Chiba prefecture

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千葉 県
Südkorea Nordkorea Russland China Präfektur Okinawa Präfektur Kagoshima Präfektur Kumamoto Präfektur Miyazaki Kurilen (de-facto Russland - beansprucht von Japan als Teil der Region Hokkaido) Präfektur Kagoshima Präfektur Miyazaki Präfektur Kumamoto Präfektur Saga Präfektur Nagasaki Präfektur Fukuoka Präfektur Ōita Präfektur Yamaguchi Präfektur Hiroshima Präfektur Shimane Präfektur Tottori Präfektur Okayama Präfektur Hyōgo Präfektur Osaka Präfektur Kyōto Präfektur Shiga Präfektur Nara Präfektur Wakayama Präfektur Mie Präfektur Aichi Präfektur Fukui Präfektur Gifu Präfektur Ishikawa Präfektur Toyama Präfektur Nagano Präfektur Shizuoka Präfektur Yamanashi Präfektur Kanagawa Präfektur Tokio Präfektur Saitama Präfektur Chiba Präfektur Ibaraki Präfektur Gunma Präfektur Tochigi Präfektur Niigata Präfektur Fukushima Präfektur Yamagata Präfektur Miyagi Präfektur Akita Präfektur Iwate Präfektur Aomori Hokkaidō Präfektur Kagawa Präfektur Ehime Präfektur Kōchi Präfektur TokushimaLocation of Chiba Prefecture in Japan
About this picture
Basic data
Administrative headquarters : Chiba
Region : Kanto
Main island : Honshu
Area : 5,157.6  km²
Water content: 0.8  %
Residents : 6,279,026
(October 1, 2019)
Population density : 1217 inhabitants per km²
Counties : 7th
Municipalities : 54
ISO 3166-2 : JP-12
Governor : Kensaku Morita
Prefecture flag :
Chiba Prefecture Flag
Prefecture tree : Large-leaved stone slice
Prefecture flower : Rapeseed blossom
Vogel prefecture : Meadow bunting
Fish prefecture : Sea bream
Prefecture song : Chiba-kenminka
("Song of the Citizens of Chiba")
Citizens Day: 15th of July

The Chiba Prefecture ( Jap. 千葉県 , Chiba-ken ) is a prefecture of Japan . It is located in the Kantō region on the southeast edge of the island of Honshū . The seat of the prefecture administration is the city of the same name, Chiba .


It borders on Ibaraki Prefecture to the north and Tokyo and Saitama Prefectures to the west . The prefecture extends largely over the Bōsō peninsula with the Bōsō hill country ( 房 総 丘陵 Bōsō-kyūryū ) whose highest point is the 402 m high Atago-yama. The northern part of the prefecture is largely formed by the Shimousa Plateau ( 下 総 台地 Shimousa-daichi ), while the fertile Kujūkuri Plain ( 九 十九 里 平野 Kujūkuri-heiya ) extends in the northeast of the prefecture .

The prefecture of Chiba is mainly known because the international airport of Tokyo is located here, near Narita , and also the Tokyo Disneyland in the area of Urayasu .


The prefecture of Chiba consists of the three former provinces of Awa , Kazusa and Shimousa and emerged, after several administrative reforms, on June 15, 1873 from the prefectures of Kisarazu and Imba, which had previously been formed .

The name Chiba means thousand leaves in German and was the name of a ruling family residing in this region between the 12th and 16th centuries.

Chiba is home to the Shinsho-ji Temple , a sprawling complex from the 10th century belonging to the Buddhist Shingon-shū , who are known for their strict asceticism.


The Parliament Building in the Prefectural Administration Building Complex in the Central District of Chiba City
Political groups in the prefecture parliament (as of April 30, 2019)
A total of 94 seats
  • LDP : 53
  • KDP : 10
  • Chiba Minshu no Kai (with DVP ): 9
  • Kōmeitō : 8
  • KPY : 2
  • Seven more (including SDP , Net ): 8
  • Non-attached: 4

Kensaku Morita has been governor of Chiba since 2009 , a former actor and member of the national parliament. He was re-elected for a third term in the March 2017 gubernatorial election. In the 94-member parliament which remained Liberal Democratic Party in the elections of April 2019 45 seats clearly the strongest party and holds non-party / acceding Group members its absolute majority.

In the national parliament Chiba is by 13 directly elected MPs in the lower house represented - in 2017 went twelve constituencies of Liberal Democrats, only in the constituency 4 remained without party nomination nominee Yoshihiko Noda of the Minshintō victorious - and the upper house , the prefecture elects three MPs per constituency and represented in the KDP parliamentary group by four Liberal Democrats and two MPs after the 2016 and 2019 elections and party reshuffles since then (as of August 2019) .


