Victoriano Huerta

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Victoriano Huerta

José Victoriano Huerta Marquez (born December 22, 1850 in Colotlán , Jalisco , † January 13, 1916 in El Paso , Texas ) was a Mexican general and President of Mexico from February 19, 1913 to July 15, 1914.


As a colonel , Victoriano Huerta took part in the fight against the Yaqui in Sonora in 1900 and the Maya of Chan Santa Cruz in Yucatán (now Quintana Roo ) in 1902 .

The Mexican President Porfirio Díaz made Huerta Brigadier General in 1902 . Huerta remained in military service under President Francisco Madero . When Huerta got the high command of the army in February 1913 to put down a rebellion, he turned against Madero, deposed him and finally had him murdered.

Huerta as the new and de facto dictatorial ruler opposed a coalition of almost all revolutionary forces . Venustiano Carranza , the governor of Coahuila , emerged as their political leader . On February 19, 1913, he had the usurper Huerta deprived of his right to the presidency. He called the people to arms and claimed the post of supreme commander of the "constitutionalist", i.e. H. of the armed forces loyal to the constitution.

The revolution now entered its bloodiest phase so far, which was determined on both sides by numerically strong and bitterly fighting armies. In the north, the armed forces began to displace Pancho Villas , which had become a major revolutionary figure with its conquest of Torreón in the autumn of 1913, and Álvaro Obregóns die federales , the federal army of Huertas, first from the states of Chihuahua and Sonora, and then towards Mexico City to march. In the south Emiliano Zapata revolted and in many other parts of the country uprisings against Huerta flared up, which the Federal Army could no longer control because of their insufficient numbers.

After Huerta had not fulfilled the hopes of the United States for a special promotion of US interests in Mexico, these too turned against him. The United States cut off its military supplies by occupying the port city of Veracruz in April 1914. Huerta's position of power, which had already been significantly weakened by numerous military setbacks, could no longer be maintained after the crushing defeat of his army at Zacatecas in June of the same year. In July, the former Mexican President traveled on the German cruiser SMS Dresden into exile in Jamaica and from there on to Europe , later to the USA. From exile in the US, Huerta tried twice to instigate a revolution and was therefore arrested.

Victoriano Huerta died in US custody in El Paso in 1916 under unexplained circumstances, possibly of poisoning.


Victoriano Huerta is mocked as a drug addict cockroach in the song La Cucaracha .

"La cucaracha, la cucaracha / ya no puede caminar / porque no tiene, porque le falta / marihuana que fumar"

- Mexican revolutionary song


in order of appearance

  • Ciro de la Garza Treviño: Wilson y Huerta. Tampico y Veracruz. Ensayo de divulgación histórica . Mexico City 1933.
  • Alberto Valenzuela: ¿Quién escribió las memorias del general Victoriano Huerta? In: Lectura , Mexico City, Vol. 126 (1958), No. 3, pp. 76-85.
  • George Jay Rausche: Victoriano Huerta. A political biography . Diss., University of Illinois, Urbana 1960.
  • George Jay Rausche: The exile and death of Victoriano Huerta . In: The Hispanic American historical review . Vol. 42 (1962), pp. 133-151.
  • Kenneth Joseph Grieb: A new look at the military career of general Victoriano Huerta . In: Historia , Río Piedras, Vol. 6 (1967), pp. 75-85.
  • Kenneth Joseph Grieb: The United States and Huerta . University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln 1969.
  • Diego Arenas Guzman: El regimen del general Huerta en proyección historica . Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de la Revolución Mexicana, Mexico City 1970.
  • Michael C. Meyer: Huerta. A political portrait . University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln 1972, ISBN 0-8032-0802-2 .
  • Arturo Langle Ramirez: El militarismo de Victoriano Huerta . Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City 1976.
  • Arturo Langle Ramírez. Huerta contra Zapata. Una campaña desigual . Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City 1981, ISBN 968-582859-8 .
  • Rosendo Bolívar Meza: La presidencia interina de Victoriano Huerta . Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City 2001, ISBN 970-18-3108-X .
  • Markus Kampkötter: Emiliano Zapata. From farmer's guide to legend. A biography . Unrast Verlag, Münster 2003, ISBN 3-89771-012-9 .
  • Friedrich Engelbert Schuler (ed.): Murder and counterrevolution in Mexico. The eyewitness account of German Ambassador Paul von Hintze, 1912–1914 . University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln 2015, ISBN 978-0-8032-4963-9 .

Web links

Commons : Victoriano Huerta  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Legislatura de Coahuila: Decreto número 1421: Desconocimiento de Victoriano Huerta . In: Javier Garciadiego (ed.): Textos de la revolución mexicana . Fundacion Biblioteca Ayacucho, Caracas 2010, ISBN 978-980-276-485-3 , p. 293.
  2. ^ Woodrow Wilson : Situation in our dealings with General Victoriano Huerta, at Mexico City. Address of the President of the United States delivered at a joint session of the two Houses of Congress April 20, 1914. (United States congressional serial set no. 6755. House document no. 910).
  3. United States Congress, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations: Enforcement of certain demands against Victoriano Huerta . April 21, 1914 (United States congressional serial set no. 6552. Senate report no. 437). Washington, DC, 1914.
  4. ^ Protest against smoking cockroaches , October 13, 2008 in Spiegel Online
predecessor Office successor
Pedro Lascuráin Paredes President of Mexico
1913 - 1914
Francisco S. Carvajal