Wolfgang custom

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Wolfgang Sitte (born December 12, 1925 in Vienna , † June 16, 2006 in Salzburg ) was an Austrian geographer and didactician who taught geography and economics .


Wolfgang Sitte was born as the second son in a civil servant family in Vienna (his father Josef moved from Kirchberg am Walde / Waldviertel to Vienna after the turn of the century ). Sitte first attended the Schottengymnasium in Vienna , after its closure in 1938 the (state) Piarist high school in Vienna VIII. After military service, wounding and imprisonment in the Rhine meadow camps and then in France, from where he did not return home until 1946, he also began because of these experiences ( his older brother Karl was killed in Russia in 1942) studied history at the University of Vienna . In addition, the enthusiastic mountaineer took geography and geology. He completed his studies with a teaching degree (Magisterium).

From 1952, he taught at various grammar schools in Vienna. In addition, Sitte dealt with teaching methodology, since in addition to his later parent school, Gymnasium Stubenbastei, he also had lessons at a teacher training institute in Vienna XVIII. At the end of the 1960s, the geographer Hans Bobek brought him to the Institute for Geography at the University of Vienna for the courses on economics and the methodology of geography and economics . Sitte redesigned this minor course to become the first courses in didactics of geography and economics (GW) in Austria. Later he was brought to various specialist didactics courses at the institutes for geography at the University of Salzburg , and during the founding phase of the institute also at the University of Klagenfurt . From 1972 until his retirement he taught as a professor at the Pedagogical Academy (today PH) of the federal government in Vienna X. In this function, he also worked in various curriculum working groups. The 1985 SI GW curriculum in Austria was largely designed by him. This curriculum initiated the paradigm shift to GW in Austria. Influences of his writings can also be seen in later S II curricula (around 1989). At Uni and PädAk, he trained a whole generation of specialist didactics who have been working since then, such as Christian Fridrich , Alfons Koller or Maria Hofmann-Schneller and others. a.

In 1978 he founded the most important Austrian magazine for subject didactics of the subject "GW-UNTERRICHT". Sitte's literature is partly documented in its online table of contents. Even before that (from 1963, issue 8) he had been brought in by his colleague Walter Kranzer in the teacher training magazine of the Ministry of Education for S II teachers, the "Wissenschaftliche Nachrichten" as the editor of the section "Economic and Social Geography". He was responsible for this section up to issue 131/2006 (see ibid. P. 52) and wrote a long series of articles himself.

In the mid-1970s he initiated the first seminars in subject didactics at an Austrian university institute with the then study assistant Helmut Wohlschlägl . The result was the book “Schulgeographie im Wandel”, Vienna 1975, which laid the basis for the later phase of reform of the subject GW in Austria, which he initiated in a major way and which received a broad discussion platform through his magazine GW-UNTERRICHT (today's reforms in this Unfortunately there is a lack of detail on innovative application ideas and broad participation by the teaching staff).

At the University of Vienna, he then published his own “Handbook on GW in Austria” in 2001 - again together with Helmut Wohlschlägl, who is now a university professor for specialist didactics - which was later made available online. In addition, Wolfgang Sitte was also active as a textbook author and in teacher training. Among other things, he initiated the geoinformatics seminars organized together with Josef Strobl and Alfons Koller at Easter at the University of Salzburg . He was involved in organizing the 21st German Geographers 'Conference in Salzburg in 1988 and the 28th German Geographers' Conference in September 2002 in Vienna, where he also led a working group.

In 2006 he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Salzburg for his many years of service. For his life's work he was also awarded honorary membership by the Austrian Geographical Society that year. In the last weeks of his life he wrote a synopsis of the articles on the development of the subject in Austria that had appeared in the " Mitteilungen der Österreichische Geographische Gesellschaft " in his magazine .

Individual evidence

  1. On the death of Dr. Wolfgang custom
  2. a b Helmut Wohlschlägl, Christian Sitte, ed .: "Geography and Economics" - Lessons in Austria in the mid-eighties - Wolfgang Sitte on his 60th birthday. In: GW lessons 23 1986. In: University of Vienna . Retrieved July 10, 2020 .
  3. cf. on this in Chap. 4-7 in: "The development of the subject geography, geography, geography and economics in general education schools (APS and AHS) in Austria after 1945" Diss. Univie. 1989
  4. ↑ on this WS 2001 "GW - Development and Concept of the Teaching Subject
  5. ↑ on this WS 2001 on the curriculum for the lower level 1985
  6. Issue 1/1978 of GW-UNTERRICHT
  7. online table of contents of the printed booklets of GW lessons
  8. Literature references to WS are also in the volumes "Geographischer Jahresbericht aus Österreich" from 1970 to 1990
  9. ^ Zs. Scientific news
  10. WS obituary on page 52 in: Wiss. News H.131 / 2006
  11. Sitte Wolfgang, Helmut Wohlschlägl, ed. 2001: Contributions to the didactics of "geography and economics" lessons. Institute for Geography at the University of Vienna
  12. cf. in addition Ch. Sitte “Lessons? School book? - A matter of many filters: Thoughts & conversation notes on Wolfgang Sitte's estate in a series of school books ”. In GW lessons 105/2007 pp. 76-84
  13. cf. on this Vielhaber Ch .: "Wolfgang Sitte in conversation" ; in GW lessons 100/2005 pp. 12–25
  14. cf. Müller Guido, Wolfgang Sitte, Hermann Suida, eds. (1988): Salzburg - Middle Eastern Alps. Excursion guide to the 21st German Schulgeographentag in Salzburg October 3rd - 8th, 1988. Self-published by the Institute for Geography of the University of Salzburg - or the same publisher (1992) Excursions in the state of Salzburg (continuation of the excursion guide 1988). Self-published by the Institute for Geography University of Salzburg
  15. Honorary doctorate - press release from the University of Salzburg on January 26, 2006 ( memento from July 31, 2007 in the Internet Archive ), or honorary doctorate - from the University of Salzburg on January 26, 2006 ( memento from January 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive ); further cf. also here at gw.eduhi.at 2006 - photos of it laudation photos of it ( memento from January 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  16. cf. in: 150 Years of the Austrian Geographical Society - Notes on their anniversary celebration and on their school geography-related work


  • Hartwig Haubrich : School Geography in Transition - Spotlights on the international change in goal and content orientation of geography lessons - A treatise on the occasion of W. Sitte's 80th birthday. In: GW-Lehr, H. 100, 2006, pp. 26–32.
  • Ch. Vielhaber : Interview with Wolfgang Sitte: 80 years - a life for geography and economics. In: GW-Lehr, H. 100, 2006, pp. 12-25.
  • Ch. Vielhaber: Wolfgang Sitte 80 years. In: Mitteilungen der Österr. Geographische Gesellschaft, Vol. 147, 2005, pp. 295–300.
  • Ch. Vielhaber, H. Wohlschlägl: On the death of Wolfgang Sitte. In: Communications of the Austrian Geographical Society, vol. 148, 2006, p. 397 ff.
  • H. Wohlschlägl, Ch. Sitte: "Geography and Economics" - Lessons in Austria in the mid-eighties. Wolfgang Sitte for his 60th birthday. Special edition GW lessons no.23, 1986, 307 pages.
  • H. Wohlschlägl: Wolfgang Sitte for his 60th birthday. In: Mitteilungen der Österr. Geographische Gesellschaft Vol. 127, 1985, pp. 170–175.

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