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Coordinates: 52 ° 43 ′ 53 ″  N , 8 ° 38 ′ 18 ″  E

Relief map: Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony

The Wietingsmoor is an approximately 50 km² moor area in the Lower Saxony district of Diepholz . It is located in the heart of the Diepholzer Moorniederung natural area in the north-west German lowlands and extends over a length of over 20 km between the towns of Twistringen in the north and Wagenfeld in the south.


The Wietingsmoor is a varied high moor landscape, which u. a. has been changed to a large extent by peat extraction, agriculture and cultivation, but in some cases it has also been well preserved or restored. Its size, the late settlement of the area (around 1900) and conservation efforts after the Second World War played a decisive role.

Due to extensive renaturation and maintenance measures, the area is also of interest to visitors, who will find two observation towers and designated hiking trails in the south. From here you can u. a. experience the bird world with the seasonal crane racing (in autumn up to 25,000 birds / day).

Outline and protected areas

The Wietingsmoor is roughly divided into three parts - northern, middle and southern Wietingsmoor. The district road 43 between Scharrel (locality in Eydelstedt ) and Wehrbleck forms roughly the border between the northern and central Wietingsmoor. At Freistatt the federal highway 214 runs in the area between the middle and the southern Wietingsmoor. The latter is also called Neustädter Moor.

Several nature reserves (NSG) and landscape protection areas (LSG) are designated in the Wietingsmoor :

In addition, large parts include the Wieting Moors to the geographical scope of the European network of protected areas Natura 2000. . The FFH area DE-3217-331 Wietingsmoor exists in the northern and central area and the FFH area DE-3317-301 Neustädter Moor is shown in the southern area . Both areas each include, in whole or in part, the aforementioned nature and landscape protection areas. The much larger EU bird sanctuary DE-3418-401 Diepholzer Moorniederung also extends over parts of the Wietingsmoor.

Web links

Commons : Wietingsmoor  - collection of images, videos and audio files