Songs of Japanese Cities and Towns

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The songs of Japanese cities and towns ( Japanese 市町村 歌 , Shichōsonka , also 市町村 民歌 , Shichōson Minka or 市町村 民 の 歌 , Shichōsonmin no Uta ) are songs for municipalities ( 市 [区] 町 村 , shi [ku] ) established by the Japanese self-governing bodies. chōson ), in the meantime including the "[special] districts" ([tokubetsu-] ku) in the area of ​​the city (-shi) Tokyo, which was abolished in the war, and which have only been recognized for a few years as local self-governing bodies .


1898, nine years after the introduction of the municipal code for independent cities ( 市 制 , shisei , 1889), the first Japanese city song was created with the "Song of the City of Kyōto" (text by Kurokawa Mayori, composition by Uesane Michi). Eleven years later, in 1909, the oldest city song still used today was published for the port of Yokohama on the occasion of the 50th anniversary. As a result, all major Japanese cities set city ​​songs up to the Shōwa period , then usually in the writing style ( bungo ) with a 5-7-5 meter. Since the content of the city songs, which were composed up to 1945 before the Pacific War , was mostly reminiscent of militarism, Sendai initially stopped the performance of the city song. As a result, the old city songs were abolished and new ones were set. The city of Mito is seen as a pioneer in this development.

Apart from the "six largest cities" of Japan ( 六 大都市 , rokudai toshi , forerunner of the major cities introduced in 1956 ) and the prefecture capitals ( 都 道 府 県 庁 所在地 , to- / dō- / fu- / ken-chō shozaichi ) continued in the 1960s and In the 1970s many other independent cities (-shi) , district communities (-chō / -son) and "[special] districts" ([tokubetsu] -ku) set songs, often in the slang style. In 1968 in particular, due to the commemoration of “100 years of Meiji ” ( 明治 百年 ), a large number of new songs were set. The establishment of town and parish songs received further impetus in the 2000s with the so-called "Great parish mergers of the Heisei period " ( 平 成 の 大 合併 , Heisei no daigappei ) through which new large cities emerged.

List of songs of Japanese prefecture capitals and designated cities (seirei shitei toshi)

