Florian workshop

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The workshop Florian (Slovene delavnica Florijan ) - named after Florian von Lorch , who is venerated in the alpine region both in Austria and in Slovenia in numerous places (e.g. Rinkenberg / Vogrče near Globasnitz / Globasnica ), is one according to § 11 Workshop for cognitively disabled adults established under the Carinthian Equal Opportunities Act (in Carinthia also called employment workshop or colloquially known throughout Austria as occupational therapy). She was led by the then educational director of Caritas. Team lifestyle. Floridus Kaiser (ÖVS, ÖFKG) conceived as Europe's first transnational and bilingual workshop for the disabled and under the long-standing Caritas Director Prelate Kons. Council Mag. Dr. Viktor Omelko built in Globasnitz. The disabled pedagogue Simona Roblek has been running the workshop since the beginning. The opening took place in May 2012 with the participation of political celebrities from Slovenia and the Carinthian state politicians.


Cognitively handicapped adults from Southern Carinthia (Jaunfeld / Podjuna, Rosental / Rož ), Nördliche Karawanken / Karavanke and Črna na Koroškem in Slovenia commute - regardless of their national origin or the type and extent of their individual disabilities - daily at traditional working hours (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) in the workshop on five working days (from Monday to Friday) from two different countries. They are there from Disabled educators and social carers disability support in the area of life work and employment serves both German and Slovenian. In order to consistently implement the bilingual concept, the documentation for educational and nursing processes was also implemented in two languages ​​for the first time and also made available in Slovenia using cloud computing . All social workers from Carinthia and Slovenia speak both German and Slovenian.

The following work areas are offered:

  • Gardening
  • Carpentry and woodworking of local woods
  • Ceramics
  • Housekeeping and kitchen
  • Promotion in the field of coping with everyday life
  • German / Slovenian language and culture mediation

The nursery was set up under the guidance of DI Klaus Schulze Zumloh from Bioeschenhof to achieve organic horticultural standards together with the disabled clients and the plants were planted. The plants come from local old varieties. As a sustainable material for handicraft basket weaving , different types of willow such as wicker , white willow and white willow were planted together under horticultural guidance . The ceramic craft and the manufacture of ceramic products is professionally supported by Alois Falkinger, the keeper of the Grafensteiner Platte , from Grafenstein / Grabštan.


In many European countries (e.g. Germany or Austria ), the care of disabled adults is the responsibility of the federal states . In other countries - such as Slovenia - the social system is organized centrally. Clients who live in a federal state are often unable to visit a nearby workshop in the neighboring state. Switching from one EU state to another has so far been impossible at all - despite the free movement of people within the European Union . The Florian / delavnica Florijan workshop is the first to try to break down these barriers. Difficult are both the different legal bases (with regard to care and support ) and the different quality standards. A particular challenge was the political agreement of the framework conditions of two different responsible bodies between the state political responsibility in Carinthia (due to the federal constitutional structure in Austria) and the national federal authorities in Slovenia. The austerity policy due to the economic and banking crisis, which also affected Slovenia in 2012, casts doubt on a lasting solution. This concept of a transnational workshop for the disabled was already conceived at the Klemens / delavnica Klemen workshop in Maria Elend / v Podgorijah in the Rosental / v Rožu, but was prevented by the responsible FPK Social Councilor Christian Ragger .


The team of architects Murero-Bresciano from Klagenfurt am Wörthersee / Celovec ob Vrbskem jezeru planned the workshop. The gable roof traditionally fits into the southern Alpine area of ​​the eastern foothills of the Karawanken and the rural rural surroundings. The outer shape suggests both a homestead and, on the other hand, an industrial building. The building becomes an inconspicuous part of the grown rural village and still stands out. The interior is spacious. The height of the room and the materials used (such as exposed concrete, screed paint) are reminiscent of industrial architecture in order to convey and perceive work physically and sensually. The rods parquet floors and tables in the work area are from local oak timbered and refer to the largest single forest area in Jauntal that the Dobrowa - called - oak forest. The chairs are made of maple and brighten up the room. The wall bars and bar handrails made of oak (frame) and ash (bars) to ensure hardness and flexibility. The wooden components were only oiled and not varnished in order to reinforce the sensual character of wood.

In the inner courtyard, which is reminiscent of Italian cloisters for contemplation , there is a linden / lipa, the national tree of Slovenia, planted. The tree sensually embodies the Najevska lipa , an almost 800-year-old linden tree in Črna na Koroškem.


The Florian workshop was awarded the Carinthian State Building Prize 2012 in the Carinthian Architecture House on December 6, 2012 . The jury, chaired by architect DI Gerhard Mitterberger, justified its decision that the building is characterized "by its simplicity, practicality and the successful layering of glass house, atrium and lounge area, which allows the landscape to flow through the building". The cross-border character and the unobtrusive shape were particularly praised.

In the jury protocol, which is open to the public, it says: The building "serves" above all for its users and manages entirely without "architectural gestures "; he seems provocatively "normal". It is all the more convincing in its self-evident presence: an award-winning intercultural facility for disabled people .


It is long overdue that transnational workshops for the disabled for the integration of cognitively handicapped adults should also be established and offered in a single Europe . In a Europe that was also created for the free movement of people, this has so far not been possible for severely disabled people in the area of ​​work. The observance of the cultural dimension through a bilingual concept (supervisors, documentation system, signage) plays an important role. From this point of view, the project is particularly valuable. On the other hand, from a socio-political point of view, it is to be criticized that state authorities for the disabled are still planning and approving employment workshops in 2012, since occupational therapies and other facilities for separation according to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are analyzed and described critically and as not future-oriented (see also the position of the Monitoring Committee ). Special facilities - even if they are well planned and directed integrative - prevent inclusion in the social insurance law safe working environment for heavy and severely disabled adults. Authorities and sponsoring organizations must be clear that a building of this type will stand for 20-30 years due to accounting depreciation and slow down efforts, including efforts.

Individual evidence

  1. Carinthian Equal Opportunities Act Current version
  2. Membership ÖVS
  3. Membership ÖFKG ( Memento of the original from January 13, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.kunsttherapie-fachverband.org
  4. Small newspaper
  5. Profile Diocese Gurk ( Memento of the original from September 23, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.kath-kirche-kaernten.at
  6. Globasnitz - opening of “Werkstatt Florian”
  7. ↑ Handover of the keys in the "Florian" workshop ( Memento from September 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  8. Small newspaper about documentation from Caritas ( Memento from September 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  9. Bioeschenhof in Echt Kärnten ( Memento of the original from February 17, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / Echt-kaernten.at
  10. Bioeschenhof website
  11. Zieglerei Falkinger in Echt-Kärnten ( Memento of the original from February 9, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / Echt-kaernten.at
  12. Slovenia is hit hard by the economic crisis
  13. Slovenia: The crisis that nobody wants to believe in
  14. Architecture office website
  15. Caritas Carinthia ( Memento of the original dated November 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.caritas-kaernten.at
  16. Message on KathPress
  17. Architecture house
  18. Statement on work and employment ( Memento of the original from June 14, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.monitoringausschuss.at

Web links