Xosé Filgueira Valverde

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Xosé Filgueira Valverde, 1931.jpg

Xosé Fernando Filgueira Valverde (also: José Filgueira Valverde , born October 28, 1906 in Pontevedra ; † September 13, 1996 ibid) was a Spanish writer, intellectual, researcher and critic who published works in Gallego and Castilian . He is known in Galician intellectual circles under the nickname "O vello profesor" ("El viejo profesor" - "the old professor").

He co-founded the Seminario de Estudos Galegos , headed the Instituto Padre Sarmiento de Estudios Gallegos and the Museo de Pontevedra , was president of the Consejo de la Cultura Gallega and a member of the Real Academia Gallega (Royal Galician Academy). As a personality with profound knowledge and culture and an extensive body of work, he made a decisive contribution to the emergence and development of the institutions mentioned in his time. Accordingly, the Real Academia Gallega dedicated the Día de las Letras Gallegas 2015 to the part of his work that promoted the development of the Galician language and culture. He was controversial, but at the same time a crucial figure in the development of Galician literature and culture for much of the 20th century.


He was born in his parents' house on plaza del Peirao in Pontevedra. His parents were José María Filgueira Martínez (1871-1938), a doctor, and Araceli Valverde Yaquero (1870-1946).

Academic career

In 1922 he began studying philosophy and literature at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela and graduated in 1927 from the history faculty of the Universidad de Zaragoza . A year later he graduated from the University of Santiago de Compostela with honors in law . He completed his doctoral thesis on the song Cantiga CIII by Alfonso X el Sabio at the Universidad Central de Madrid . In the same year he began his career as a lecturer at the Institute of Literature in the Institute of Pontevedra. In 1935, despite resistance, he was given the chair for Spanish language and literature at the Jaime Balmes Institute in Barcelona, ​​from where he went on to Melilla and Lugo, where he stayed until 1939. That year he moved to the Instituto de Pontevedra , a center of which he was appointed director. He held the position from 1944 and was last used in 1946. He remained in this office until his anniversary in 1976.

Cultural and political activity

Filgueira has been involved in cultural projects since his youth. On October 12, 1923, at the age of 17, he founded the Seminario de Estudos Galegos together with Lois Tobío and Fermín Bouza Brey , where he headed the Department for the History of Literature and was later appointed Honorary Director. In the years that followed, he headed the Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento . In 1927 he created the Museo de Pontevedra , where he worked until the end of his life. He was an advocate of galleguismo and a member of the Partido Galeguista . Nevertheless, he led a militant group of the Partido Galeguista who protested against the policy of alliance with the left and founded the Dereita Galeguista . During the Spanish Civil War , Filgueira worked for the French regime, making him mayor of Pontevedra. From 1942 to 1986 he was director of the Museo de Pontevedra. In 1942 he became a member of the Real Academia Galega and in 1972 spokesman for the Instituto da Lingua Galega of the University of Santiago de Chile.

In the first elections to the Parlamento Gallego (1981) he was minister of culture (1982-1983) of the Xunta de Galicia . In this office he defended in Cortes españolas the bilingualism in education. In 1990 he became President of the Consejo de la Cultura Gallega (Galician Ministry of Culture). He kept this post until his death. The extensive number of his honorary positions included awards as a corresponding member of the Real Academia de la Historia (1932), Real Academia Española (1953) and the Bellas Artes de San Fernando , A Coruña , Córdoba , Seville and Málaga . Prizes that he has received for his work include the Premio da Crítica das Letras e das Artes , the gold medal of the province of Pontevedra , he was made an honorary citizen of Pontevedra and doctor honoris causa at several universities in Spain .


His work includes works on medieval Galician-Portuguese literature, Galician folk songs, laws, history and two volumes of short essays Adral (1970) and Segundo Adral (1981), in which he treated various aspects of Galician culture. His literary work began with Os nenos (1925), a series of short texts in which one of the protagonists told an event from his youth. They are happy or sad vignettes that are drawn with great sensitivity. Death often plays a big role in these stories. Together with the two Adral volumes, they form his main work in Galician. Another story is O vigairo (1927), in which Filgueira deals with a famous story of old Pontevedra. In 1936 he also wrote a play for children called Agromar . His poems can be assigned to Neotrovadorismo , a Galician style of the 20th century. Above all, the Seis canciones del mar in modo antico (Six Songs of the Sea in Old Style, 1941) belong to this genre.

His subsequent work with over three hundred works has a more scientific orientation. He has also written more than 1,000 articles in magazines and attended more than 1,600 conferences.


  • O baldaquino en Galicia denantes do arte barroco , con Xosé Ramón Fernández-Oxea (1930).
  • Lago González . Arcebispo galego (1934), 40 p, Pontevedra.
  • Da épica na Galicia medieval , discurso de ingreso en la RAG in 1941.
  • A poesía medieval galego-portuguesa fóra dos seus lindeiros (1980).
  • Historias de Compostela (1982), Galaxia, ISBN 84-7507-059-0 .
  • O arquivo do Museo de Pontevedra e unha guía sucinta (1988), ISSN  0210-7791 .
  • Santiago de Compostela , with photos by Manuel G. Vicente, ed.trilingüe (1989), Ir Indo, ISBN 84-7680-025-8 .
  • Estudios sobre lírica medieval: traballos dispersos (1925–1987) , 1992, Galaxia, ISBN 84-7154-789-9 .
  • Arredor do libro: artigos de bibliografía (1996), Santiago, Xunta, ISBN 84-453-1847-0 .


