Willem Hubert Nolens

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WH Nolens (Photo Franz Ziegler)
Statue of Willem Hubert Nolens in Venlo

Wilhelmus (Willem) "Wiel" Hubertus (Hubert) Nolens (* December 7, 1860 in Venlo ; † August 27, 1931 in 's-Gravenhage ) was a Dutch Roman Catholic priest and politician of the Roomsch-Katholieke Staatspartij (RKSP), who was a member of the Second Chamber of States General and Minister of State for 35 years .


Studies, priests and teaching activities

After attending the Hogere Burgerschool in Venlo , he was a student at Bisschoppelijk College in Weert from 1874 to 1878 and then studied philosophy at Bisschoppelijk College in Rolduc Abbey near Kerkrade , which he graduated with the state examination in 1880 . He then began in October 1880 study of law and political science at the State University of Utrecht , he February 1890 with the promotion of Dr. jur. with a dissertation entitled De leer van den H. Thomas van Aquino over het Recht "cum laude".

At the same time he studied Catholic theology between 1884 and March 1887 at the seminary ( Groot Seminarie ) in Roermond and after his ordination on March 26, 1887 worked as a priest in the diocese of Roermond . Between 1888 and 1909 he himself worked in the Rolduc monastery, on the one hand as a teacher for general political science at the local high school and grammar school and on the other hand as a lecturer in moral philosophy at the monastery’s small seminary.

MP, parliamentary group leader and the 'Nolens Doctrine'

In November 1896 Nolens was elected a member of the Second Chamber of the States General and represented the constituency of Venlo until August 1931 .

During this almost 35-year membership in parliament, between February 1910 and his death in August 1931, he was also chairman of the group of Roman Catholic MPs and, after the establishment of the Roomsch-Katholieke Staatspartij in 1926, chairman of the group of the RKSP. In this function he was also the political leader of the Roman Catholic chamber members and most recently of the RKSP.

During this time, after the failure of the first government of Prime Minister Hendrikus Colijn in 1926 , the 'Nolens Doctrine' named after him was created. This stated that the RKSP would only form a coalition with socialists and social democrats in an exceptional emergency situation . When the formateur Hendrik Marchant, who was tasked with exploring the possibility of forming a government, held talks with Nolens, the latter replied that, from the RKSP's point of view, there was no such emergency to form a government with the Sociaal Democratische Arbeiders Partij (SDAP).

Nolens was particularly concerned with the social issue and was particularly committed to improving the living and working conditions of the miners in the province of Limburg .

In addition to his political career, he was appointed to an extraordinary professorship for labor law , administrative law and general political science at the University of Amsterdam in May 1909 , where he taught until September 1925.

For his many years of political service, he was appointed commander of the Order of the Dutch Lion on June 5, 1913 . In addition, on August 22, 1923 he was awarded the honorary title of Minister of State ( Minister van Staat ) for life.


  • De Leer van den H. Thomas van Aquino over het Recht , dissertation, University of Utrecht 1890
  • Beteekenis en omvang van de arbeidswetgeving , 1909

Background literature

  • JP Gribling: Willem Hubert Nolens 1860-1931. Uit het leven van een priester-staatsman , 1978, ISBN 90-232-1643-1
  • Th. Kroon: Nolens, portret van een groot staatsman , 1981

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. De Nolens-doctrine: alleen in uiterste noodzaak met de socialisten (geschiedenis24.nl)
  2. coalities tussen en sociaaldemocraten confessionelen. 'Alleen bij uiterste noodzaak' ( histornieuwsblad.nl )