Yōnosuke Natori

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Yōnosuke Natori (born September 3, 1910 in Tokyo , † November 23, 1962 in Tokyo) was a Japanese photographer and editor .


Yōnosuke Natori was born in Tokyo as the third son of the famous entrepreneur and politician Wasaku Natori . Like his father, he studied at the renowned Keio University , but had to end his studies prematurely due to poor performance. He then continued his training elsewhere in Munich . He studied with the well-known designer and graphic artist Sigmund von Weech at the Applied Arts University in Munich and set the course for his professional career in photojournalism . In Munich he married the German designer Erna Mecklenburg, nine years his senior, who introduced him to the professional scene of German photography.

In 1931 the Ullstein Verlag hired him as a photographer and sent him to Manchuria to report on the Mukden incident . He then returned to his Japanese homeland as a special correspondent, but lost this post when Hitler came to power in 1933.

Together with the photographer Kimura Ihei , the filmmaker Okada Sozo and other creative people, Natori founded the art group Nihon Kōbō ( 日本 工房 ) and, after its dissolution, then the magazine Nippon ( 日本 ) in the sense of Okakura Tenshin . He established himself as one of the Japanese modern photographers known to this day.

In 1936 Natori traveled to the Olympic Games in Berlin and on to America . There some of his photographs were reprinted in Life Magazine , so that in 1937 he finally became the first Japanese photographer to take photos under contract for Life Magazine. He then returned to Japan, where he helped found other magazines.

Natori died in Tokyo on November 23, 1962.

Books and works

  • Great Japan. Berlin: Karl Specht, 1937.
  • Iwanami Shashin Bunko ( 岩 波 写真 文庫 ). Tokyo: Iwanami.
    • 5. America-jin ( ア メ リ カ 人 ). 1950.
    • 6. America ( ア メ リ カ ). 1950.
    • 8. Shashin ( 写真 ). 1950.
    • 144. Nagano-ken : Shin-fudoki ( 長野 県 : 新 風土 記 ). 1955.
    • 150. Wakayama-ken : Shin-fudoki ( 和歌山県:新風土記 ). 1955.
    • 153. Ōita-ken : Shin-fudoki ( 大分 県 : 新 風土 記 ). 1955.
    • 156. Kanagawa-ken : Shin-fudoki ( 神奈川 県 : 新 風土 記 ). 1955.
    • 164. Ehime-ken : Shin-fudoki ( 愛媛 県 : 新 風土 記 ). 1955.
    • 170. Shiga-ken : Shin-fudoki ( 滋 賀 県 : 新 風土 記 ). 1955.
    • 173. Chiba-ken : Shin-fudoki ( 千葉 県 : 新 風土 記 ). 1955.
    • 234. Okayama-ken : Shin-fudoki ( 岡山 県 : 新 風土 記 ). 1957.
  • Atarashii shashinjutsu ( 新 し い 写真 術 ). Photo Raiburarī 3. Tokyo: Keiyūsha, 1955.
  • Sunappu ( ス ナ ッ プ ). Asahi Camera Koza. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1956.
  • Kumi shashin no tsukurikata ( 組 写真 の 作 り 方 ). Tokyo: Keiyūsha, 1956.
  • Bakusekizan sekkuri ( 麦積山 石窟 ). Tokyo: Iwanami, 1957.
  • Romanesuku: Seiyōbi no shigen ( ロ マ ネ ス ク : 西洋 美 の 始 源 ). Tokyo: Keiyūsha, 1962.
  • Ningen dōbutsu mon'yō: Romanesuku bijutsu to sono shūhen ( 人間 動物 文 様 : ロ マ ネ ス ク 美術 と そ の 周 辺 ). Tokyo: Keiyūsha, 1963.
  • Shashin no yomikata ( 写真 の 読 み か た ). Iwanami Shinsho. Tokyo: Iwanami, 1973.
  • Natori Yōnosuke no shigoto: Dainihon ( 名 取 洋 之 助 の 仕事 = 大 日本 ). Tokyo: Seibu Bijutsukan, 1978.
  • America 1937 ( ア メ リ カ 1937 ). Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1992. ISBN 4-06-205689-5 .
  • Natori Yōnosuke ( 名 取 洋 之 助 ). Nihon no Shashinka. Tokyo: Iwanami, 1998. ISBN 4-00-008358-9 .
  • Doitsu 1936-nen ( ド イ ツ ・ 1936 年 ). Tokyo: Iwanami, 2006. ISBN 4-00-008083-0 .

Books about Yōnosuke Natori

  • Saho, Mieko (佐 保 美 枝子): Life - How great! Answers from Miwa Natori on the nature of happiness (生 き る っ て 素 敵 な こ と! 名 取 美 和 が 問 い か け る る 幸 せ の か た ち), Kodansha Verlag, 2009. ISBN 4-06-212096-8 .

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