White Noise - screams from beyond

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German title White Noise - screams from beyond
Original title White noise
Country of production United Kingdom , USA , Canada
original language English
Publishing year 2005
length 98 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
JMK 14
Director Geoffrey Sax
script Niall Johnson
production Paul Brooks ,
Shawn Williamson
music Claude Foisy
camera Chris Seager
cut Nick Arthurs

White Noise is a 2005 Canadian-British-American horror thriller .


The architect Jonathan Rivers has a second marriage to the pregnant bestselling author Anna. The young happiness is completed by Jonathan's son Mike from his first marriage. But then Anna disappears without a trace and is found dead from a lake a few months later. Police suspect she slipped and drowned while trying to change a tire on her car.

Before Anna's body is found, a man named Raymond Price chases the confused Jonathan into his office. Jonathan confronts him. Raymond says that Anna is dead but that he saw her and that he can contact the dead. He offers Jonathan to contact him when he is ready and hands over his business card. Shortly afterwards, strange things happen in Jonathan's life: He receives calls which, according to the display on his cell phone, come from Anna's cell phone, even though it is safely kept at home. Jonathan also hears Anna's voice on his answering machine and in his presence electronic devices like his radio and an elevator suddenly go crazy.

Jonathan then turns to Raymond, who tells him about EVP , the Electronic Voice Phenomenon , which enables the dead to send messages from the afterlife that are recorded on media such as VCRs and tapes. Raymond has a complete set of technical equipment and has already archived numerous messages from the afterlife, including from Anna, who is trying to contact Jonathan. In Raymond's house, Jonathan also meets the librarian Sarah, who has received a message from her deceased fiancé. When Jonathan listens to the barely understandable message from Anna, he suddenly receives strange voices that abuse him very aggressively.

Back home, Jonathan runs tapes for days and actually hears Anna's voice on the recordings. Shortly afterwards he receives a call from Raymond asking him to come immediately, but when Jonathan arrives at Raymond's, he finds him murdered.

Jonathan then decides to continue Raymond's work and acquires technical equipment, but initially fails to receive tapes or video recordings from the afterlife. Desperate, Jonathan turns to a medium , to a clairvoyant woman, who urgently warns him about EPP, since evil forces are at work, and also tells him that when she tries to contact Anna, she always goes up Willow Avenue sees himself. However, Jonathan does not understand this message and continues to try to receive messages from the afterlife by running tapes and video recorders.

In fact, Jonathan soon received messages and was able to deliver a message to a young woman from her late grandmother. But although Jonathan has been receiving the message from his grandmother for a week, she died only two days earlier. Shortly afterwards, Jonathan sees Anna and then a dying woman on one of his video tapes. In the background he sees three shadows that look like men and hears the words "Willow Avenue". Jonathan drives to Willow Avenue and discovers a crashed car with the woman he saw on the videotape and her baby. He manages to save the baby, but the woman dies.

Jonathan is now convinced that Anna from the afterlife sends him pictures of future deaths that he should prevent. As he looks through Raymond's client list, he discovers that both the late grandmother and the woman killed in the accident were regularly with Raymond to contact the deceased. In addition, Jonathan finds the name of a woman on the client list who has been missing for days and who is believed to have been kidnapped. With his knowledge, Jonathan can only turn to Sarah. When the two watch other videotapes, they actually discover images of the missing woman who is dying. Suddenly images appear on the screen that show a dying Sarah and again the three shadows who abuse Jonathan and ask him not to interfere any longer. Anna's voice can also be heard, repeating the words "go immediately!" Over and over again.

Knowing that something is going to happen to Sarah, Jonathan tries to guard her, but he cannot prevent her from mysteriously falling down a balcony and being admitted to the hospital seriously injured. Jonathan then watches more video recordings and recognizes images of a warehouse by the lake, near which Anna's body was pulled out of the water. He leaves a message for Detective Smits, who is investigating the cases of Raymond's murder and Sarah's fall, and drives to the warehouse, where he also discovers technical equipment for EPP. Again and again he sees Anna in front of him, who tells him to leave immediately. Finally, he finds the kidnapped woman who is in the hands of a man whom Jonathan has already seen in an elevator at random encounters at the beginning. He admits that he also murdered Anna, on “her” behalf. Suddenly the three shadows appear and attack Jonathan. When the police arrive a little later, they can save the woman, but Jonathan is dead.

Shortly after Jonathan's funeral, his son Mike hears his father's voice on the car radio. Jonathan asks Mike for forgiveness this way. Sarah, who has been in a wheelchair since the fall, is also at the funeral. Suddenly she too is attacked by the shadows. In the last shot of the film, Jonathan's and Anna's faces can be briefly recognized on a television screen.


With a budget of ten million US dollars, the film grossed just under 56 million US dollars.


Michael Keaton was nominated for the Teen Choice Award .


Michael Booth described the film in the Denver Post as "disappointing".

Colin Covert described the film in the Minneapolis Star Tribune as "illogical but entertaining."


In 2007 a sequel called White Noise: Fear the Light (original title: White Noise 2: The Light ) was produced, in which a completely different line-up can be seen. The director took Patrick Lussier . The film was released on DVD in Germany in September 2007.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Certificate of Release for White Noise - Screams from Beyond . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry, February 2005 (PDF; test number: 101 302 K).
  2. Age rating for White Noise - Screams from Beyond . Youth Media Commission .