Songs of Japanese Prefectures
The songs of Japanese prefectures ( Japanese 都 道 府 県 民歌 , Todōfuken Minka ) are usually one per prefecture, more rarely several, official songs that have been individually determined by each prefecture. The prefectures of Osaka , Hiroshima and Ōita do not have an official, but Hiroshima and Osaka at least one unofficial prefectural song.
List of prefecture songs
prefecture | title | Announcement / determination on |
link | Remarks | |
Aichi prefecture |
Warera ga Aichi ( わ れ ら が 愛 知 , something like "We are Aichi") | 25 Aug 1950 | Text and notes | ||
Akita Prefecture |
Akita Kenminka ( 秋田 県 民歌 , for example "Song of the Citizens of Akita") | 1930 | Text and notes | Audio sample | public domain |
Kenmin no uta ( 県 民 の 歌 , for example "Song of the Prefectural Citizens ") | Dec 7, 1959 | Text and notes | Audio sample | ||
Aomori Prefecture |
Aomori-ken sanka ( 青森 県 賛歌 , something like "Hymn of Aomori Prefecture") | Sept. 23, 1971 | Text and notes | Audio sample | is currently not sung |
Aoi mori no Messēji ( 青 い 森 の メ ッ セ ー ジ , something like "message of the green forest") | Jan. 1, 2001 | Text and notes | |||
Chiba prefecture |
Chiba kenminka ( 千葉 県 民歌 , something like "Song of the Prefectural Citizens of Chiba") | March 16, 1963 | Text and notes | ||
Ehime prefecture |
Ehime no uta ( 愛媛 の 歌 , something like "Song of Ehime") | April 20, 1973 | Text and notes | 2nd version | |
Fukui Prefecture |
Fukui kenminka ( 福井 県 民歌 福井 県 民歌 , for example "Song of the prefectural citizens of Fukui") | May 1, 1954 | Video | ||
Fukuoka Prefecture |
Kibō no Hikari ( 希望 の 光 , roughly "ray of hope") | Oct 14, 1970 | text | ||
Fukushima prefecture |
Fukushima-ken kenmin no uta ( 福島 県 県 民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Fukushima Prefecture") | Feb. 11, 1967 | text | Audio sample | |
Gifu Prefecture |
Gifu kenmin no uta ( 岐阜 県 民 の 歌 , for example "Song of the citizens of Gifu Prefecture") | 1954 | Text and notes | Audio sample | |
Gunma Prefecture |
Gunma-ken no uta ( 群 馬 県 の 歌 , something like "Song of Gunma Prefecture") | Oct 25, 1968 | Text and notes | Audio sample | 3rd version |
Hiroshima Prefecture |
without a fixed prefecture song | ||||
Niji no Kagayaki ( 虹 の 輝 き , roughly "shine of the rainbow") | Nov 20, 1994 | Hiroshima sports hymn | |||
Hokkaidō |
Hikari afurete ( 光 あ ふ れ て , something like "light shine") | Nov 29, 1966 | Audio sample | ||
Mukashi no mukashi ( む か し の む か し , something like "In times long past") | Audio sample | ||||
Hokkai bayashi ( 北海 ば や し , roughly "Northern Sea grove") | Audio sample | ||||
Hyogo Prefecture |
Hyōgo Kenminka ( 兵 庫 県 民歌 , about "Song of the Prefectural Citizens of Hyōgo") | 1947 | The prefectural government believes that a prefectural song does not exist, although the specified song was established in 1947. | ||
Furusato Hyōgo ( ふ る さ と 兵 庫 , roughly "home - Hyōgo") | 1980 | text | Audio sample | unofficial prefecture song | |
Ibaraki prefecture |
Ibaraki kenmin no uta ( 茨城 県 民 の 歌 茨城 県 民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Ibaraki Prefecture") | March 16, 1963 | Text and notes | Audio sample | |
Ishikawa Prefecture |
Ishikawa kenmin no uta ( 石川 県 民 の 歌 , something like "song of the citizens of Ishikawa Prefecture") | Nov 3, 1959 | Text and notes | ||
Iwate Prefecture |
Iwate kenmin no uta ( 岩手 県 民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Iwate Prefecture") | March 30, 1965 | text | ||
Kagawa Prefecture |
Kagawa kenminka ( 香 川 県 民歌 , something like "Song of the Prefectural Citizens of Kagawa") | Nov 8, 1954 | Video | ||
Kagoshima Prefecture |
