Viktor Tausk

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Viktor Tausk (1900)

Viktor Tausk (born March 12, 1879 in Žilina . Austria-Hungary , † July 3, 1919 in Vienna ) was an Austrian lawyer , neurologist , psychoanalyst and writer


His father, Hermann Tausk, was a Jewish journalist. Tausk passed the high school diploma in Varaždin in 1897 . He then studied law in Vienna , from 1900 to 1902 in Sarajevo , where he also received his doctorate. He practiced as a lawyer in Mostar . In 1906 he went to Berlin to live as a freelance artist. He earned his living with journalistic work. From 1908 to 1914 he studied medicine and underwent psychoanalytic training with Helene Deutsch in Vienna, where he established a psychoanalytic practice from 1914. He gave his first lecture at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association on November 24, 1909 and has since been part of the inner circle around Sigmund Freud . During the First World War he was drafted into the military and worked as a psychiatrist in Lublin and Belgrade . After the war he broke off his training analysis with Helene Deutsch and killed himself a little later.

He was u. a. friends with Lou Andreas-Salomé . From 1900 to 1908 he was married to Martha, b. Frisch and brother-in-law of Justinian Frisch .


  • Paraphrase as a commentary and criticism on Gerhart Hauptmann's “Und Pippa tanzt” . Cronbach, Berlin 1906
  • Influencing apparatus . On psychoanalysis of the media. Semele, Berlin 2008
  • Collected psychoanalytic and literary writings. Medusa, Vienna 1983 


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tausk, Viktor. In: Lexicon of German-Jewish Authors . Volume 20: Susm – Two. Edited by the Bibliographia Judaica archive. De Gruyter, Berlin a. a. 2012, ISBN 978-3-598-22700-4 , pp. 24-27.