(-to / -dō / -fu / -ken)
(-shi / -ku)
title Announcement /
determination on
link annotation
Hokkai [dō] Sapporo Shimin no uta ( 市民 の 歌 , roughly "song of the citizens") 1964 Text and notes
Aomori Aomori Ōkina asa ni ( 大 き な 朝 に , something like "On a great morning") Dec 26, 2005 Text and notes Audio sample 3rd version
Iwate Morioka Morioka-shi Minka ( 盛 岡 市民 歌 , something like "Folk song of the city of Morioka") 1949 Text and notes Audio sample 2nd version
Miyagi Sendai Sendai-shi Minka ( 盛 岡 市民 歌 , something like "Folk song of the city of Sendai") 1931 is currently not sung
Kaze yo Kumo yo Hikari yo ( 風 よ 雲 よ 光 よ ) 1989 New folk song of the city of Sendai to commemorate "100 years of the independent city of Sendai"
Akita Akita Akita-shi Kinen Shiminka ( 秋田 市 記念 市民 歌 ) 1979 Text and notes (PDF) Audio sample as WMA file 5th version
Yamagata Yamagata Yamagata Shimin no uta ( 山形 市民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Yamagata") Nov 7, 1957 text Audio sample 2nd version
Fukushima Fukushima Fukushima-Shika ( 福島 市 歌 , for example "Song of the City of Fukushima") 1936 Text and notes
Ibaraki Mito Mito-Shika ( 水 戸 市 歌 , something like "Song of the City of Mito") Nov 3, 1954 2nd version
Tochigi Utsunomiya Utsunomiya no Uta ( 宇 都 宮 の 歌 , something like "Utsunomiya song") 1956
Gunma Maebashi Cantata Akagi mine ni ( 赤城 嶺 に , something like "At the summit of Akagi") 1956 Text and notes Audio sample as WMA file
Saitama Saitama Yume no machi ( 希望 の ま ち , something like "dream city") April 2003 text Audio sample
Chiba Chiba Chiba-Shika ( 千葉 市 歌 , something like "Song of the City of Chiba") 1929 Text and notes Audio sample
Tokyo Tokyo (1889–1943) Tōkyō-Shika ( 東京 市 歌 , about "Song of the City of Tokyo") 1926 text
Shinjuku Dai-Shinjuku no uta ( 大 新宿 区 の 歌 , for example "Song of Great Shinjuku") Oct. 1949 text Audio sample
Kanagawa Yokohama Yokohama-Shika ( 横 浜 市 歌 , something like "Song of the City of Yokohama") 1909 Text and notes Audio sample as WMA file
Kawasaki Kawasaki-Shika ( 川 崎 市 歌 , for example "Song of the City of Kawasaki") 1934 text Audio sample The lyrics of the song have been revised twice.
Suki desu Kawasaki Ai no Machi ( 好 き で す か わ さ き 愛 の 街 , something like "City of Love Kawasaki - you own my affection") 1984 In memory of 60 years of the independent city of Kawasaki.
Sagamihara Sagamihara-Shimin no Uta ( 相 模 原 市民 の 歌 , for example "Song of the Citizens of Sagamihara") Jan. 1958 text Audio sample Kōzaburo Hirai (composition)
Niigata Niigata Niigata-Shika ( 新潟 市 歌 , roughly "Song of the City of Niigata") Nov 1, 1969 text Audio sample 2nd version
Sunahama de ( 砂 浜 で , roughly "on the beach") Audio sample Folk song
Toyama Toyama Toyama-Shimin no Uta ( 富山 市民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Toyama") 1952
Ishikawa Kanazawa Kanazawa-Shika ( 金 沢 市 歌 , roughly "Song of the City of Kanazawa") 1923 Text and notes (PDF) Audio sample
Kanazawa-Shimin no Uta ( 金 沢 市民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Kanazawa") 1949 Text and notes (PDF) Audio sample
Fukui Fukui Watashitachi no machi Tokimeki no machi ( わ た し た ち の ま ち と き め き の ま ち , something like "Our city blooming city") 1989 text 2nd version
Yamanashi Kofu Kōfu-shi no Uta ( 甲 府 市 の 歌 , about "Song of the City of Kōfu") Oct 17, 1966 Text and notes Audio sample WAV file 3rd version
Nagano Nagano Nagano-shi Shika ( 長野 市 市 歌 , something like "City Song of Nagano") March 29, 1967 Text and notes (PDF) 3rd version
Gifu Gifu Gifu Shimin no Uta ( 岐阜 市民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Gifu") March 15, 1979 text 2nd version
Shizuoka Shizuoka Watashi no Machi Shizuoka ( わ た し の 街 静岡 , something like "Our City of Shizuoka") April 13, 2005 text 3rd version
Hamamatsu Hamamatsu-Shika ( 浜 松 市 歌 , something like "Song of the City of Hamamatsu") July 1, 2007 Text and notes ( text of the first version ) Audio sample 2nd version
Aichi Nagoya Nagoya-Shika ( 名古屋 市 歌 , for example "Song of the City of Nagoya") Feb. 28, 1910
Mie Tsu Kono Machi ga suki sa ( こ の ま ち が 好 き さ ) Feb 1, 2009 Text (PDF) Text of the first version 2nd version
Shiga Ōtsu Ōtsu Shimin no Uta ( 大 津 市民 の 歌 , for example "song of the citizens of Ōtsu") 1958 Text and notes Audio sample 2nd version
Kyoto Kyoto Kyōto Shika ( 京 都市 歌 , about "Song of the City of Kyōto") July 15, 1951 text Audio sample 4th version
Osaka Osaka Ōsaka Shika ( 大阪 市 歌 , something like "Song of the City of Osaka") March 1921 Text and notes Audio sample as ASX file
Sakai Sakai Shimin no Uta ( 堺 市民 の 歌 , for example "Song of the Citizens of Sakai") 1969 2nd version
Hyogo Kobe Kobe Shika ( 神 戸 市 歌 , about "Song of the City of Kobe") 1951 Text and notes (PDF) Audio sample 2nd version
Nara Nara Nara Shimin no Uta ( 奈良 市民 の 歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Nara") 1957
Wakayama Wakayama Wakayama-shi Shika ( 和 歌 山 市 市 歌 , something like "Song of the City of Nara") 1955 Text and notes Audio sample
Tottori Tottori Wakayama-shi Shika ( 伸 び ゆ く ふ る さ と , something like "Song of the City of Nara") Nov 1, 2005 text Audio sample 2nd version
Shimane Matsue Matsue-shi no uta ( 松江 市 の 歌 , something like "Song of the City of Matsue") Dec 22, 2011 Text and notes Audio sample 3rd version
Okayama Okayama Okayama Shika ( 岡山 市 歌 , something like "Song of the City of Okayama") 1930 is currently not sung
Okayama Shimin no Uta ( 岡山 市民 の 歌 , something like "song of the citizens of Okayama") 1979 in memory of 90 years of Okayama City
-KIZUNA- June 1, 2012
Hiroshima Hiroshima Hiroshima Shika ( 広 島 市 歌 , for example "Song of the City of Hiroshima") Jan. 1965 Text and notes 2nd version
Yamaguchi Yamaguchi Furusato no kaze - Yamaguchi no Uta ( ふ る さ と の 風 〜 山口 市民 の 歌 〜 , something like "A touch of home - song of the citizens of Yamaguchi") May 30, 2006 Text and notes Audio sample as WMA file 2nd version,
partial revision 2010
Tokushima Tokushima Tokushima Shiminka ( 徳 島 市民 歌 , about "Song of the Citizens of Tokushima") 1951 3rd version
Kagawa Takamatsu Takamatsu Shika ( 高 松 市 歌 (1) , for example "Song of the City of Takamatsu") 1912
Takamatsu Shika ( 高 松 市 歌 (2) , for example "Song of the City of Takamatsu")
Takamatsu Shimin no Uta ( 高 松 市民 の 歌 , for example "Song of the Citizens of Takamatsu") 1942
Ehime Matsuyama Matsuyama Shika ( 松山 市 歌 , something like "Song of the City of Matsuyama") Feb. 21, 1979
Kochi Kochi Kōchi Shika ( 高 知 市 歌 , about "Song of the City of Kōchi") March 3, 1948 Text and notes Audio sample
Fukuoka Fukuoka Fukuoka Shika ( 福岡 市 歌 , for example "Song of the City of Fukuoka") 1931 is currently not sung
Kokoro no Bōru ( 心 の ボ ー ル ) 1989 in memory of 100 years of Fukuoka City
Kitakyushu Kitakyūshū Shika ( 北九州 市 歌 , for example "Song of the City of Kitakyūshū") 1963 Text and notes Audio sample
Midori no Machi ni shimasen ka ( 緑 の ま ち に し ま せ ん か , something like "Don't we want a green city") 1981 Audio sample
saga saga Saga no Uta ( さ が の う た , something like "Saga song") 1989 in memory of 100 years of the independent city of Saga. An official city song has not yet been set.
Nagasaki Nagasaki Nagasaki Shika ( 長崎 市 歌 , roughly "Song of the City of Nagasaki") Dec 1933 Text and notes
Kumamoto Kumamoto Kumamoto Shika ( 熊 本市 歌 , for example "Song of the City of Kumamoto") March 1930 Text and notes Audio sample
Ōita Ōita Ōita Shika ( 大分 市 歌 , roughly "Song of the City Ōita") 1983 Text and notes Audio sample 3rd version
Miyazaki Miyazaki Nankoku no Machi Miyazaki ( 南国 の 街 宮 崎 市 , roughly "City in the South - Miyazaki") April 1, 1974 Text and notes Audio sample as WMA file
Kagoshima Kagoshima Kagoshima Shiminka ( 鹿 児 島 市民 歌 , about "Song of the Citizens of Kagoshima") 1972 Text and notes
Okinawa Naha Naha Shika ( 那覇 市 歌 , something like "Song of the City of Naha") around 1929 Text and notes Audio sample

Songs from towns and cities in former overseas territories

The following are the songs of cities and towns in former Japanese overseas territories. All the songs mentioned have been abolished today; the listing is for completeness.

region City (district) title Announcement link annotation
Sakhalin Toyohara Toyohara Shisei Ōka ( 豊 原 市 制 謳歌 , for example "hymn of the city of Toyohara") 1937
Kwantung lease area Dalian Dairen Shika ( 大連 市 歌 , something like "Song of the City of Dalian") 1935
Taiwan under Japanese rule Taipei Taihoku Shiminka ( 台北市 民歌 , something like "Song of the Citizens of Taipei") 1920
Korea under Japanese rule Keijō
( 京城 府 )
Keijō Fuka ( 京城 府 歌 , about "Song of the City Prefecture of Pyongyang") 1932
Busan Busan Fuka ( 釜山 府 歌 , for example "Song of the City of Busan Prefecture")
Pyongyang Warera no Heijō ( 我 等 の 平 壌 , something like "Our Pyongyang") 1932

See also


  1. The current version is the fourth version from 1952 (composition by Moroi Saburō ).
  2. ↑ In 1917 Doi Bansui was asked to write the lyrics for the song, but a composition was never added, so this version remained unfinished. In 1928 the second, now complete version was created with a text by Tezuka Yoshiki , a composition by Nobutoki Kiyoshi

Individual evidence

  1. 仙台 市 の 歌 は あ る の!? . (No longer available online.) Sendai Living November 8, 2009, archived from the original on September 24, 2015 ; Retrieved December 17, 2014 (Japanese). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. 秋田 市 の 沿革 ・ 市 章 ・ 市 の 木 ・ 市 の 花 ・ 市民 歌 . (No longer available online.) Akita City on January 28, 2014, archived from the original on February 24, 2015 ; Retrieved December 17, 2014 (Japanese). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. 川 崎 市民 の 歌 「好 き で す か わ さ き 愛 の 街」 に つ い て 知 り た い . Kawasaki City, October 16, 2014, accessed December 17, 2014 .
  4. 堺 の う た に は 、 ど ん な も の が あ る の? . Sakai City Library, accessed December 17, 2014 (Japanese).