Kagoshima kenmin no uta ( 鹿 児 島 県 民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Kagoshima Prefecture") | Dec 16, 1948 | text | ||
Kanagawa Prefecture |
Hikari arata ni ( 光 あ ら た に , something like "New Shine") | April 10, 1950 | General information | Audio sample | 2nd version |
Furusato no kaze ni naritai ( ふ る さ と の 風 に な り た い , something like "I want to be like the wind from home") | Dec 2, 2001 | Choral work | |||
Kochi Prefecture |
Kōchi kenmin no uta ( 高 知 県 民 の 歌 , for example "song of the citizens of Kōchi Prefecture") | Nov 3, 1959 | Text and notes | Audio sample | |
Kumamoto Prefecture |
Kumamoto kenmin no uta ( 熊 本 県 民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Kumamoto Prefecture") | May 11, 1959 | This song is not set by the prefecture, but by the executive committee for the 15th Volkssportfest 1960 (informal). The previous official anthem of Kumamoto ( Kikuchi jinchū no uta , 菊池 盡忠 の 歌 , about "Song of the Kikuchi followers") was banned by the American occupation authorities. | ||
Kyoto Prefecture |
Kyōto-fu no uta ( 京都 府 の 歌 , about "Song of the City Prefecture of Kyōto") | March 22, 1984 | text | ||
Mie prefecture |
Mie kenminka ( 三重 県 民歌 三重 県 民歌 , for example "Song of the prefectural citizens of Mie") | April 20, 1964 | Text and notes | Audio sample | |
Miyagi Prefecture |
Miyagi Kenminka ( 宮城 県 民歌 , for example "Song of the Prefectural Citizens of Miyagi") | Nov 29, 1938 | text | public domain work | |
Kagayaku Kyōdo ( 輝 く 郷 土 , roughly "Magnificent Home") | 1946 | ||||
Miyazaki Prefecture |
Miyazaki kenminka ( 宮 崎 県 民歌 , something like "Song of the Prefectural Citizens of Miyazaki") | June 30, 1964 | Text and notes | Audio sample | 2nd version |
Nagano Prefecture |
Shinano no Kuni ( 信 濃 の 国 , roughly "Shinano Province") | May 20, 1968 | General information | ||
Nagasaki Prefecture |
Minami no kaze ( 南 の 風 , roughly "south wind") | June 1, 1961 | Text and notes | Audio sample | |
Nara prefecture |
Nara kenmin no uta ( 奈良 県 民 の 歌 , for example "Song of the prefectural citizens of Nara") | March 1, 1968 | Text and notes | ||
Niigata prefecture |
Niigata kenminka ( 新潟 県 民歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Niigata Prefecture") | March 28, 1948 | Text and notes | Audio sample | |
Ōita Prefecture |
Ōita-ken kōshinkyoku ( 大分県 行進 曲 , roughly "March of Ōita Prefecture") | 1935 | informal | ||
Ōita-kenmin taiiku no uta ( 大分 県 民 体育 の 歌 ) | 1950 | Sports anthem | |||
Okayama Prefecture |
Okayama-ken no uta ( 岡山 県 の 歌 , something like "Okayama Prefecture Song") | March 9, 1957 | |||
Minna no kokoro ni ( み ん な の こ こ ろ に , something like "In All Sense") | 1982 | Text and audio sample | |||
Okinawa Prefecture |
Okinawa kenmin no uta ( 沖 縄 県 民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Prefectural Citizens of Okinawa") | May 15, 1972 | Text and notes | Audio sample | |
Osaka prefecture |
without a fixed prefecture song | ||||
Namihaya no uta ( な み は や の う た , something like "Song of Namihaya") | 1997 | This song was the anthem of the 1997 National Sports Festival. | |||
Saga prefecture |
Saga kenmin no uta ( 佐賀 県 民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the prefectural citizens of Saga") | Dec 11, 1974 | text | 2nd version | |
Kaze wa mirai iro ( 風 は み ら い 色 , something like "wind - messenger of the future") | April 1, 1993 | text | |||
Sakae no kuni kara ( 栄 の 国 か ら , something like "From the land of Sakae") | June 6, 2000 | text | Home song | ||
Saitama Prefecture |
Saitama kenka ( 埼 玉 県 歌 , something like "prefecture song of Saitama") | Sept 21, 1965 | Text and notes | Audio sample | |
Shiga prefecture |