  • Vocabulario popular galego-castelán , with Lois Tobío, Xulián Magariños & Cordal Carús (1926), Vigo.


Youth literature

  • Agromar . Farsa pra rapaces (1936), firmado bajo el seudónimo J. Acuña .


  • 6 canciones de mar “in modo antico” (1941), Albor, n.º 7, Pamplona .


  • Cancioneiriño novo de Compostela (1969), Pombal, Edicións Castelos, Vigo.
  • Afonso X e Galicia e unha escolma de cántigas (1980), Real Academia Galega.
  • Armando Cotarelo Valledor (1879-1950) , 1984, Real Academia Galega.
  • Enrique Campo (1989), Deputación de Pontevedra.
  • Álvaro Cunqueiro (1991), Publicacións da Real Academia Galega, A Coruña, 71 p.
  • Antoloxía do conto galego de medo (1996), Galaxia, ISBN 84-8288-035-7 .

Works in Castilian


  • Guía de Pontevedra (1931), edición de Álvarez Gallego .
  • La Cantiga CIII: noción del tiempo y gozo eterno en la narrativa medieval (1936), doctoral thesis.
  • Formas paródicas en la lírica medieval gallega (1947), AAEPC, Madrid.
  • El libro de Santiago , con dibujos de J. Sesto (1948) Editorial Nacional.
  • Cervantes en nuestro camino (1949), Revista de la Obra de Protección de Menores, 29 p.
  • Santiago de Compostela. Guía de sus monumentos e itinerarios (1950).
  • La artesanía en Galicia (1953), Ediciones Galicia, Centro Gallego de Buenos Aires .
  • Tierras Hispánicas. Compostela, la ciudad del Apostol (1954)
  • Camoens, conmemoración del centenario de “Os Lusiadas” (1958).
  • Pontevedra y el mar, textos para la antología de una tradición (1963).
  • Pontevedra, la tierra y sus gentes (preface), with Gerardo González Martín, 1967.
  • El viaje a Galicia de Daniel Urrabieta Vierge (1880) , 1969, Colección “Obradoiro” XI, Bibliófilos Gallegos.
  • Guía breve del Museo de Pontevedra (1970), Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza , Conde de Fenosa.
  • Los canteros gallegos (1976), Asociación de Amigos de los Pazos, ISBN 84-400-1573-9 .
  • Sobre lírica medieval gallega y sus perduraciones (1977), Bello, Valencia.
  • Manuel Ventura Figueroa , Arzobispo de Laodicea, Patriarca de las Indias, Gobernador del Consejo de Castilla (1978), 32 p.
  • Sargadelos (1978), Cuadernos del Seminario de Estudios Cerámicos de Sargadelos, Ediciones del Castro, ISBN 84-85134-80-X .
  • El almirante pontevedrés Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa : descubridor, cronista, poeta (1980), 49 p.
  • Ideas y sistema de la historia en Fray Martín Sarmiento (1981) contestado por Antonio Blanco Freijeiro .
  • Tiempo y gozo eterno en la narrativa medieval (1982), Edicións Xerais de Galicia, ISBN 84-7507-057-4 .
  • Baldaquinos Gallegos , con Xosé Ramón Fernández-Oxea (1987), Fundación Barrié, ISBN 84-85728-57-2 .
  • La escultura gallega, el centenario de Francisco Asorey (1991), ISBN 84-88051-09-3 .
  • La Basílica de Santa María de Pontevedra (1992), Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, ISBN 84-87819-14-1 .
  • Camoens (1993), Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, ISBN 84-453-0641-3 .
  • Compostela, camino y estela (1993), Alsa, Oviedo , ISBN 84-604-6362-1 .
  • Fray Martín Sarmiento (1695–1772) , 1994, Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, ISBN 84-87819-65-6 .


  • Cancionero Musical de Galicia , recogido por Casto Sampedro y Folgar, 2 vol. (1942).


Individual evidence

  1. ^ El intelectual gallego Xosé Filgueira Valverde falleció ayer ..., El País, September 14, 1996
  2. Día das Letras Galegas a Xosé Filgueira Valverde Real Academia Galega July 4, 2014 (Galician)
  3. A Mesa non apoia dedicar o Día das Letras Galegas 2015 a Filgueira Valverde July 6, 2014 Mesa Pola Normalización Lingüística (Galician)
  4. José Filgueira Valverde Museo de Pontevedra. July 26, 2014
  5. Aniversario do Seminario de Estudos Galegos , Real Academia Galega. 15 October 2013
  6. Filgueira , un intelectual y polígrafo de gran talla, La Voz de Galicia, July 5, 2014
  7. ^ Ferro Ruibal, Xesús Xosé Filgueira Valverde , Boletín n.º 361 de la Real Academia Gallega. ISBN 84-87987-21-4
  8. Listado parcial de artítulos, colaboraciones y libros de Filgueira Valverde
  9. a b Ánxel Casal , un editor para un país, Consello da Cultura Galega. 2007
  10. Quintana viva, prosas de Xosé Filgueira Valverde , picture on the cover sheet .
  11. Méndez Fernández, Luz Algunhas notas sobre Filgueira Valverde eo neotrobadorismo. Cinguidos por unha arela común: homenaxe ó profesor Xesús Alonso Montero, v. 2. USC, Department of Filoloxia Galega. 1999
  12. Álvaro Cunqueiro
  13. La artesanía en Galicia , Galiciana. Biblioteca de Galicia

Web links

Commons : Category: Xosé Filgueira Valverde  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files
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Salvador de Moxó Ortiz de Villajos
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Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez
predecessor Office successor
Xosé María Díaz Castro Día de las Letras Gallegas