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ÖAV hut  category  I
Zittelhaus (left) and Sonnblickobservatory (right)

Zittelhaus (left) and Sonnblickobservatory (right)

location At the summit of the Hohe Sonnblick; Salzburg ; Valley location:  Rauris
Mountain range Goldberg Group
Geographical location: 47 ° 3 '14 "  N , 12 ° 57' 23"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 3 '14 "  N , 12 ° 57' 23"  E
Altitude 3106  m above sea level A.
Zittelhaus (State of Salzburg)
owner Alpine Club Rauris of the PES
Construction type hut
accommodation 26 beds, 57  camps
Winter room 10  bearings
Web link Zittelhaus
Hut directory ÖAV DAV

The Zittelhaus is a mountain hut the section Rauris the PES . It is located directly on the summit of the Hohe Sonnblick at 3106  m above sea level. A. in the Goldberg group in the state of Salzburg in Austria .


Zittelhaus around 1894

In 1894 Johannes Emmer wrote in the article History of the German and Austrian Alpine Club :

“In 1885, the owner of Kolm-Saigurn , Ignaz Rojacher , suggested the establishment of a meteorological station on the summit of the Sonnblick with Hofrath Dr. J. Hann at. The latter sat down with the then C.-A. [Central Committee or Board of Directors of the Section] Salzburg in connection, and this decided to take over the construction and maintenance of a station house. The G.-V. [General Assembly] approved the necessary funds and Ig. Rojacher took over the construction of the house, which was officially opened on September 2nd, 1886. With the Oesterr. Society for Meteorology an agreement was concluded, according to which for the meteor. Station the two lower rooms were left. The company also had a stone observation tower built at its own expense. However, as early as 1888, the large number of visitors to the house prompted the expansion of the building to be considered. On May 28, 1886, C.-A. Munich concluded a contract with Rojacher, according to which he transferred the property to the D. u. Oe. A.-V. resigned and undertook to build an extension for the amount of 5,000  florins . The same was done in 1889. According to the decision of the G.-V. Bozen received the house In honor of the C.-A. Munich and its President Dr. v. Zittel was named Zittelhaus, and the dedication plaque was ceremoniously unveiled on July 28, 1890. Since according to the statute of the C.-A. could not remain owner of the house, the same got in touch with the S. [Section] Salzburg because of the takeover of the same, and on October 23, 1891 with the S. Salzburg and the Oesterr. Society for Meteorology made protocol agreements according to which the Zittelhaus passed into the possession of S. Salzburg and the conditions regarding the meteorological station were regulated. The Zittelhaus is located on the summit of the Sonnblick 3,106 m, stands on peculiarly acquired land, is made of wood (only the observation tower is made of rubble) and contains anteroom, kitchen with pantry, guest room, three bedrooms with 8 and 2 beds, a bedroom with 13 Mattress camps, two guide bedrooms with 9 and 4 storage places; also for the meteorological station an observer and a scholar's room (each with a bed). The house is also managed in winter and is connected to Rauris by telephone . The construction costs of the first house amounted to 2385.19 fl., Those of the Zubaues 5000 fl. Totaly has the Central office for the house and the associated way systems (by the end of 1893) 14246.85  M. expended. (The meteorological station was supported with 10247,40 M.) Visit: 3443 P. [people]
Thal stations: Kolm-Saigurn 4 hours, Heiligenblut 6 hours "

In 1925 the Halle an der Saale section acquired the house. In 1984 the Rauris section of the OeAV bought the hut.




  • Schareck 3122  m above sea level A. , walking time 4 hours
  • Hocharn 3254  m above sea level A. , walking time 3 hours 30 minutes
  • Goldbergspitze 3072  m above sea level A. , walking time 1 hour
  • Hoher Sonnblick 3105  m above sea level A. , walking time 5 minutes

From the Hohe Sonnblick the Klagenfurt Jubiläumsweg leads over the Hocharn, the Krumlkeesscharte with the Otto-Umlauft-Bivouac to the Hochtor and on to the Wallackhaus . It is a high-alpine ridge ascent of difficulty I , partly over glaciers, and a walking time of 11 to 15 hours.


  • Alpine club map sheet 42, 1: 25,000, Sonnblick

Web links

Commons : Zittelhaus  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hut directory ÖAV
  2. ^ Homepage Zittelhaus
  3. Johannes Emmer: ALO docView - Journal of the German and Austrian Alpine Club Vol. 25 (1894). History of the German and Austrian Alpine Club. Pp. 325–326 , accessed January 26, 2017 .
  4. ^ Chronicle of the Rauris section in the PES
  5. Liselotte Buchenauer , Peter Holl: Alpine Club Guide Ankogel and Goldberg Group . Bergverlag Rudolf Rother , Munich 1986. ISBN 3-7633-1247-1 . Margin number 2146