Werner Straub (psychologist)

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Werner Straub (born July 14, 1902 in Stuttgart , † January 25, 1983 in Dresden ) was a German psychologist and professor at the TU Dresden .

Live and act

After graduating from high school in 1921 and training as a bookseller, Straub began studying psychology and philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich in 1923 . There he received his doctorate in 1927 with an experimental thesis on sound quality and pitch . As an assistant at the Psychological Institute of the Technical University of Darmstadt , he completed his habilitation in 1931 with a thesis on the principles of experimental educational psychology . From 1931 he worked in Dresden, first in teacher training at the Institute for Psychology and Philosophy in the cultural studies department, from 1934 as head of the Psychotechnical Institute founded by Ewald Sachsenberg in 1922 . When Philipp Lersch went to Breslau in 1937 , Straub took over his position as associate professor, from 1939 associate professor and director of the department of psychology. In November 1933 he signed the professors' declaration of Adolf Hitler at German universities and colleges .

In 1946 he became a full professor. From 1946 to 1947 he was the first dean of the pedagogical faculty, succeeding Enno Heidebroek from 1947 to 1949 as rector of the TH Dresden , who was in charge of the reconstruction. In 1950 he took care of the assignment of the Institute for Psychology he founded to Math.-Naturwiss. Faculty and the introduction of the graduate psychologist . In 1967 he retired.

Straub dealt with aptitude psychological problems and investigations into the characterology and psychology of the will . To do this, he designed the dynamograph , a pair of spring- loaded pliers that one person can squeeze by hand as tightly and for as long as possible. He also researched learning and work process design . Erwin Gniza and Ursula Köhler , as Straub's assistants, developed contributions to occupational safety and the methodology of psychological work analysis.

On October 19, 1962, the Society for Psychology of the GDR was founded under the chairmanship of Werner Straub .

Since 1949 he was a member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences . In 1960 he received the Patriotic Order of Merit in bronze and in 1962 in silver. The Werner Straub Prize is awarded annually in Dresden for a diploma with distinction and a doctorate with distinction.

Fonts (selection)

  • Pitch and sound quality , in: Archive for the entire psychology (1929)
  • The basics of an experimental educational psychology, Langensalza 1931 (Habilitation thesis TH Darmstadt)
  • On the psychology of inner stability and lack of stability , Dresden 1947
  • Ed .: Problems and Results of Psychology , 1960ff



Estate in the university archive of the TU Dresden

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New Germany , October 7, 1960, p. 4
  2. ^ New Germany, October 6, 1962, p. 4