Werner Lenartz

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Werner Lenartz (born April 13, 1902 in Mesenich , † July 10, 1965 in Ippendorf ) was a German university professor , senior government councilor and author .


Werner Lenartz was a son of the baker and winemaker Franz Lenartz from Mesenich on the Moselle . He received his training at the elementary school seminar in Merzig , Saarland , but because of a surplus of teachers he initially devoted himself to popular education in the Rhineland . Later he was entrusted with the establishment of the Kolping Library in Cologne and the management of the entire educational system of the Catholic journeyman's associations , at the same time he became a member of the Hohenrodter Bund . When the Prussian minister of education, Carl Heinrich Becker , wanted to win him over for teacher training, he began studying education , philosophy and German at the University of Cologne from 1929 to 1933 . He resisted National Socialism , but at that time he was unable to pursue his professional plans. His first job was at the Karlschule in the north of Bonn until he was called up for military service in World War II from 1940 to 1945.

After the end of the war he became rector of the Endeich elementary school, which he had rebuilt and in 1946 he was entrusted with the construction and management of all other elementary schools in Bonn. In the same year he was appointed advisor for adult education in Cologne . From 1947 to 1949 he performed the same task as a senior government councilor in the Ministry of Culture of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf . From 1949 he taught first as a lecturer and from 1959 as a professor for general pedagogy at the Pedagogical Academy in Bonn, which was renamed the Pedagogical University of Bonn in 1963 . Because of his knowledge and skills, he was appointed to the German Committee for Education . In addition to his professional activities, he wrote numerous writings and books, including a summary about the Swiss poet Jeremias Gotthelf with the title “Worldview and Thoughts of an Educator” .

He also wrote a number of historical and systematic articles in the Herder Lexicon for Pedagogy, and he also published numerous articles in the local press. From 1953 he held the pedagogy department in the “Literary Advice Guide” and until his death in 1965 he worked on the issue of the homeland yearbook for the district of Zell . Werner Lenartz died of a heart attack at the age of 63 on July 10, 1965 and was buried in the cemetery in Ippendorf near Bonn. In his obituary it was said: “The lecturers at the Pedagogical University have lost a colleague who is irreplaceable both professionally and personally in Lenartz ”.

Works (selection)

  • 1933 Patriotic Celebrations, 421 pp.
  • 1933 Germany, our love and our fate: A reading from German literature, 311 pp.
  • 1935 Beginning and transition: A choral game for leaving school, 24 pp.
  • 1936 Patriotic Celebrations, 484 pp.
  • 1936 The Way of the People: An Outline of German History, 68 pp.
  • 1940 Confession to the Rhine, Voices of German Poets and Deuters, 88 pp.
  • 1946 Stream of Grace: Legends and Miracles Told by the People on the Rhine, 76 pp.
  • 1946 Nikolaus Cusanus, Joseph Görres, 39 pp.
  • 1947 People, my people, what did I do to you ...: Gesänge, 159 p.
  • 1947 The faithful wife: fairy tales of love and loyalty, contributor Elisabeth A. Albrecht
  • 1947 The sky falls: fairy tales and game stories, contributors Hilde Schiffers
  • 1948/49 What mother tells: fairy tales to be read and told, with many colorful pictures by Alja Urbach, 243 pp.
  • 1949 Stream of Grace: Legends and Miracles Told by the People on the Rhine 78 pp.
  • 1952 Bauerntum - Bauernleben: A reading book for rural youth, 259 pp.


  • Alfons Friderichs (Ed.): Lenartz, Werner , In: “Personalities of the Cochem-Zell District” , Kliomedia, Trier 2004, ISBN 3-89890-084-3 , p. 213.
  • Markus Friderichs (Author): Prof. Werner Lenartz from Mesenich , In: Yearbook for the Cochem-Zell District 2002, pp. 121-122f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kolping Society of Werner Lenartz, Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 1954. Lexicon of Living German-Speaking Scientists, edited by Gerhard Oestreich, Eighth Edition, Walter de Gruyter & Co. Berlin 1954 in the Google book search
  2. The adult education center of the city of Bonn, work plan for the second third year of 1947 from May 5 to August 2, Werner Lenartz was advisor for adult education, p. 3, In: medien.die.bonn (PDF)
  3. Pedagogical Academy in Bonn Lenartz, Minerva, Yearbook of the learned world department universities and colleges, Volume I: Europe, edited by Werner Schuder, 35th, Berlin 1966, Walter de Gruyter & Co. in the Google Book Search
  4. Jeremias Gotthelf - Weltbild and thought world of an educator, Lenartz, Werner, Weltbild und Verlag, Ferdinand Schöningh 1954, 192 p.
  5. Patriotic celebrations, Lenartz, Werner, Dusseldorf, Educational Publishing 1933, In: Library of Congress
  6. Der Weg des Volkes, an outline of German history, Lenartz, Werner, In: Library of Congress