Walter Häusler

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Walter Häusler (born November 25, 1912 in Lublitz , Upper Silesia ; died April 3, 2004 in Göttingen ) was a German sports scientist. He was the first professor of sports education in Lower Saxony (1954) and the first sports scientist to be elected rector of a university in Germany (apart from the sports university) (1966–1967).


After graduating from high school in Steinau / Oder , Häusler studied physical exercises, mathematics and geography at the University of Breslau for a higher teaching post. He was also active in athletics as a high jumper. After the 1st state examination in 1937, he completed his legal clerkship in Bad Warmbrunn , Hirschberg , Berlin ( Reich Academy for Physical Exercise ) and Breslau . Here he also entered the NSDAP for an exam on May 1, 1937 (membership number 352 160), which was a prerequisite for being accepted as an assistant at the institute for physical exercise with Bruno Saurbier in 1939 . From 1941 to 1945 he did military service in the Navy as a training officer . After the end of the war, he worked in individual professions outside the public service before he was denazified in 1947 and was able to continue his scientific career as an assistant at the Institute for Physical Exercise in Kiel with Karl Feige (also denazified member of the Navy) from 1947 to 1952. At the same time, he completed postgraduate studies in anthropology , psychology and physiology , which he completed with a doctorate as Dr. rer. pole. (Diss .: The suitability for athletic exercises - an anthropological study with a psychological outlook ) concluded.

In 1952/53 he was a teacher in Kiel before he was appointed lecturer at the Flensburg University of Education in 1953 . In 1954 he was appointed associate professor at the University of Education in Göttingen and in 1970 he was promoted to full professor. This was the first professorship for sports science ("sports education") in Lower Saxony and - after Friedrich Fetz (Frankfurt 1968) and Ommo Grupe (Tübingen 1968) - one of the first professorships in Germany. From 1954 to 1975 Häusler directed the central courses for secondary school teachers in the subject of sport in Lower Saxony. At the same time, he was the honorary national coach for the men's high jump in the DLV .

In 1965 and 1968 he was prorector of the PH Göttingen, from 1966/67 rector. From 1969 to 1973 he was chairman and then a member of the sports department of the founding senate of the University of Bremen . His exercise sheets for physical exercise. then training sheets for sports and games. are the most successful series of subject didactics with over 300 teaching sheets over 25 years (1960–1985). He retired in 1978 , but continued on his teaching sheets. In 2016 he was accepted into the Honorary Portal of Sports in Lower Saxony .

Individual evidence

  1. Arnd Krüger : Valentin funnel's heirs. The theory-practice problem in the physical exercises at the Georg-August University (1734–1987). In: H.-G. Schlotter (Hrsg.): The history of the constitution and the departments of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1994, ISBN 3-525-35847-4 , pp. 284-294.
  2. Bertold Jonas: The university professor Prof. Dr. Walter Häusler - a personal word to the honored teacher, esteemed colleague and loyal friend. In: Herbert Hopf, Günter Köppe (Ed.): Physical education as a course content. Contributions to the study of sports science. Kallmeyer, Wolfenbüttel 1978, pp. 121-127.