Volker Surmann

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Volker Surmann

Volker Surmann (* 1972 in Halle (Westphalia) ) is a German comedian , cabaret artist , author , publisher , reader and linguist .


Volker Surmann published satirical texts on WDR at the age of 16 . As a pupil at the Kreisgymnasium Halle he belonged to the cabaret group , which developed and performed two different evening programs during this time. Together with Kai Ostermeier, he then formed the cabaret duo Der Rest , which performed four full-length programs between 1993 and 2001.

From 1997 to 2000 Surmann wrote literary reviews for the Bielefelder Stadtblatt and in 1998 was co-founder of the Bielefeld Cabaret Prize, which has been awarded annually since then . In 1999 he graduated from the University of Bielefeld with a degree in German and philosophy with a thesis on the subject of New Tendencies in West German Cabaret in the 1990s . He then worked there as a research assistant from 2000 until his doctorate in 2002.

In 1999, Volker Surmann conceived his first solo program with the title Bathtub: Live , which he performed as a duo program with Thomas Paul Schepansky from January 2000 to April 2003. In 2002 Volker Surmann moved to Berlin, where he founded the Weddinger reading stage Brauseboys in 2003 together with Nils Heinrich , Robert Rescue, Frank Sorge and Heiko Werning , of which he has been a member since then. In 2004 he created another solo program entitled Die Wahre Nacktheit , with which he performed throughout Germany until 2007. In the fall of 2007, the solo program Gescheiter fail followed . With excerpts from his solo programs, he also appeared regularly in the live club of the Quatsch Comedy Club and in 2007 he took part in the WDR - Poetry Slam with his short texts . In 2010 and 2011 he played in the cabaret Bundesliga.

Together with the members of the reading stage Brauseboys , Volker Surmann published two anthologies and an audio book CD with texts from the reading stage between 2005 and 2008. Since 2008, three anthologies he edited and an audio book followed. In 2010 he published his first novel The Weightlessness of the Hippopotamuses . In addition, he works as a freelance writer for the satirical magazine Titanic , the literary magazines Salbader and EXOT as well as the lesbian-gay city magazine Siegessäule and worked as a guest author for various TV comedy programs. Volker Surmann has already been nominated for a number of cabaret and comedy awards and in 2008 was awarded the Golden Backnanger Staircase . In autumn 2010 he designed the reading program Heimat, Sex & Hippo Care . Since 2010, Volker Surmann has been in charge of the Berlin Satyr Verlag's program as a lecturer , and since September 2011 he has been the sole owner of the publishing house.

Volker Surmann lives openly gay in Berlin-Friedrichshain and addresses his own homosexuality in many of his texts.


  • Seizure images. Metaphorical concepts in the speech of people with seizures (speech analysis in people with epilepsy ). Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2005, ISBN 3-8260-3117-2 (dissertation University Bielefeld 2004, 422 pages table of contents , content ).
  • Berlin Province. Anthology, Satyr-Verlag, Berlin, September 2005, ISBN 3-9386-2504-X (co-author and editor together with Nils Heinrich , Robert Rescue, Frank Sorge and Heiko Werning).
  • The shower boys. We are only short story readers! Reptiphon , Berlin September 2006, ISBN 3-9386-2530-9
    (audio book double CD, co-author and editor together with Nils Heinrich, Robert Rescue, Hinark Husen, Frank Sorge and Heiko Werning).
  • Berlin with everything - New stories from the "Province of Berlin". Anthologie, Satyr-Verlag, Berlin March 2008, ISBN 978-3-938625-54-5 (co-author and editor together with Paul Bokowski, Hinark Husen, Robert Rescue, Frank Sorge and Heiko Werning).
  • Busy - politics is just business too. Play for the Berlin cabaret stage Die Stachelschweine , 2008.
  • Sex - There was never any talk of having fun, as editor and co-author, Satyr-Verlag, Berlin November 2008, ISBN 978-3-938625-47-7 .
  • Sex - There was never talk of fun 2, as editor and co-author, Berlin October 2009, ISBN 978-3-938625-57-6 .
  • The weightlessness of the hippopotamus. Novel. Querverlag, Berlin March 2010, ISBN 978-3-89656-178-7 .
  • It wasn't me, it was the hormones! - Stories from puberty, as editor and co-author, Satyr-Verlag, Berlin October 2010, ISBN 978-3-938625-94-1 .
  • Fruit pulp is not a solution either. (Ed. And co-author, together with Heiko Werning) Satyr-Verlag, Berlin August 2011, ISBN 978-3-86327-006-3 .
  • This is not a Berlin book. Satyr-Verlag, Berlin November 2011, ISBN 978-3-981447-50-7
    (anthology, co-author and editor together with Paul Bokowski, Hinark Husen, Robert Rescue, Frank Sorge and Heiko Werning).
  • Dear farmer's son as a teacher's child. Satyr-Verlag, Berlin March 2012, ISBN 978-3-9814475-8-3 .
  • Lost in gentrification. Big city stories. (Ed. And co-author, together with Sebastian Lehmann) Satyr-Verlag, Berlin September 2012, ISBN 978-3-9814891-6-3 .
  • Extremely cold water. Novel. Voland & Quist, Dresden / Leipzig August 2014, ISBN 978-3-86391-088-4 .
  • with Heiko Werning (Ed.): Is that now satire or what? Contributions to the humorous state of the nation. Satyr, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-944035-62-8 , pages 117-122 ( table of contents , content ).
  • Mommy, why are there only men here? Novel. Goldmann, September 2015, ISBN 978-3-442-48207-8 .
  • Bare people. More beautiful ashamed for everyone. Satyr-Verlag, Berlin February 2017, ISBN 978-3-944035-83-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Volker Surmann: New tendencies in West German cabaret of the 90s , thesis, Bielefeld University, 1999 (PDF file, 765 KByte)
  2. WDR.de : Poetry Slam - Volker Surmann , video from the appearance in the second season of the WDR Poetry Slam. (Last accessed March 8, 2010, no longer available online.)
  3. Kabarettbundesliga.de: Player Profile Volker Surmann ( Memento of the original from September 27, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . (Accessed May 20, 2011) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.kabarettbundesliga.de
  4. Börsenblatt: From Lektor zum Verleger , January 6, 2012 (accessed October 8, 2012)
  5. Der Tagesspiegel : The skinny jeans have erotic qualities , February 21, 2010. (Accessed March 8, 2010.)
  6. Berliner Morgenpost : Blocked. Scenes from the toilet of the Bundestag . June 10, 2008. (Accessed November 26, 2010).
  7. Contributions by: Leo Fischer , Tim Wolff , Ella Carina Werner , Sebastian Krämer , Hauck & Bauer , Christian Bartel , Anselm Neft , Margarete Stokowski , Katharina Greve , Elke Wittich , Torsten Gaitzsch , Nils Heinrich , Ahne