Wilhelm Gwinner

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Wilhelm Robert Franz Gwinner , von Gwinner since 1908 , (born October 17, 1825 in Frankfurt am Main ; † January 27, 1917 ibid) was a German lawyer and writer as well as executor and first biographer of the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer .


Gwinner family grave in Frankfurt's main cemetery

Wilhelm Gwinner was born as the son of Philipp Friedrich Gwinner and Catharina. von Rolland (1800–1887) was born and attended high school in Frankfurt . From 1844 he studied law in Jena and Heidelberg . During his studies in Jena in 1844 he became a member of the fraternity on the Fürstenkeller . After graduating as Dr. iur. In 1847 in Heidelberg he worked as a lawyer in Frankfurt. From 1849 Gwinner studied philosophy and theology in Tübingen . After the renewed doctorate to Dr. phil. he entered the service of the Free City of Frankfurt , initially as secretary of the court of appeal , from 1865 to 1866 as a city judge. After the annexation of Frankfurt by Prussia , he became district court director . In 1899 he was appointed to the Privy Council and knighted in 1908 .

Gwinner was one of Arthur Schopenhauer's confidants. He visited the philosopher for the last time shortly before his death and recorded the words of Schopenhauer regarding his imminent death.

Gwinner was friends with Theodor Creizenach , Heinrich Hoffmann and Ludwig Braunfels . From 1880 to 1882 he was senior of the Protestant community board, from 1882/83 to 1899 director of the Protestant consistory . He was also a long-time member of the church council of the white women congregation . With his wife Eugenie geb. Dreiß (1825–1900) he lived in Großer Hirschgraben No. 5. His son was the banker and art patron Arthur von Gwinner , a granddaughter Charlotte von Gwinner .

Gwinner was buried in the family grave in Frankfurt's main cemetery (Winning B on Wall 398a).

Works (selection)

  • Basic lines of a critique of the idea of ​​popular sovereignty. Dissertation University of Tübingen 1849.
  • Arthur Schopenhauer depicted from personal affairs. Brockhaus 1862.
  • Schopenhauer and his friends: To illuminate the Frauenstädt-Lindner defense of Schopenhauer and to supplement the text: "Arthur Schopenhauer shown from personal dealings." Brockhaus 1863.
  • Speech for Arthur Schopenhauer on his centenary birthday on February 22, 1888. Brockhaus 1888.
  • Schopenhauer's Life (Classic Reprint). Fb & c Limited 2018, ISBN 0-366-6454-63 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Walter Abendroth: Arthur Schopenhauer , Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1967, p. 123.