Chiba has partnerships with the state of Wisconsin in the US and the state of Pará in Brazil. Exchange relationships have also existed with the city of Düsseldorf in Germany since 2005 , which led to a partnership being concluded in 2019.

Administrative division

When today's community forms were introduced in 1889, Fukui was divided into 358 communities, 316 of which were villages. It was not until 1921 that Chiba was the first community to be elevated to the status of a city. The number of municipalities fell in almost 100 years from 349 (1920), over 310 (1950) and 111 (1955) to currently 54 (since 2005). The current breakdown shows 37 independent (-shi) and 16 district (-machi) cities as well as one remaining village (-mura). The number of counties ( - gun ) has fallen from 21 to six since 1889.

In the table below, the districts are shown in italics, below each (indented) the municipalities within them. The first two digits of the authority code are, as everywhere, the prefecture key of Chiba, the third digit indicates the type of authority as everywhere. The six districts have not had any significance as administrative units since the 1920s, but are still used for geographical division; they were therefore assigned round keys (divisible by 20); the 17 municipalities belonging to the district received consecutive keys; however, due to mergers / incorporations / upgrading to -shi, gaps have arisen in many places. The independent cities are at the beginning of the table. Among them, the capital Chiba, has been a “ major city by government ordinance” since 1992 . Funabashi has been a "core city" since 2003 , Kashiwas followed in 2008.

List of parishes in Chiba Prefecture
code Surname Area (in km²) population Population
density (inh / km²) 3
Rōmaji Kanji October 1, 2018 1 October 1, 2018 2 October 1, 2015 3
12201 Chiba- shi 千葉 市 271.77 980.203 971.882 3576.1
12202 Chōshi- shi 銚 子 市 84.20 59,165 64,415 765.0
12203 Ichikawa- shi 市 川 市 57.45 495,592 481.732 8385.2
12204 Funabashi- shi 船 橋 市 85.62 639.107 622.890 7275.1
12205 Tateyama- shi 館 山 市 110.05 45,300 47,464 431.3
12206 Kisarazu- shi 木 更 津市 138.95 135,765 134.141 965.4
12207 Matsudo- shi 松 戸 市 61.38 492,671 483,480 7876.8
12208 Noda- shi 野 田 市 103.55 152,652 153,583 1483.2
12210 Mobara -shi 茂 原 市 99.92 87,450 89,688 897.6
12211 Narita- shi 成 田 市 213.84 132.293 131,190 613.5
12212 Sakura- shi 佐 倉 市 103.69 170.906 172,739 1665.9
12213 Tōgane- shi 東 金 市 89.12 58,686 60,652 680.6
12215 Asahi- shi 旭 市 130.45 64,302 66,586 510.4
12216 Narashino- shi 習 志 野 市 20.97 173.716 167.909 8007.1
12217 Kashiwa- shi 柏 市 114.74 429.070 413,954 3607.8
12218 Katsuura- shi 勝浦 市 93.96 17,324 19,248 204.9
12219 Ichihara -shi 市 原 市 368.17 270,478 274,656 746.0
12220 Nagareyama- shi 流 山 市 35.32 193.976 174,373 4937.0
12221 Yachiyo- shi 八千 代 市 51.39 197,792 193.152 3758.6
12222 Abiko- shi 我 孫子 市 43.15 131.026 131.606 3050.0
12223 Kamogawa- shi 鴨 川 市 191.14 32,196 33,932 177.5
12224 Kamagaya- shi 鎌 ケ 谷 市 21.08 109,525 108.917 5166.8
12225 Kimitsu -shi 君 津市 318.81 82,548 86.033 269.9
12226 Futtsu- shi 富 津市 205.53 43.213 45.601 221.9
12227 Urayasu- shi 浦 安 市 17.30 170.343 164.024 9481.2
12228 Yotsukaidō- shi 四 街道 市 34.52 92,668 89,245 2585.3
12229 Sodegaura -shi 袖 ケ 浦 市 94.93 63,135 60,952 642.1
12230 Yachimata- shi 八 街市 74.94 67,522 70,734 943.9
12231 Inzai -shi 印 西 市 123.79 100.907 92,670 748.6
12232 Shiroi- shi 白 井 市 35.48 61,931 61,674 1738.3
12233 Tomisato -shi 富 里 市 53.88 49,868 49,636 921.2
12234 Minamibōsō- shi 南 房 総 市 230.12 36,412 39,033 169.6
12235 Sosa shi 匝 瑳 市 101.52 35,186 37,261 367.0
12236 Katori- shi 香 取 市 262.35 73.110 77,499 295.4
12237 Sammu shi 山 武 市 146.77 49,300 52,222 355.8
12238 Isumi- shi い す み 市 157.50 36,264 38,594 245.0
12239 Ōamishirasato -shi 大 網 白 里 市 58.08 47,990 49.184 846.8
12320 Inba-gun 印 旛 郡 51.52 42,183 818.8
12322   Shisui-machi 酒 々 井 町 19.01 20,470 20,955 1102.3
12329   Sakae-machi 栄 町 32.51 20,217 21,228 653.0
12340 Katori gun 香 取 郡 138.95 35.009 252.0
12342   Kozaki-machi 神 崎 町 19.90 5827 6133 308.2
12347   Tako-machi 多 古 町 72.80 14,021 14,724 202.3
12349   Tōnoshō- machi 東庄 町 46.25 13,346 14,152 306.0
12400 Sanbu-gun 山 武 郡 134.71 47,703 354.1
12403   Kujūkuri-machi 九 十九 里 町 24.46 15,075 16,510 675.0
12409   Shibayama-machi 芝山 町 43.24 7082 7431 171.9
12410   Yokoshibahikari-machi 横 芝 光 町 67.01 22,585 23,762 354.6
12420 Chōsei-gun 長生 郡 226.97 60,040 264.5
12421   Ichinomiya-machi 一 宮 町 22.97 11,780 11,767 512.3
12422   Mutsuzawa-machi 睦 沢 町 35.59 6839 7222 202.9
12423   Chōsei-mura 長生 村 28.29 13,859 14,359 507.6
12424   Shirako-machi 白子 町 27.50 10,489 11,149 405.4
12426   Nagara-machi 長柄 町 47.11 6886 7337 155.7
12427   Chonan-machi 長 南 町 65.51 7563 8206 125.3
12440 Isumi-gun 夷 隅 郡 154.72 17,158 110.9
12441   Ōtaki-machi 大多 喜 町 129.87 9049 9843 75.8
12443   Onjuku-machi 御 宿 町 24.85 6970 7315 294.4
12460 Awa-gun 安 房 郡 45.19 8022 177.5
12463   Kyonan-machi 鋸 南 町 45.19 7377 8022 177.5
Shi-bu ( All Shi , proportion of urban districts) 市 部 4405.54 6,066,053 6,012,551 1364.8
Gun-bu ( All Gun , percentage of counties) 郡 部 752.07 202,532 210.115 279.4
12000 Chiba-Ken (Chiba Prefecture) 千葉 県 5157.61 6,268,585 6,222,666 1206.5

