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Vivien or Vivian is a female or male given name .

Origin and meaning

The name originally comes from Latin ( vivus ) and means something like "lively" or "cheerful". But it is also called “Die / Der Siegende” or “Die / der Schöne”.

There is also the possibility that the name comes from the Roman . There this was a male name ( Vivianus , female form: Vivian ).

In Arthurian legend , the lady wearing the lake its name, the Arthurian the later Excalibur handed -Sword.

The Holy Vivian (5th c.) Was protecting a Frankish bishop who people during the Visigoth invasion in the 5th century.


The name is common in England and France , but is already a common name in German-speaking countries.


  • Feminine forms:
International forms of the name are: Vivien , Viviane ( German ), Vivian, Vivien, Vivi-ann ( English ), Viviana ( Italian ), Vivienne ( English , French [ viˈvjɛn ]), Bibiana ( Spanish ), Viviejen ( Scandinavian ), Viivi ( Finnish , Estonian ), Viveka ( Swedish )
Modified forms: Bibiane, Bibina, Bibine, Vibiana, Vibiane, Viv, Viveca, Vivi, Viviann, Vivica, Vivie, Viviene, Vivienn, Vivika, Vivyen, Vyvyan, Wivina, Wivienne, Wiwine, Viviam
  • Male forms: Vivian , Vivianus , Viviano , Vivienno, Vivien ( French )

name day

The name day of the saint and martyr Bibiana is on December 2 ( Bibiana  - form of Vivien)

Name bearer

This list contains the names of well-known people who bear or have used this name.

First name

family name

See also

Name lists of the variants: