Wolfgang Lambrecht

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Wolfgang Lambrecht (2017)

Wolfgang Lambrecht (born April 5, 1944 in Stadthagen ) is a German pediatric surgeon and university professor.


After graduating from the Ratsgymnasium Stadthagen , Lambrecht studied medicine at the Georg-August University in Göttingen and the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . In December 1968 he received his doctorate in Göttingen. He was a medical assistant in Goslar and Stadthagen. Shortly after the start of his surgical training in Goslar (Adalbert Büttner) called up as a conscript for the German Navy , he went to sea as a ship's doctor on the frigate Lübeck (F 224) . Discharged in March 1972, he went to Fritz Rehbein , one of the world's leading pediatric surgeons in Bremen. After three and a half years, on November 1, 1975, he switched to Rudolf Pichlmayr at the Hannover Medical School (general and transplant surgery). Since March 1, 1977 with Hans-Wilhelm Schreiber in general surgery at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf , he interned in 1978 for three months at pediatric surgery centers in Philadelphia, Washington and Boston. In January / February 1978 he took part in the British Council Course on Neonatal Surgery at the Hospital for Sick Children in London. In the spring of 1980 he was awarded the specialist doctorate in surgery and the specialist doctor in pediatric surgery . On February 25, 1987 , he qualified as a professor for surgery in Hamburg. He turned down the calls he received in 1988 for the C3 position for pediatric surgery at the University of Giessen and for the C4 position for pediatric surgery at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf. The University of Hamburg appointed him C3-Professor on January 31, 1988 and University Professor C4 on July 4, 1989. At the same time he took over the first chair in the newly created clinic for pediatric surgery at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf. He refused the call he had received from the Rudolf Virchow University Hospital in Berlin in June 1993. In 1997 he chaired the 160th meeting of the Association of Northwest German Surgeons . In addition to the directorate in Eppendorf, he took over the management of the surgical department of the Altona children's hospital in August 2004 . On April 30, 2007, he retired.


  • with Werner Lierse : The internal sphincter in anorectal malformations: Investigations in neonatal pigs . J Pediatr Surg 22 (1987), pp. 1160-1168.
  • with Dietrich Kluth, Michael WL Gauderer .: In Memoriam Fritz Rehbein, MD 1911–1991 . J Pediatr Surg: 27 (1992), pp. 545-547.

Editorial activities

  • Journal of Pediatric Surgery (Editorial Consultant)
  • European Journal of Pediatric Surgery (Advisory Board)
  • Hepato-Gastroeneroly (Advisory Board)
  • Chairman of the Richard Drachter Prize Commission of the German Society for Pediatric Surgery


  • Martini Prize of the Martini Foundation Hamburg (1987)
  • Langenbeck Prize of the German Society for Surgery (1987)
  • Richard Drachter Prize of the German Society for Pediatric Surgery (1988)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: Early and late results after splenorenal anastomoses .
  2. Habilitation thesis: Morphological investigations in piglets with congenital anal atresia .