Vladislav Borissowitsch Timofejew

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Wladislaw Borissowitsch Timofejew ( Russian Владислав Борисович Тимофеев ; born September 22, 1936 in Moscow , Soviet Union ) is a Russian solid-state physicist and university professor .


Timofejew studied at Kiev University with a degree in 1959. From 1966 he worked in the Institute of Solid State Physics (IFTT) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR, since 1991 Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)) in Chernogolovka . In 1976 he organized and then headed the laboratory for non-equilibrium electron processes at the IFTT .

Timofejew is a proven expert in semiconductor and solid state physics. He analyzed the thermodynamics of the non-equilibrium electron- hole systems in semiconductors and created phase diagrams for the metallic electron-hole liquid. In the non-equilibrium electron-hole gas he discovered exciton - molecule - quasiparticle and investigated their properties. A spin- oriented exciton gas as a new quantum object was experimentally realized and investigated. He investigated the stability of exciton and exciton doping atom complexes. Using methods of optical spectroscopy , he carried out studies of inelastic light scattering on high-temperature superconductors for the first time and found a strong anisotropy , with which he became very well known.

In 1980 Timofeev became a professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology . In 1990 he was elected a corresponding member of the AN-SSSR.

With the investigation of the optical properties of low-dimensional semiconductor systems, Timofejew established a new research direction. He discovered the partial quantization of the Hall resistance in silicon - FETs and developed used a spectroscopic technique for the measurement of the Coulomb gap. He discovered the Wigner crystallization of two-dimensional electrons in a single heterojunction . He investigated systems with spatially distributed electron-defect electron layers and found the Bose condensation of the excitons. Timofeev's work formed the basis for the magneto - optics of low-dimensional electron systems.

In 2000 Timofejew was elected a full member of the RAN. He is a member of the Presidium of the RAN Science Center in Chernogolovka. He is a member of the International Commission on Semiconductor Physics of the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics . He is the author or co-author of a large number of publications. His stag index is 28.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c RAN: Тимофеев Владислав Борисович (Историческая справка) (accessed March 2, 2019).
  2. a b c d Большая российская энциклопедия: ТИМОФЕ́ЕВ Владислав Борисович (accessed March 2, 2019).
  3. Alferov Zh I , Andreev AF , Gantmakher VF , Kveder VV , Keldysh LV , Kukushkin IV , Kulakovsky VD , Osip'yan Yu A , Rashba É I , Sibel'din NN , Suris RA , Éliashberg GM : Vladislav Borisovich Timofeev (on his seventieth birthday) . In: Phys. Usp. tape 49 , 2006, pp. 1211–1212 , doi : 10.1070 / PU2006v049n11ABEH006221 ( [1] accessed March 3, 2019).
  4. a b IFTT: Академик В. Б. Тимофеев (accessed March 2, 2019).
  5. Math-Net.Ru: Timofeev Vladislav Borisovich (accessed on March 3, 2019).
  6. Список CItot ≥ 1000 (accessed on March 3, 2019).