Val-de-Travers district

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District du Val-de-Travers
Basic data
Country: SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of NeuchâtelCanton of Neuchâtel Neuchâtel (NE)
Main town : Môtiers
Area : 166.44 km²
Residents: 11,898 (December 31, 2017)
Population density : 71 inhabitants per km²
Map of District du Val-de-Travers

The District du Val-de-Travers was a district of the Canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland until December 31, 2017 . The district is made up of the Val de Travers , through which the Areuse flows, the Vallon des Verrières and the surrounding Jura hills.

The following communities belonged to the district (as of January 1, 2016) :

coat of arms Name of the parish Population
(December 31, 2017)
in km²
per km²
La Cote-aux-Fées
La Cote-aux-Fées 435 12.83 34
Les Verrières
Les Verrières 718 28.87 25th
Val-de-Travers 10,745 124.74 86
Total (3) 11,898 166.44 71


The valley is particularly famous for its absinthe production, which was illegal from 1910 until the ban was lifted in 2005. Other branches of industry located in Val-de-Travers include chocolate and watch manufacturing . The La Presta asphalt mines were in operation from 1712 to 1986 and can now be visited as part of a museum.

On April 3, 2007, the municipal parliaments of all the municipalities in the district unanimously decided to merge the eleven municipalities of the Val-de-Travers district. The proposal for the merger was submitted to the voters on June 17, 2007. However, since the voters of the municipalities of Les Verrières and La Côte-aux-Fées have spoken out against the merger, the merger could not take place for the time being. The approving municipalities worked out a new project, which was approved on February 23, 2008 by the voters of the canton of Neuchâtel. On January 1, 2009, the new municipality of Val-de-Travers was founded from 9 municipalities .

Through December 31, 2008, the borough's common landscape was as follows:

Name of the parish Population
(December 31, 2007)
in km²
per km²
Boveresse 392 12.90 30th
Buttes 601 18.20 33
Couvet 2755 16.41 168
Fleurier 3518 7.74 455
La Cote-aux-Fées 469 12.83 37
Les Bayards 369 19.15 19th
Les Verrières 669 28.67 23
Môtiers 825 6.42 129
Noiraigue 506 6.38 79
Saint-Sulpice 644 13.09 49
Traverses 1226 24.65 50
Total (11) 11,974 166.44 72

Changes in the community

Web links

Commons : District of Val-de-Travers  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Standard area statistics - municipalities according to four main areas (15.12.2017) of the Federal Statistical Office FSO