Shiga kenmin no uta ( 滋 賀 県 民 の 歌 , for example "Song of the Prefectural Citizens of Shiga") | June 15, 1954 | Text and notes | ||
Shimane Prefecture |
Usu-murasaki no yamanami ( 薄 紫 の 山脈 , something like "light purple mountain veins") | 1951 | Text and notes | Audio sample | |
Shizuoka Prefecture |
Shizuoka kenka ( 静岡 県 歌 , something like "Shizuoka Prefecture Song ") | Aug 14, 1968 | text | ||
Fuji yo yume yo tomo yo ( 富士 よ 夢 よ 友 よ ) | Jan. 25, 1990 | Shizuoka anthem | |||
Tochigi prefecture |
kenmin no uta ( 県 民 の 歌 , for example "song of the prefectural citizens") | Dec 25, 1952 | Text and notes | Audio sample | |
Tokushima Prefecture |
Tokushima kenmin no uta ( 徳 島 県 民 の 歌 , for example "Song of the Citizens of Tokushima Prefecture") | July 1971 | Text and notes | 2nd version | |
Tokyo prefecture |
Tokyo-toka ( 東京 都 歌 , roughly "song of the capital Tokyo") | April 16, 1947 | text | Audio sample | |
Tokyo-shika ( 東京 市 歌 , something like "Song of the City of Tokyo") | 1926 | ||||
Tottori Prefecture |
Wakiagaru chikara ( わ き あ が る 力 , something like "bursting with strength") | Oct 23, 1958 | text | ||
Toyama prefecture |
Toyama kenmin no uta ( 富山 県 民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Toyama Prefecture") | April 1, 1958 | Text and notes | Audio sample | |
Furusato no sora ( ふ る さ と の 空 , something like "heaven of home") | 2012 | General information | |||
Wakayama Prefecture |
Wakayama kenminka ( 和 歌 山 県 民歌 , something like "Song of the Prefectural Citizens of Wakayama") | 1948 | Text and notes | Audio sample | |
Yamagata Prefecture |
Mogami gawa ( 最 上 川 , roughly "The Mogami River") | March 31, 1981 | text | Audio sample | The lyrics are from Tennō Hirohito ( Shōwa ). Public domain |
Sports kenminka ( ス ポ ー ツ 県 民歌 , for example "song of the citizens of the sports prefecture") | 1948 | Text and notes | Audio sample | ||
Yamaguchi Prefecture |
Yamaguchi kenmin no uta ( 山口 県 民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Prefectural Citizens of Yamaguchi") | Sept 3, 1962 | Text and notes | Audio sample | 2nd version |
Minna no furusato ( み ん な の ふ る さ と , roughly "home of all") | 1979 | Text and notes | |||
Yamanashi Prefecture |
Yamanashi-ken no uta ( 山 梨 県 の 歌 , something like "Song of Yamanashi Prefecture") | April 10, 1950 | Text audio sample | ||
Mdori no furusato ( 緑 の ふ る さ と , something like "Green Home") | Nov 23, 1977 | Text and audio sample |
Former prefecture song
prefecture | title | Announcement / determination on |
link | Remarks |
Karafuto Prefecture |
Karafuto tōka ( 樺 太 島 歌 , about "Song of the Island of Karafuto"; Song of Sakhalin) | May 10, 1938 |
Abolished prefecture songs
- Yamagata Prefecture - Asagumo no ( 朝 ぐ も の ) from 1947
- Gunma Prefecture - Gunma-ken no uta ( 群 馬 県 の 歌 ) 1st version from 1936
- Gunma Prefecture - Gunma-ken no uta ( 群 馬 県 の 歌 ) 2nd version from 1951
- Saitama Prefecture - Saitama kenminka ( 埼 玉 県 民歌 ) old version from 1942
- Kanagawa Prefecture - Kanagawa-ken kenka ( 神奈川 県 々 歌 ) from 1931
- Nagano Prefecture - Nagano-ken minka ( 長野 県 民歌 ) from 1947
- Nagano Prefecture - Yamaguchi-ken minka ( 山口 県 民歌 ) old version from 1940
- Tokushima Prefecture - Tokushima-ken minka ( 徳 島 県 民歌 ) old version from 1939
- Ehime Prefecture - Ehime kenmin no uta ( 愛媛 県 民 の 歌 ) from 1952
- Saga Prefecture - Saga-ken minka ( 佐賀 県 民歌 ) old version from 1936
- Kumamoto Prefecture - Kikujichū no uta ( 菊池 盡忠 の 歌 ) from 1943
- Miyagi Prefecture - Miyagi-ken minka ( 宮 崎 県 民歌 ) old version from 1934
See also
Individual evidence
- ↑ 【あ な た の 声 聞 か せ て く だ さ い】 ( Memento of the original from October 19, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. February 1, 2013 - NHK Hiroshima .
- ↑ 北海道 民 の う た