Visus - Expedition Noah's Ark

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Original title Visus - Expedition Noah's Ark
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2011
length 125 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Tobi Baumann
script Arne Sommer
production Sascha Mürl
Annette Reeker
music Wolfram de Marco
Frederik Wiedmann
camera Jo home
cut Marco Pav D'Auria
Charles Ladmiral

Visus - Expedition Noah's Ark is a German adventure film from 2011 . The film premieres on June 2, 2011 in prime time on RTL . The film is based on the book Visus by Richard Hayer .


A research ship with the language expert Anahit Sarian on board finds a sunken ship of crusaders off the Turkish Mediterranean coast, which sank on the way from Cyprus to Armenia in 1369 . A pentagonal stone body about three meters in diameter is hidden. Based on the position of the bodies of the crew, it is believed that the plague raged on board, which was rampant in Europe at the time. A special task force of a secret order comes on board the ship at night, destroys the shell of the stone body, takes the contents with them and locks the crew in the hold, together with the plague pathogen. Anahit escapes.

Robert Kästner, who has already dropped out of studies twice and has been noticed as a petty criminal, travels to Italy at the request of his uncle, Professor Sörensen, a researcher in the Ark , to visit a colleague there. He does not find him in the apartment, but he does find an ancient Armenian script and a medieval depiction of Mary by a painter named Visus. Kästner finds the dead researcher in the refrigerator and has to flee from the police.

Kästner and Sörensen's assistant Anahit meet in Yerevan , Armenia, where they receive help from the taxi driver Hayk. They decipher the writings that Kästner found that point to the eye of God that is said to have been transported on Noah's ark . By bringing the two parts of the eye together, creation would be recreated. This is also the goal of the secret order, i.e. to bring the meanwhile corrupted world back to its origins.

Meanwhile, a German vacationing couple finds the wrecked research ship and the dead crew on a boat trip. The young people also contract the plague. The Turkish police set up a quarantine, but both die. Anahit, who wants to return to the research vessel, is also arrested and examined, but she is healthy. Together with the virologist present, she drives to the research ship and reconstructs the remains of the stone block. A command from the secret order blows up the ship, whereby the virologist dies, but Anahit escapes. But she is now also infected with the plague.

Kästner drives to the headquarters of the secret order, where he meets his uncle Professor Sörensen. Both are locked up, but can escape through a secret tunnel. Meanwhile, the Eye of God was brought to Armenia from the bottom of the sea.

In Armenia, Kästner, Anahit and Hayk meet again. They find out that a Soviet beverage factory was built above the monastery. They arrive at the monastery at the same time as the members of the order, Anahit is shot and critically wounded. The followers of the order lowered their eyes into the underground cathedral of the monastery on ropes, where the other eye of God is also located. A reaction takes place between the two eyes that causes the sky to explode. Kästner can cut the ropes of one eye, which separates the connection and prevents re-creation. The eye falls down and is destroyed, the followers of the order are put out of action.

Anahit can heal through the healing power of the remaining eye.


RTL announced in April 2010 that they would produce the adventure film The Legacy of the Ark . The shooting took place from April 15, 2010 to June 18, 2010, the 4.3 million euro film was shot not only in Germany, but also in Istanbul , Cappadocia and Italy .

Audience ratings

Channel date Viewers (from 3 years)
14 to 49 year old viewers
Market share (from 3 years)
14 to 49 year old market share
RTL June 2, 2011 3.03 million
1.48 million


“Tobi Baumann shot a remarkable classic adventure film with 'Visus'. RTL had this two-hour long action adventure cost 4.3 million euros. The film is worth every penny. "


“Visus - Expedition Noah's Ark” is visually (camera: Jo Heim) the most perfect RTL flirt with the classic adventure film. The cast with Stephan Luca as the gentle, beautiful savior, Michael Gwisdek as the crazy professor, Hilmi Sözer as the original (never silly) sidekick and Jean Yves Berteloot as the bad one is extremely consistent and Julia Molkhou also fits into the picture much better than once Bettina Zimmermann would stumble through the scenery again. Those who like the genre will have fun with Tobi Baumann's event movie. "


“Unfortunately, pretty much everything collapses on the actor front that can collapse. This is mainly due to the complete wrong cast of Julia Molkhou, since she plays everything immeasurably overdone, and lead actor Stephan Luca also does his thing moderately at best. The prophecy a quickly forgotten film. And that's just as well."


"Elaborately produced adventure film with a number of mystery elements, which moves in the fairway of similar cinema spectacles."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Start of shooting for RTL event "The Legacy of the Ark"
  2. RTL and "The Legacy of the Ark"
  3. RTL only just beats Sat.1
  4. ^ Critic: Visus - Expedition Noah's Ark
  5. TV film "Visus - Expedition Noah's Ark"
  6. ^ The critics: "Visus - Expedition Noah's Ark"
  7. Visus - Expedition Noah's Ark. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used