1 Area data from 2018
2 Estimated population 2018
3 Results of the 2015 census

Biggest places

Former and Existing Cities (-shi)
October 1st census results
VZ year Residents
2015 2010 2005 2000
Chiba 971.882 961.749 924,319 887.164
Funabashi 622.890 609.040 569,835 550.074
Matsudo 483,480 484.457 472,579 464.841
Ichikawa 481.732 473.919 466,608 448,642
Kashiwa 413,954 404.012 380,963 327.851
Ichihara 274,656 280.416 280.255 278.218
Yachiyo 193.152 189,781 180.729 168,848
Nagareyama 174,373 163.984 152.641 150,527
Sakura 172,739 172.183 171,246 170.934
Narashino 167.909 164,530 158,785 154.036
Urayasu 164.024 164,877 155.290 132,984
Noda 153,583 155.491 151.240 119.922
Kisarazu 134.141 129,312 122.234 122,768
Abiko 131.606 134.017 131.205 127,733
Narita 131,190 128,933 100,717 95,704
Kamagaya 108.917 107,853 102,812 102,573
Inzai 92,670 88.176 60,060 60,468
Mobara 89,688 93.015 93,260 93,779
Yotsukaidō 89,245 86,726 84,770 82,552
Kimitsu 86.033 89,168 90,977 92,076
Katori 77,499 82,866 —— ——
Yachimata 70,734 73.212 75,735 72,595
Asahi 66,586 69,058 70,643 40,963
Chōshi 64,415 70.210 75.020 78,697
Shiroi 61,674 60,345 53.005 ——
Sodegaura 60,952 60,355 59,108 58,593
Togane 60,652 61,751 61,701 59,605
Sanmu 52,222 56,089 —— ——
Tomisato 49,636 51,087 51,370 ——
Ōamishirasato 49.184 —— —— ——
Tateyama 47,464 49,290 50,527 51,412
Futtsu 45.601 48,073 50.162 52,839
Minamibōsō 39,033 42,104 —— ——
Isumi 38,594 40,962 —— ——
Sosa 37,261 39,814 —— ——
Kamogawa 33,932 35,766 36,475 29,981
Katsuura 19,248 20,788 22,198 23,235
Sawara —— —— 45,965 48,328
Yokaichiba —— —— 32,067 32,807

