Vaçe Zela

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Vaçe Zela (left) at the Festivali i Këngës 1972

Vaçe Zela (born April 7, 1939 in Lushnja ; † February 6, 2014 in Basel ) was an Albanian singer from folk music to chanson and an interpreter of film music titles. As a ten-time winner of the Albanian music festival Festivali i Këngës , she is considered a musical legend in Albania. In 1962 she won the first edition of the festival with the song Fëmija e parë (The first child) . In 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1973, 1976, 1977 and 1980 she left the stage as the winner, in 1968 in a duet with Ramiz Kovaçi . In 1981 she took part in the festival for the 20th time in a row and for the last time.

life and career

Enter Zela

Vaçe Zela was born in April 1939 on the day the Italian fascists invaded Albania . Vaçe's special voice was recognized and encouraged in the school in Lushnja at an early age, and later she moved to an art high school in Tirana . She began her career in the military estrade , after which she was employed by the state theater and the ensemble of folk song and folk dances.

Zela has received several awards for her work, including in 1977 as Artist of the People (Artiste e Popullit) . The Albanian President Bamir Topi awarded her in December 2002 the "Honor of the Nation" order. In her homeland she is also known as "The Golden Voice of Albania" (Zëri i Artë i Shqipërisë) , "Holy Icon of Albanian Singing" (Ikona e Shenjtë e Këngës Shqiptare) , "Star of Albanian Music" (Ylli i Muzikës Shqiptare) and "Queen of Albanian song" (Mbretëresha e Këngës Shqiptare) . The cinema theater in her hometown is named after her.

Vaçe Zela was married to Pjetër Rodiqi. The two had a daughter, Irma. Since 2002, after she was seriously ill, Vaçe lived with her husband with their daughter in Basel , Switzerland . She died there on February 6, 2014. On February 7, 2014, Zela's body reached the Kosovar capital Pristina - as the singer wanted to be buried in Tirana the next day . At the funeral attended by the Albanian Prime Minister were Edi Rama , the Minister of Culture Mirela Kumbaro , the former heads of state Bamir Topi and Alfred Moisiu , VACE Zelas colleagues Luan Zhegu , Osman Mula , Bujar Kapexhiu , Sherif Meidani , Irma Libohova , Zana Shuteriqi , nexhmije pagarusha , Shpresa Gashi and other figures in Albanian society.

Songs (selection)

  • Çelu si mimoza (bloom like the mimosa)
  • Djaloshi dhe shiu (The youth and the rain)
  • E dua vendin tim (I love my country)
  • Esperanza ( hope ; Spanish )
  • Ëndrra ime (My dream)
  • Flakë e borë (flame and snow)
  • Fëmija e parë (The first child)
  • Gjurmët e arta (The Golden Traces)
  • Gjyshes (The Grandmother)
  • Gonxhe në pemën e lirisë (bud on the tree of freedom)
  • Kur jam pranë teje (When I'm with you)
  • Këngë për Shkurte Vatën (Song for Shkurte Vata)
  • Këngët e vendit tim (The songs of my country)
  • Lemza (The Hiccups)
  • Mesnatë (midnight)
  • Mësuesit Hero (The Hero Teachers)
  • Natën vonë (Late at night)
  • Në shtëpinë tonë (In our house)
  • Në çdo zemër mbjell gëzim (In every heart you sow joy)
  • Nënë moj do pres gërshetin (O mother, I'll cut the braid)
  • Nuk e fshehim dashurinë (We don't hide love)
  • O diell i ri (O new sun)
  • Për Arbërinë (For Albania)
  • Rrisim jetën tonë (Let's raise our lives)
  • Serenatë për nusen (Serenate for the Bride)
  • Shoqet tona ilegale (Our illegal friends)
  • Shqiponja e lirisë (The Eagle of Freedom)
  • Sot jam 20 vjeç (Today I am 20 years old)
  • Të lumtur të dua (Happy I want you)
  • Valsi i lumturisë (The Waltz of Bliss)
  • Vashëzo (girl)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Vaçe Zela Biografia., accessed December 23, 2010 (Albanian).
  2. Urdhri "Nderi i Kombit". (PDF) (No longer available online.) In: Website of the Albanian President. Archived from the original on October 10, 2006 ; Retrieved December 23, 2010 (Albanian, PDF file).
  3. Vaçe Zela, mirënjohje në Zvicer . In: Metropol . July 18, 2009 ( article on Infoarkiv ).
  4. a b ATSH: Zëri i Vace Zeles, pjese e lirisë se munguar . In: YllPress . April 6, 2010 ( article online ).
  5. Historia e Qytetit. Bashkia Lushnja, accessed January 24, 2016 (Albanian).
  6. Intelektualët e Zvicrës, mirënjohje për Vaçe Zelën. In: Info Arkiva. Panorama, accessed January 24, 2016 (Albanian, exact publication date unknown).
  7. Mereme Llubani: Vaçe Zela! (No longer available online.) Zëri Yt !, May 25, 2006, archived from the original on May 25, 2012 ; Retrieved December 24, 2010 (Albanian). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Vdes Vaçe Zela. (No longer available online.) In: February 6, 2014, archived from the original on February 21, 2014 ; Retrieved February 6, 2014 (Albanian). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /