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Yavuzeli (Turkey)
Red pog.svg
Basic data
Province (il) : Gaziantep
Coordinates : 37 ° 19 '  N , 37 ° 34'  E Coordinates: 37 ° 19 '9 "  N , 37 ° 34' 7"  E
Height : 650  m
Residents : 3,686 (2012)
Telephone code : (+90) 342
Postal code : 27900
License plate : 27
Structure and administration (status: 2014)
Mayor : Mustafa Kemal Sakaroğlu ( AKP )
Yavuzeli County
Residents : 21,200 (2012)
Surface: 486 km²
Population density : 44 inhabitants per km²
Kaymakam : Ömer Faruk Güngen
Website (Kaymakam):
Template: Infobox location in Turkey / maintenance / district

Yavuzeli (formerly Cingifedir ; from Kurdish جينكيفه Cîngîfe ) is a city and at the same time the name of a district in the Turkish province of Gaziantep in south- eastern Anatolia . The city of Yavuzeli has 3,686 and the district 21,200 inhabitants (as of 2012). Yavuzeli is located in the southeast of the province and borders the provinces of Adıyaman , Kahramanmaraş and Şanlıurfa .

The city was raised to the rank of capital of a district in 1958 and named after Yavuz Sultan Selim , who stopped here in 1517 during a campaign. The Rum Kalesi castle ruins are located on the Euphrates on the border with Şanlıurfa .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Turkish Institute for Statistics ( Memento of November 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed November 9, 2014