10. San Marine Cabinet

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The 10th cabinet consisted of the Partito Socialista Sammarinese (PSS) and Partito Comunista Sammarinese (PCS), and it was in office from September 16, 1955 to October 23, 1957.

The PCS and PSS, which have ruled together since the end of the war, continued their cooperation after the parliamentary elections in 1955, in which they together received 35 out of 60 seats. After the government lost a majority on September 18, 1957 when five PSS and one PCS deputies resigned, a constitutional crisis broke out. The previous opposition, which now had a majority of 31 seats in parliament, appointed a provisional government (comitato esecutivo) to include Federigo Bigi , Giovanni Zaccaria Savoretti , Pietro Giancecchi and Alvaro Casali . The provisional government withdrew to the Rovereta near the border . After Italy sealed off the borders and threatened invasion, the old government gave up. On October 23, 1957, a new government (Congresso di Stato) was elected by Parliament ( Consiglio Grande e Generale ) .

List of ministers

The San Marinese constitution has no head of government; in the diplomatic protocol, the foreign minister takes on the role of head of government.

Office minister Political party Term of office
Foreign Giacomo Gino PSS September 16, 1955 - October 23, 1957
Home and finance Domenico Morganti PCS September 16, 1955 - October 23, 1957
education Alvaro Casali PSS September 16, 1955 - February 4, 1957
Alberto Reffi PSS February 4, 1957 - October 23, 1957
Public Works Domenico Forcellini PSS September 16, 1955 - March 8, 1957
Luigi Montironi PSS April 9, 1957 - October 23, 1957
Judiciary Giuseppe Forcellini PSS September 16, 1955 - March 8, 1957
Mariano Ceccoli PSS April 9, 1957 - October 23, 1957
Social Ermenegildo Gasperoni PCS September 16, 1955 - October 23, 1957
health Giordano Giacomini PSS September 16, 1955 - October 23, 1957
Agriculture Mario Nanni PCS September 16, 1955 - October 23, 1957
communication Agostino Giacomini PCS September 16, 1955 - October 23, 1957
Economy and work Vincenzo Pedini PCS September 16, 1955 - October 23, 1957


  1. ^ Segretario di Stato per gli Affari Esteri e Politici
  2. ^ Deputato per gli Affari Interni e Finanze
  3. Deputato per la Pubblica Istruzione, lo Sport e lo Spettacolo
  4. ^ Deputato per i Lavori Pubblici
  5. ^ Deputato per la Giustizia e il Culto
  6. ^ Deputato per l'Assistenta e la Previdenza
  7. ^ Deputato per l'Igiene e la Sanità
  8. ^ Deputato per l'Agricultura
  9. ^ Deputato per le Communicazioni
  10. ^ Deputato per l'Economia e il Lavoro


  • Domenico Gasperoni: I Governi di San Marino. Storia e personaggi. AIEP Editore, Serravalle 2015, ISBN 978-88-6086-118-4 , pp. 173-179.


  1. These events are called Fatti diRovereta , see under Events of Rovereta .