Will Burgdorf

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Self-portrait of the young Burgdorf

Will Burgdorf (* 1905 in Hanover ; † 1944 in Belarus ) was a German photographer who specialized in portrait photography .


Maria Burgdorf, wife of the artist
The dancer and choreographer Harald Kreutzberg
The actress Carola Wagner

The more the time of the German Empire , born in 1905 Will Burgdorf went back in the early 1920s years after Dresden , where he in the studio of Bruno Wiehr went through his training.

Back in his hometown, Burgdorf - still a youth at the end of the 1920s - was "one of the narrow circle of the Hanoverian artist scene of that time of dancers, writers, artists and gallery owners."

In front of Burgdorf's camera, which he also used for photographic self-studies and portraits of his wife, members of the Hannoversche Schauspielhaus ensemble as well as Harald Kreutzberg , Käte Steinitz , Grethe Jürgens , Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart , Fritz Beindorff , Max Rüdenberg and Joachim Ringelnatz staged themselves . Not least through recordings by avant-garde artists such as Yvonne Georgi , Will Burgdorf made a name for himself nationwide in the 1930s.

However, Burgdorf also photographed numerous other citizens, especially the city of Hanover. In his studios in der List , some of which were also used as an apartment , initially at Harnischstrasse 6 , then at Lister Platz 3 and at Podbielskistraße 12 , innumerable photographs were taken of private individuals, including parents, who had themselves and their children taken.


Around 2008 part of Will Burgdorf's estate came into private hands. But works by the Hanoverian photographer can also be found in public collections today:

Exhibition and search

For the first time in the 21st century , the Hanover Theater Museum created a cabinet exhibition to provide access and a first glimpse into Will Burgdorf's work. At the same time, the museum made a call on its website to private individuals to view old photo albums and to report any finds of Burgdorf photos to the theater museum by telephone.

Web links

Commons : Will Burgdorf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h o. V .: The photographer Will Burgdorf (1905-1944) on the page schauspielhannover.de [undated], last accessed on October 19, 2018
  2. Frank-Manuel Peter: The fragmentation of an important photographer's estate , article on the deutsches-tanzarchiv.de page [undated], last accessed on October 20, 2018