frauenforum Kirchentag 1987 , in: Eva Renate Schmidt (Hrsg.): Feministische read , Volume 1. Stuttgart 1989, pp. 209ff., ISBN 3-7831-0909-4 .
  • Ute Knie: The influence of pastors on the understanding of the pastoral office. Have women changed the church? , in: Birgit Janetzky, Esther Mingram, Eva Pelkner (eds.): Dawn of women - challenges and perspectives of feminist theology . Münster 1989, pp. 177-184, ISBN 3-923792-36-0 .
  • Heiko Rohrbach, Gesine Hefft, Ute Knie / job for adult education in Kurhessen and Waldeck (ed.): Starting points - a basic theological course. As for women and men, feminist theology . Kassel 1989 (no ISBN).
  • with Helga Engler-Heidle (ed.): Women's movement in the EKHN. Accompanying publication to the "women's movement online". Darmstadt 2020, ISBN 978-3-87390-431-6 , and Frankfurt am Main 2020, ISBN 978-3-922179-57-3 .


  • Portrait of Ute Knie: "I believe in God in Frankfurt", in: Evangelischer Regionalverband Frankfurt am Main (Ed.): Evangelical Church Intern , No. 89, 6/2006. Frankfurt am Main 2006.
  • Hanne Köhler , Hildburg Wegener (Hrsg.): Just language in worship and church - With Bible texts for the Frankfurt Kirchentag in women-friendly language . Frankfurt am Main 1987 (no ISBN). P. 3: Ute Knie as one of the initiators of the texts in fair language.
  • Gisela Matthiae , Renate Jost and others: Feminist theology. Initiatives, churches, universities - a success story . Gütersloh 2008, ISBN 978-3-579-08032-1 , 1st edition. In it about Ute Knie's work in the women's synod (p. 72), her long-term training courses in feminist liturgy (p. 147) and her work in the project Bible translations in gender-equitable language (p. 181).
  • Ursula Hauptmann / Renate Heesemann: The Women's Peace Group , in: Christiane Drewello-Merkel, Silvia Puchert: 100 Years on a Good Course , Darmstadt 2007, pp. 117–119. ISBN 3-934083-09-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h EKHN (Ed.): Women of Movement: Ute Knie (as of July 1, 2019).
  2. EKHN (Ed.): Initiative Frauen-Frieden (Status: July 1, 2019).
  3. EKHN (ed.): Wave of protests, women's workplaces (as of July 1, 2019).
  4. a b c d e EKHN (Ed.): Portrait of Ute Knie (as of July 1, 2019).
  5. Ute Knie: Ecofeminist creation liturgy , in: Herta Leistner (Ed.): "Let feel your strength". Feminist liturgy. Basics - arguments - suggestions . Gütersloh 1997, pp. 164-170, ISBN 3-579-00544-8 .
  6. Gisela Matthiae / Renate Jost et al. (Ed.): Feminist Theology. Initiatives, churches, universities - a success story . 1st edition Gütersloh 2008, ISBN 978-3-579-08032-1 .
  7. EKHN (ed.): History of the women's synods (as of July 1, 2019).
  8. Berami (Ed.): Ute Knie presented (as of July 1, 2019).
  9. Faust Kultur (ed.): Ute Knie on the board of Faust Kultur (as of July 1, 2019).
  10. EKHN (Ed.): Women's workshop Feminist Theology in the EKHN / 1983-2001 . In: Women's movement in the EKHN: Milestones and initiatives (as of November 9, 2019).
  11. a b Hanne Köhler / Hildburg Wegener (ed.): Just language in worship and church - With biblical texts for the Frankfurt Kirchentag in women-friendly language . Frankfurt am Main 1987 (no ISBN).
  12. a b Ute Knie: The Influence of Pastors on Understanding the Pastoral Office - Have Women Changed the Church? , in: Birgit Janetzky / Esther Mingram / Eva Pelkner (eds.): Aufbruch der Frauen. Challenges and perspectives of feminist theology . Münster 1989, pp. 177-183, ISBN 3-923792-36-0 .
  13. Protestant women's work in the adult education department of the education department in the Evangelical Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck (ed.): Ute Knie in the women's network (as of July 1, 2019).
  14. EKHN (ed.): Das Friedenspfarramt (as of July 16, 2019).
  15. EKHN (Ed.): Initiative Group Women Peace (as of July 16, 2019).
  16. Stefanie Bock: Women on the Internet. One has to open the lid . Evangelische Sonntagszeitung (Ed.): Online article from January 30, 2019 (as of July 1, 2019).
  17. EKHN (Ed.): Women's movement in the EKHN (as of July 5, 2019).