  • April 1, 2001 - The small town of Shiroi is elevated to an independent city .
  • April 1, 2002 - The small town of Tomisato is raised to the status of an independent city .
  • December 5, 2005 - The small town of Isumi integrates two communities and becomes a district-free city .
  • January 23, 2006 - The city of Yōkaichiba integrates a municipality and becomes the independent city of Sōsa .
  • March 20, 2006 - Seven municipalities merge to form the independent city of Minamibōsō .
  • March 27, 2006 - The independent city of Sawara and three municipalities form the new (independent) city ​​of Katori .
  • March 27, 2006 - Four municipalities merge to form the new city of Sanmu .
  • March 27, 2006 - Two parishes merge to form the new city of Yokoshibahikari .
  • January 1, 2013 - The small town of Ōamishirasato receives the status of an independent city .

Population development in the prefecture

Census population
men to 1000 women
in km²
per km 2
1920 1,336,155 656.968 679.187 967 5078.81 263.1
1925 1,399,257 691.242 708.015 976 5078.81 275.5
1930 1,470,121 729.439 740.682 985 5078.81 289.5
1935 1,546,394 764.751 781.643 978 5062.09 305.5
1940 1,588,425 776,541 811.884 957 5062.09 313.8
1945 1,966,862 908.228 1,058,634 858 5062.09 388.6
1950 2,139,037 1,036,932 1,102,105 941 5032.16 425.1
1955 2,205,060 1,074,181 1,130,879 950 5033.92 438.0
1960 2.306.010 1,128,734 1,177,276 959 5034.43 458.1
1965 2,701,770 1,343,167 1,358,603 989 5050.46 535.0
1970 3,366,624 1,694,854 1,671,770 1014 5078.86 662.9
1975 4,149,147 2,095,295 2,053,852 1020 5114.82 811.2
1980 4,735,424 2,383,157 2,352,267 1013 5142.60 920.8
1985 5,148,163 2,588,365 2,559,798 1011 5150.14 999.6
1990 5,555,429 2,802,774 2,752,655 1018 5155.75 1077.5
1995 5,797,782 2,923,839 2,873,943 1017 5155.98 1124.5
2000 5,926,285 2,976,984 2,949,301 1009 5156.19 1149.4
2005 6,056,462 3,029,486 3,026,976 1001 5156.68 1174.5
2010 6.216.289 3,098,139 3,118,150 994 5156.70 1205.5
2015 6,222,666 3,095,860 3,126,806 990 5157.65 1206.5


Traditionally, the prefecture of Chiba is the partner region of the Japan Day in Düsseldorf , which takes place once a year in early summer - a German-Japanese festival with over a million visitors.


Chiba meibutsu ( "known thing") are peanuts. Most of Japan's peanuts are harvested here and also processed into peanut oil.

See also

Web links

Commons : Chiba Prefecture  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Chiba Prefectural Parliament : Members by parliamentary group , accessed August 6, 2019
  2. 統一 地方 選 2019 千葉 県 議 選 各 党 議席 . In: NHK Senkyo Web. April 8, 2019. Retrieved May 23, 2019 (Japanese).
  3. Chiba Prefecture Administration : International Partnerships of the Chiba Prefecture and the Municipalities in Chiba (Japanese)
  4. Chiba Prefecture Administration : デ ュ ッ セ ル ド ル フ 市 と の 交流
  5. Chiba Prefecture Administration, January 31, 2019: ド イ ツ ・ デ ュ ッ セ ル ド ル フ 市 と の 姉妹 提携 に つ い て , accessed March 25, 2019.
  6. State capital Düsseldorf: City council decides city partnership with Chiba. Retrieved March 8, 2019 .
  7. Kokudo Chiriin (GSI - Geospatial Information Authority of Japan), 平 成 30 年 全国 都 道 府 県 市区 町 村 別 面積 調 (Nationwide survey of all prefectures and municipalities 2018) , p. 37: 12 Chiba-ken (Japanese), accessed on 1 April 2019
  8. [1] (Japanese) Retrieved April 1, 2019
  9. e-stat (English), accessed on April 1, 2019
  10. e-Stat database , accessed on April 1, 2019 (English)
  11. e-Stat database , accessed on April 1, 2019 (English)

Coordinates: 35 ° 39 '  N , 140 ° 6'  E